The Final Battle

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(Author's Note): We're at the final fight. Team Miracle VS Hawk Moth, let's see how it goes down.

It was nighttime, and Prizmaltorch was on the rooftops watching over the city. He, Ladybug and Cat Noir had defeated every villain that Hawk Moth sent after them.

Prizmaltorch: It looks like Hawk Moth's gearing up for something big. Whatever it is, I've gotta be ready for it!

Suozzo then flew out of Prizmaltorch which resulted in the blond hero turning back into Karsin.

Suozzo: I'm really proud of you Karsin. You're just as great as my masters before you.

Karsin: Thanks man. It felt like yesterday that I was a vigilanty and the day before that I was a normal boy just living a simple life.

Suozzo: But look at yourself now. A hero defending Paris from-

The spirit guide was then cut off when he heard people running away while screaming. Thunder was loud and akumas were swarming the city, Karsin knew what he had to do. 

Karsin: For the good of all, a hero will rise!

Karsin then transformed into Prizmaltorch and boosted off to see what was going on.

In The City...

There was a mother running to safety from the akuma swarm with her child. Just as they were about to be consumed by the swarm, Prizmaltorch boosted in and saved them.

Prizmaltorch: (to the Mother and he child) You two stay safe! Head to the sewers and hide!

The two then ran off just as an akuma swarm knocked Prizmaltorch into a wall. The blond hero looked up in horror to see Hawk Moth hovering over him with the akumas forming wings.

Hawk Moth: It's good to finally meet you in person Prizmaltorch. I'm ready to take the third piece of Gimmi from you.

Prizmaltorch then got up and looked at Hawk Moth with an anger look on his face.

Prizmaltorch: So you wanna get fast Hawk Moth, fine! Let's get fast!

Prizmaltorch then boosted off as Hawk Moth sent a swarm of akumas after him, Prizmaltorch boosted as the akuma swarm chased after him. The blond superhero then dodged a slam attack sent by the swarm of purple moths.

Prizmaltorch: Aw crap!

The scene then froze after an explosion with Prizmaltorch barely missing it as the blond hero started narrating again.

Prizmaltorch (as narrator): So, here we are again! We've been through so much together! Now you understand why there's a swarm of purple moths chasing a blond superhero. Want to know how it ends? Yeah, me too.

The scene then unfroze as Prizmaltorch then got knocked over by another swarm of akumas. Before the two swarms could finish him off, Ladybug and Cat Noir managed to save him.

Ladybug: (to Prizmaltorch) Good to see you're okay buddy.

Prizmaltorch woke up to see his two companions ready to help him fight.

Prizmaltorch: Alright! Let's do this.

Cat Noir: We're stronger together!

Prizmaltorch: No! This guy's to strong for you to take on! I have to do this alone!

(Pause Music Here)

Prizmaltorch then levitated up in the air as his eyes started to glow blue. The blond hero was now in his super form, he had purple hair, blue eyes, the color scheme of his costume(except for his shoes and gloves) was now jade with golden stripes.

Prizmaltorch: Alright Hawk Moth! Bring it on!

Prizmaltorch then boosted towards the moth themed villain with full force in his superform and the two were now at a stand off.

Hawk Moth: You may have a new trick up your sleeve, but I will take all three peices of Gimmi to obtain the ultimate power!

Prizmaltorch: I like to see you try it old man!

The two then went neck to neck in their battle. Prizmaltorch landed some homing attacks followed by some stomp attacks and boost attacks as well as spin dash attacks on him. Cat Noir soon got up and was helping out to the point that Hawk Moth used his syconics to grab him and even tear off Cat Noir's mask bit by bit as Hawk Moth was shocked at what he saw.

Hawk Moth: (shockingly) Adrien.

Realizing that Nooroo was right and that he nearly killed his son Gabriel revoked his powers causing the lava and lightning to disappear. Hawk Moth painfully struggled to undo his transformation but then turned back into Gabriel has white butterfly left him as well as Prizmaltorch and Ladybug were shocked to learn that the famous Gabriel Agreste was Hawk Moth.

(Pause Music Here)

Gabriel Agreste: (sadly) Adrien!

Adrien then came too and saw his father as the mastermind standing before him.

Cat Noir: Dad, you? All of this because of you?

Gabriel Agreste: (in tears) Look at you, what have I done my little boy.

Cat Noir: But why?

Gabriel then explained the full story and what happened which led to him becoming Hawk Moth. Prizmaltorch and Ladybug both felt sorry for him.

Prizmaltorch: I know what it's like to lose someone you care about. But I moved on by meeting new people.

Ladybug: Prizmaltorch is right Mr. Agreste. I'm sure your wife would have wanted you to move on.

Cat Noir: You've gotta let her go father.

Gabriel: You're right Adrien.

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