Another week have passed and it was currently Saturday. Everyone was with Harry backstage in order to support him but his eyes were focused on the blue eyed angel with him. They were making out every second they could.
Harry pulled back from the kiss for breathing, "Lou..." he moaned breathlessly. After they both calmed down he started again, "Lou, if you're not ready I completely understand you know. We can try again in another show."
Louis gave him a quick peck on the lips "I'm ready Hazza, at least I hope so. I'll perform only the brave, it's short so it's gonna be quick I can handle that"
"Okay baby" He kissed his forehead, "if anything makes you uncomfortable just tell me and we'll stop immediately"
Liam, Niall, and Zayn will be performing one of their works as well in means of moral support for Louis. Harry was gonna perform 3 songs then Liam would step up and perform bedroom floor, then he will be followed by Zayn, performing Vibez, then Niall which will be performing No Judgement and that's when the plan will initiate.
Harry kissed Louis one last time then stepped up on stage. The arena was full, 50,000 person came to watch today's exclusive concert. "Good evening London!" He closed his eyes and enjoyed the response that he got from this amazing family he have got. "So today, the most important people in my life came with me from Holmes Chapel. My best friends are gonna be performing tonight Make some noises for them!" The room went wild. "Thank you for being the best fans in the world, love you all!" And with that he started with sign of the times.
The flow continued and soon it was Niall's turn to perform. Everyone adored Liam nd Zayn. Niall stepped up and started singing no judgement. Towards the middle of the song the lights turned blue and green. Louis and Harry held hands and stepped on the stool that was gonna lift them up high in the night sky. The crowd was going crazy and Louis was nervous as hell. As Niall's performance came to an end , all the lights dimmed and the torch was focused on Louis and Harry. The screens were all showing the couple up holding hands. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight, I truly love you all. This is a new song I wrote and it's very important to me".
He started performing if I could fly. Everyone teared up as they listened to the lyrics. Louis looked lovingly at him, his eyes full with adoration towards his curly haired boyfriend. He carried on and started singing after the first chorus, the whole arena went quiet all of a sudden, everyone was shocked. They adored Louis' voice, it was soft and angelic. Louis got really scared, he thought that the silence was because they didn't like his voice but he was proven wrong when seconds later everyone was chanting his name. People outside the arena were able to hear it all, they stood there shocked from the silence that was followed by screams of Louis' name. "seems like there is a new artist rising to fame" a 30 year old man mumbled as he passed by.
As the song came to an end Harry started speaking, "You guys are the best, you are my family, my life, my whole purpose of fighting and not giving up. I love you all so much, but this angel next to me is the one I love the most." Everyone cooed at the cheesy line and Louis' face turned into a cute shade of pink. "I want you all to meet my amazing boyfriend Louis Tomlinson!" The crowd cheered for the lovely couple as they were set back to ground. "Thank you all so much for all the support and love you are showing us. The next song will be Only the brave by none other than my boobear" He smirked as Louis smacked his arm and pouted cutely. He gave him a quick peck on the lips, which made everyone go wild, then went back to let his angel perform.
The concert went on through the night for 2 hours. It was time for the last performance and the lads were gonna perform together. "This is what makes you beautiful". They performed it and everyone loved there voices combined together.
Harry finished his goodbye speech and all 5 lads bowed, as they were backing off the stage they heard the crowd screaming "Larry Stylinson!" repeatedly. That got tears to both lads, they hugged each other for dear life for what felt like hours. After breaking apart, even though they didn't want to, they had a group hug with Liam, Zayn and Niall.
That night all 5 lads slept peacefully, happy with tonight's event. Harry and Louis were on cloud nine as they went all the way in for the first time, they didn't know which one they preferred so they took turns to top and bottom and agreed to always take turns.
Larry Stylinson was trending worldwide on twitter for three consecutive days and Louis and Harry were over the moon. Harry eventually told everyone about his test results and they assured him that he will be alright. December was coming and so was the Christmas break, Harry wanted to take Louis on a trip to their farmhouse and everyone agreed but they must be back the day before Louis' birthday. He planned the whole trip and made a list of what they will need and, most importantly, he made sure that Louis had no clue about it.
This was it, his life. He was content and happy with it, not caring about his 'cancer'. He had an amazing family, true amazing friends who were with him for himself and not for fame, and a gorgeous, breathtaking boyfriend that was his home.
Thank you so much for reading, you are truly amazing I really hope you're liking it.
Thank you Lili so much :)
Thank you for reading:)
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