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The walk up to the ruins was long and taxing, but it did well to dry my clothes. Once up there, we all looked around. The ruins were rubble around us. There was a large circular space with broken down walls around. Lucy walked up to a tree, taking off an apple. She threw it to me, and I caught it. She took off her shoes, took an apple for her own, and continued searching.
The siblings dispersed, each going their own way. I found no need for Peter's jacket, now that I was dry, so I took it off my shoulders and held it in my hands. I took a bite out of the apple, relishing its sweetness, then walked towards Peter as he was crouching down, assessing something on the ground.
"Thank you." I spoke, extending my hand with the jacket in it. Peter looked up, noticing me. He stood up and didn't take his eyes away.
"I think you should keep it until you find more... proper clothes." He replied. I looked down at my sweatpants and black tank top. It seemed fine to me, but considering these people looked like they belonged to medieval times, they probably thought I was practically naked. I remembered learning about all the layers of clothing women had to wear in this time period.
"Oh no, are my shoulders too distracting for you?" I grumbled, putting the jacket around me once more. I was suddenly conscious of myself.
"Not your shoulders, but you are quite the distraction." Peter joked, grabbing the apple from my hands, then brushing past me and walking away. I froze, slightly taken aback at his... flirtatious comment? I heard him crunch and take a bite out of it. I turned around, ready with a reply for him but Lucy interrupted me.
"I wonder who lived here." She said. Susan noticed something on the ground and picked it up.
"I think we did." Susan peered closely at the object. The rest of us walked over to her, gathering around.
"Hey, that's mine...from my chess set." Edmund noticed, taking the object in his hand.
"Which chess set?" Peter asked.
"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?" Edmund replied sarcastically.
"Finchley? Is that in London? You're not originally from Narnia?" I asked as I suddenly came to the realization. They all looked towards me.
"No, the first time we came here, we accidentally wandered in." Susan started to explain. "We're from the real world, like you. Except a different place..." Susan took a glance at my clothes. "And I think a different time period too."
"What year is it in your world?" I asked.
"1941." Peter replied. My eyes widened.
"1941? I'm from the year 2022." I said. Their surprise was much greater than mine.
"You're from the future?" Susan looked at me closely. They all did.
"What's it like?" Edmund asked.
"Lots of technology. More freedom. More equal rights." I summarized. Peter looked like he wanted to ask me more questions, but Lucy suddenly ran off.
"It can't be." She mumbled as she stood in the middle of the large dais spread beneath us. We all followed and ran after her, wondering what she had seen.
"Don't you see?" She exclaimed. She took a hold of Peter's hand and guided him to stand in a certain spot.
"What?" Peter questioned.
"Imagine walls..." Lucy whispered as she pulled Susan along too, making her stand next to Peter. "And columns there..." Lucy pointed as she dragged Edmund. "And a glass roof." She finished, taking her spot next to Edmund.
They stood in a line, looking out and around them.
"Our home..." Susan muttered.
"Cair Paravel." I spoke up remembering what I had read. Immediately Edmund started assessing the rubble closer. He bent down and looked at something.
"Catapults." Edmund stated.
"What?" Peter walked over to Edmund.
"This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked." Edmund announced. The silence settled over the air. Where would the Kings and Queens go if their home was attacked? The boys ran over to a wall and started moving it to reveal a door behind it. They broke the door down. Inside was a dark staircase that led down somewhere.
Peter tore off a piece of his short and wrapped it around a stick. "I don't suppose you have any matches in there, do you?" He looked at us.
I patted down the pockets of my sweatpants even though I knew I didn't have any. Everyone shook their head, but Edmund seemed to have a certain look in his eye.
"No... but would this help?" Edmund smirked as he pulled an electric torch out of his bag.
"You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter let out a laugh as he grabbed the torch out of Edmund's hand. Susan was the first to enter. I entered behind her and Peter behind me. The stairs were small, and it was hard to see in the dark.
It didn't help that I could feel Peter right behind me, closer than I would've liked due to the tight space. I could almost feel his body's warmth and-
I let out a noise when I slipped on a step. But before I could tumble, a strong grip stopped me from falling on my face.
"Careful." Peter said as he slowly let go. I brushed myself off and quickly descended the steps. I was glad that the darkness would hide my embarrassingly red face. Right as all of the Pevensies stepped down, lights illuminated the chamber.
Lucy ran past me towards the four chests she saw, opening her own. The others each went to their own chests, immediately looking inside
"I can't believe it. It's all still here." Peter noted.
Lucy pulled out a large dress. It was a light peach pink and orange and flared. I thought it looked beautiful. "I was so tall." Lucy wondered.
"Well, you were older then." Susan reminded her.
"As opposed to hundreds of years later... when you're younger." Edmund stated. It took me a moment to understand what he was trying to say. Lucy brought the dress towards me.
"I think this'll fit you." She said, handing it to me.
"Thanks Lucy!" I gratefully said as I took the dress from her.
Peter blew the dust away from the object in his hands, it seemed to be some kind of shield. I walked closer and noticed it was a lion.
Hmm... I felt like I had seen him somewhere....
Peter glanced up at the statue behind his chest. I could tell he was deep in thought. I could hear Lucy conversing with Susan.
"My horn. I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back." Susan said wistfully. Peter slowly opened his chest, taking out his sword and drawing it. I leaned closer to read the words.
"When Aslan bears his teeth, winter meets its death." I read out. Lucy didn't even have to read the next part, she seemed to have it memorized.
"And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." She finished. Everyone gathered closer. "Everyone we knew... Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers... they're all gone." Lucy sadly whispered.
"I think it's time we found out what's going on." Peter said, determination in his voice.
