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-1 Month Later-

I rested my head against the railing of the balcony. It was a crisp summer sky, the birds were twittering. A small breeze ruffled through my hair. I sighed.

"Y/N!" A sudden voice jolted me out of my thoughts. I flinched, turning my head towards the sound.

Susan stormed into the balcony. "Y/N!" She repeated. "Your wedding is in two hours and you're here dawdling!" She scolded.

She hooked my arm and led me back inside my room. My dress was hung on a mannequin. There was a dressing table with my makeup set out and prepared. All I had to do was endure through it.

Susan was already unlacing the back of my dress and pushing me behind the closet walls. I let myself get pushed by her.

My emotions were in turmoil. It wasn't that I didn't want to get married... it all seemed so early. I had barely known Peter for more than a couple months.

Of course, in Narnia, we were time bound. After our adventure was over, we'd be placed back in our own worlds. I couldn't bear to go back to Seattle now. After everything. After becoming a wife... and quite possibly....

A mother.

Could I return with the same mindset after living part of my adult life here in Narnia. I'd have to go back to doing normal things. Going to school instead of studying in the Palace Library. P.E. class instead of archery.

High school dances instead of Balls.

But I loved Peter. It was the right choice to marry him. I kept telling myself that as I wore my wedding dress.

It had an off-shoulder neckline. The whole thing was accented with Swarovski crystals. It flowed down to my feet in waves. The fabric was white and silver. It was gorgeous.

I sat down on a chair and looked in the mirror as Susan did my hair and makeup. I couldn't help but stare at how... beautiful I looked.

Susan twisted my hair in a lower bun, leaving curls to frame my face. She applied light makeup to my face, leaving my dress to be the star of the occasion. For the finishing touch, she placed a veil on my head that outlined my silhouette.

"There..." Susan breathed as she finished. She knelt down and looked at me through the mirror, admiring her work. I noticed the glint of her own engagement ring.

Her and Caspian had married mere weeks after the Announcement. I imagined my left finger would bear a similar ring in a couple moments.

I stood up from the chair and took Susan's hand. She led me down to the courtyard where the wedding would be taking place.

I took a deep breath before I entered the courtyard. This was going to be possibly the biggest decision of my life.

Susan gave me a reassuring look. "I know how you feel. It's going to get much better... I promise." She squeezed my arm. I nodded at her words.

She let go of my arm and went into the courtyard to join the celebration. Edmund came up to me now. Usually, the father walks the bride down the aisle, but Edmund was like an older brother, so when the wedding was being planned, he had asked if he could have the honor.

I linked my arm to his and he gave me a small smile. "Ready?" He asked before we stepped out.

"Yes." I replied.

We opened the doors and walked out into the courtyard. The small murmurs that echoed around slowed to a stop. Every head turned towards me.

My stomach suddenly fluttered at all the attention, and I grew self-conscious. I looked at all the eyes that stared at me... then landed on a pair of dark ones.

There he stood.

He had his hands folded neatly behind him. He wore a sharp black tux and his hair was combed to one side. While the other pairs of eyes looked at my dress, or my hair, or my jewelry, Peter's gaze locked onto mine.

His eyes were glistening a little as a small smile was set on his lips. The way he looked at me made all my doubts go away. Simply him being there grounded me.

This was right.

I could feel it in my bones. I walked forward with more of a purpose. We made it to the end of the aisle. I parted from Edmund and Peter took my hands into his own.

Caspian was acting in the role of the priest, saying everything. But I wasn't paying attention. I could only stare at Peter and imagine all the possibilities of our life together.

I didn't even realize when the time came to say our vows. "I do." Peter smiled. He reached behind him to a pillow that Lucy held. The pillow had two rings on it. Peter took one and slipped it on my finger.

"Do you take Peter Pevensie to be your husband?" Caspian asked.

I took the ring from Lucy and slipped it on Peter's finger. "I do." I nodded.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Caspian announced.

Peter didn't miss a beat pulling me towards him. Our lips molded together. This kiss was different than the others. It seemed to hold some meaning... a promise of some sorts.

We parted and applause rippled among the crowd. Music flowed from somewhere and Peter took my hand, leading me off the alter.

We went over to the dance floor, staring to sway slowly to the music. It wasn't long before others joined around us. Pretty soon the spotlight off us was gone and usual chatter filled the area.

"How do you feel?" Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Not sure... but good." I said, smiling.

"Me too." Peter responded, making me spin.

When the music slowed, most people left the floor. The sun dipped, enveloping the sky in a golden hue. I laid my head on Peter's chest and stayed wrapped in his arms.

If I could freeze this moment and live it forever, I would. It was so peaceful in his arms. I could feel him rubbing small circles on my back.

Pretty soon, people started packing things up and leaving. They congratulated us and left us with their gifts.

"This was meant to be... I can feel it." Peter said. With the way the light shone behind him, he looked almost like an angel... giving me a sign.

"I can feel it too." I smiled, pulling him into another kiss. This kiss got more heated this time as he pulled me closer to him. For some reason, it wasn't close enough.

"Save the honeymoon for later." A voice shouted at us, laughing.

"Get a room!" Another voice joked.

Peter broke apart from the kiss. With one quick motion he swooped me up into his arms. "They're right." He muttered.

He carried me back inside and somehow managed to take me all the way upstairs to his room.

It wasn't long before my gorgeous white dress was on the floor.

*I don't write smut*

-The Next Morning-

I lay in the bed practically naked. Peter had given me one of his shirts to wear. It was oversized enough that it covered most of me.


Although our little "adventure" had been exciting and tiring, I lay in bed awake in the morning. The sunlight filtered through the curtains. I could feel Peter behind my back. His arm over my waist, pulling me into his bare chest.

Just the flashbacks of the past night had my stomach still fluttering with butterflies. It was a side of Peter that wasn't publicly shown a lot.

"I can tell you're not asleep." Peter's voice whispered, his breath hot on my neck.

"Looks like neither are you." I said, turning over to face him. He smiled down at me brushing a piece of hair off my face.

"But you're tired?" He asked. I nodded. "How about we open our presents for each other?" He suggested.

My eyes lit up. We had both worked hard to get each other the perfect present. I couldn't wait to see Peter's reaction to the one I got him.

I sat up from bed as he did the same. "Me first." I said as I got up from the bed. I walked over to the pile of gifts that had been delivered to the room before. I had mine specially kept in the closet. I grabbed it and walked back to the bed.

"You should wear my clothes more often." Peter muttered, his eyes raking over me. The same darkness that had entered his eyes last night flashed in them right now. I could feel my core flutter, but I pushed it aside.

"Here." I extended my gift. It was very long. Peter started opening it up. It revealed to be a sword.

"Amazing... it's perfectly balanced." He noted, holding it out.

"That's not the only thing..." I pointed to the hilt. There was a painting on it of both Peter and I together.

I had remembered when he told me the thing that got him through battle was me, and the prospect of us being together. He had said that simply by seeing my face, it had given him strength in the war. So I decided to have a special sword welded for him specifically with our painting on it.

"That's beautiful." He whispered, his fingers tracing over it.

"That's not all..." I said. "Tilt the blade towards the light." I instructed.

He did as I said. As the blade caught the light, an inscription revealed itself on the blade's surface.

"I'm with you, forever and eternity, with love Y/N." He read out. The inscription was handwritten and signed by me.

"This is so thoughtful, thank you love." Peter looked at me and pulled me into a hug. "I think the only way I can thank you is by showing you my gift." He said as he hopped out of bed.

I watched as he made his way to a cabinet and pulled out a box. He was only wearing a set of black sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his lips. I once again ignored the feeling in my core.

I took the gift in my hands. It was wrapped in beautiful gold and black wrapping paper. It seemed too beautiful to even tear.

"I can already tell this is going to be good." I told Peter. There was a ribbon which held down a card. I took the card out and opened it.

Dearest Y/N,I-

There were multiple bangs on our door. I flinched at the noise. "Wake up, there's an emergency! At the waterfront!" Lucy's voice rang out.

I immediately put the card back in the ribbon and set the gift aside. Both of us rushed to the closet to find something suitable to wear. I just put on a long robe that covered over me and slipped into some trousers. Peter slipped on a black robe, loosely tying it in the front.

We rushed out the door and practically ran downstairs. Peter's horse was already prepared by the servants. He hopped on right away and I jumped on behind him.

We galloped off towards the waterfront where the ocean met the kingdom's land. Susan and Caspian, and Peter and Lucy were already there. Even Aslan was standing there.

This could only mean something serious.

They were all staring out at the ocean. Peter and I hopped off our horse and walked up to where they were looking.

I followed there gaze out to some boats in the water. It seemed fine at first, they were just sailing away.

But then...

With horror I saw a green smoke emerge. It started to grow and envelop the boats.

I could hear the people screaming, pleading for mercy. Some even jumped off the boats. But the smoke swallowed them whole until... nothing could be seen.

Then at once, the smoke cleared off into nothing, disappearing all together.

The boats were nowhere to be seen. Neither were any of the people.

Fear clutched my throat as I released a breath, I hadn't realized I was holding in.

"Seems you have a new quest." Aslan stated.

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