That seemed to rouse all the other Pevensies, and Peter's courage spread through all of them. "You're right, Peter. Let's change into our outfits and then trek off." Susan suggested. First all the girls exited the chamber so that Edmund and Peter could change. After they were done, Lucy, Susan, and I went below.
Susan put up three dividers so that we could have privacy. "Y/N, let me know if you need any help putting on your dress, I remember how hard it was for me the first time." She told me. I nodded, thanking her, then went behind my screen.
Susan was right. It was hard to put on the dress. But I don't know what it was inside me that was stopping me from asking for help. These were Kings and Queens. Imagine how they'd feel if they saw that I couldn't even put on my own clothes. So, I tried by myself. There were layers and laces and ruffles everywhere.
I struggled for a couple of minutes. I think I heard footsteps, but I couldn't really tell. I finally had put the dress on when I realized I still had to button up the back. But no matter how hard I reached, I couldn't button all of them.
I was completely dressed except my back, so I stepped out from behind my divider. "Susan-" But instead of Susan, I saw Peter peering in his chest. I immediately scrambled behind my divider.
"Susan's not here, she left... is there anything you need?" Peter spoke out.
"I uh, no I need Susan to help me with my dress." I replied.
"She's scouting a route with Lucy and Edmund... if it's okay... I could perhaps be of assistance." Peter's voice was closer now.
"Um..." I thought about it. I couldn't exactly wait for Susan to come; I didn't know how far she was. And besides it was just my back I needed help with. I'm sure Peter knew how to use a button. I slowly stepped out from behind the divider. "Could you help me with the back of my dress?" I asked.
I was scared he'd make a sarcastic remark, but he nodded. "Of course, turn around." He instructed. I did so and pulled my hair away from my back. I could feel him come closer. I felt his breath on the nape of my back before I felt his fingers slowly buttoning the dress.
He made sure to stay respectful and only touched my skin when he needed to. But his hands were warm, and each touch seemed to make my heart skip a beat. I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath until he stepped back. For some reason... I missed the warmth his proximity had brought me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
He gave a small bow and turned around to walk up the stairs. I put my hair up in a ponytail and joined the rest of the Pevensies above ground.
"I scouted a river, I think if we follow it, we'll reach civilization." Susan said, shouldering her bow. I noticed they each had their weapons with them. Susan had her bow and arrows, Lucy had a dagger and some kind of red liquid, Edmund and Peter both had swords. I felt... vulnerable. I could only hope we wouldn't run into any trouble. Who would attack a King or Queen?
"Okay let's go then." Lucy nodded and we all started walking. We went deeper in the forrest. I heard the river before I saw it, the rushing sound of the waters. As the trees cleared, we came upon the river. I looked at its blue waters.
But far off, I noticed something. Was that a boat? It seemed like there were two men. They were picking something... no someone up. They were going to throw him!
"Look!" I pointed. Susan was the quickest. She quickly nocked an arrow and it hit the side of the boat. We all ran up to the shore, all of the Pevensies drawing their weapons. Susan quickly put another arrow to the string.
"Drop him!" She yelled. The soldiers took those words literally and dropped the dwarf into the water. Immediately Edmund and Peter jumped into the river. One of the men picked up a crossbow, and Susan shot him. The other jumped into the water and swam away.
Peter focused on getting the dwarf from underwater while Edmund pulled in the boat to shore. Peter emerged from the surface carrying the dwarf. He dropped him on the rocky sand. Lucy cut the dwarf's bonds with her dagger. I felt kind of useless watching them handle the situation. I wish there was something I could've done.
The dwarf pulled the gag off. "Drop him"?! That's the best you can come up with?" He complained.
"A simple thank you would suffice." Susan corrected.
"They were doing fine drowning me without your help." The ungrateful dwarf grunted.
"Maybe we should have let them." I retorted.
"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked, trying to diffuse the tension.
"They're Telmarines. That's what they do." The dwarf mumbled, standing up to his feet.
"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund said confused.
"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" The dwarf mocked.
"It's a bit of a long story." Lucy quietly said. Peter put his sword back in his hilt. But not before the dwarf noticed something on the hilt. He looked up at Peter, then surveyed the rest of us.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it?" He asked in disbelief. "You're the kings and queens of old?"
Peter looked proudly down at the dwarf, extending his hand forward. "High King Peter... the Magnificent." He said.
"You probably could have left out the last bit." I muttered to Peter.
"Probably." The dwarf chuckled. "I'm Trumpkin by the way."
"You might be surprised." Peter drew out his sword in a challenge to defend his title.
"You don't want to do that, boy." Trumpkin warned.
"Not me." Peter began. "Him." Peter looked at Edmund who drew his own sword. Peter handed his sword to Trumpkin. Trumpkin took it unsure. But then suddenly he struck out towards Edmund.
Edmund was prepared.
With a quick flick, Edmund easily disarmed Trumpkin, and the sword clattered on the ground. Edmund smiled proudly at Peter, then gave the smallest glance towards me. But he stared a bit too long and suddenly, Trumpkin picked up the sword. He knocked Edmund's sword away and swung. Edmund ducked just in time.
Edmund couldn't recover quick enough and Trumpkin sliced him on the cheek. Edmund winced and backed up a little.
"Aw, you alright?" Trumpkin mocked. Edmund swiftly grabbed his sword and they circled around each other. Trumpkin slashed at Edmund's feet, but he jumped with both feet off the ground so that the blow went under him. Edmund took that chance and sliced forward. A couple moves later, Trumpkin's sword flew out of his grip. Trumpkin stared at Edmund's victory, falling to the ground on his knees.
"Beards and bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all." He grunted in disbelief.
"Wait..." Susan spoke up. "What horn?"
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