Ch.7 Hope

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Everyone was currently sitting having dinner in Harry's house. Harry and Louis were sitting next to each other and holding hands under the table, Anne and Gemma wanted Louis to stay with Harry till the end, stick with him till they are old and wrinkly, they knew that Louis is Harry's happiness source and they already loved the blue eyed angel so they were more than happy with it. Anne broke the peaceful silence by saying the thing that have been on her mind for the past 2 days, "Harry, your father called and he said that he found you a doctor. He also mentioned something about the doctor being specialized in your case of cancer and that he has a really good reputation"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Anne as she spoke the words that will lead to the confirmation about Harry's terminal cancer case, it's either a yes he is terminal or a no, he's completely fine and in good shape, and everyone already knows that Harry have been feeling great so they had high hopes for a positive answer, an answer that will allow him to have a happily ever after with his beloved ones.

"When" Harry spoke in a small delicate voice, as if afraid to break something if he spoke

"Your plane is on Monday, appointment is on Wednesday and you'll be back by Sunday. Des will be waiting for you in the airport, he already got a room prepared for you and he won't stop talking about how much fun you guys will have and how jealous Gemma will be for not being there." Anne let out a soft laugh, Gemma muttered a 'whatever' under her breath and Harry had the biggest smile on his face which caused his dimples to pop out more than normal. Louis and the others were so happy for him and hoped for the best results.

Louis leaned and gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek "I'm sure it will go great love". Harry shot him a toothy grin and pecked his forehead as a thank you.

"Can you 2 stop being so cute" Groaned Gemma and rolled her eyes playfully. "Since I postpone my exams to spend the week with you my dear Harold, tomorrow we're spending some quality siblings time"

Harry felt bad when he saw how excited his sister was but he have been waiting to take Louis on a date for as long as he can remember. "Sorry Gems, but I'm taking Louis on a date tomorrow. You can help me pack though and spend the night in my room, we can watch something then talk about everything and nothing like the old days" He tried making up something in order to not let Gemma down, and it did actually work.

"Awweeeee, my baby brother is growing up, he's going on a date already." She said, wiping the fake tears. "Okay sure but use protection love." With that she stood up and took the plate to the sink leaving Harry and Louis a blushing mess.

That night Louis got home happier than ever, he told his mom everything and she hugged him telling him that she's so proud of him and that Harry is doing great, hopefully the doctors here are mistaken. Then they laughed a bit about how his sisters will start fangirling once they know that their brother is dating their idol.

Lottie came running downstairs, "Mom, Louis! Can we watch a movie please it's called clouds and based on a true story please let's watch it! please mom" Lottie did her signature puppy eyes that no one can resist.

"Sure love, Louis may you please go set up the movie" Louis replied with a nod and left to turn on the movie. Jay looked at Lottie and said, "Darling, do you know what the movie is about?" Lottie shrugged and replied with a "no". Jay sighed and looked at Louis debating on whether to tell him or not, but it was already too late cuz everyone was sitting and waiting for the movie to start already.

Once Louis knew about the plot of the movie he excused himself and went up to his room with tears brimming his eyes. Lottie got worried about her brother so she went up to check on him. She softly knocked on the door and when she heard faint sobbing she barged in. "Lou, what's wrong? what happened? are you okay? louis..." Lottie didn't know why but she also had tears in her eyes. She sat by Louis and he automatically wrapped his arms around her.

"Lots, I need to tell you something, but promise me that you won't scream or tell our sisters, I wanna wait a bit. Mom already knows." Louis said once his cries have quieted down. Lottie nodded and gave her brother her full attention. "So, you know that I love someone" Charlotte nodded again, "well, I kissed him today and" Louis took a deep breath, "and, we're going out on a date tomorrow."

"That's great Lou, but I don't get it, why are telling me not to tell anyone" Lottie asked genuinely (a real one not like Louis') confused.

"well here it comes" Louis murmured. He inhaled a deep breath and continued, "well, he have suffered from lung cancer for 3 years, last year they told him he's terminal and that he won't make it to his senior year, but he is still here. Whenever he goes to an appointment they tell him that his body is shutting down in a very slow pace." Louis by now had tears rolling down again, Lottie gave a gentle squeeze to his hand but didn't say anything cuz she really wants to know everything. "He sys that he feels fine and he looks healthy and all, heck he doesn't look sick at all, but the doctor is insisting that he's dying."

"What a stubborn doctor" louis chuckled at his sister comment and continued.

"Well Lots, my prince charming is living his dream just like what Zach did, he is now a worldwide known artist" Lottie froze in the spot, it couldn't be, she thought. It can't be him, can it?

Lottie gulped and looked at Louis, "Is it, the guy, is he..."

"It is" Louis put on a small sad smile, "it is him lots, it's Harry, Harry Styles. Our all time favourite celebrity. He is going to LA on Monday, his biological dad is there and he said that he found him a doctor, and now I can't stop thinking about it. I just hope he will be alright, I truly love him lots and I wanna grow old with him, have a family with him, I only want him, only him, no one else. He made me promise him to move on once he passes away, he said he wants to be remembered but also wants me to have a family and a happily ever after with him." By now Louis was sobbing again and Lottie had tears pouring down her eyes.

"Oh Lou, I'm sure he will be alright, have faith in god, hopefully he will be perfectly fine and it's just the doctor's damaged brain speaking nonsense". They sat down hugging and comforting each other, no words needed, only their warmth.

Louis is currently getting ready for his date. It was currently 10AM and Harry said that he'll pick him up at 11AM. "MOM! CAN YOU HELP ME" Louis found himself sitting in a mess not knowing what to wear, Jay got in and let out a gasp once she saw that every piece in the closet was laying somewhere around the room.

"Louis, what happened in here. Didn't Harry tell you to wear something simple. Just put on that green hoodie with black jeans, no need to complicate stuff." and with that she left Louis alone again to deal with the mess that's called his room before Harry came. He quickly put on the clothes that his mom told him to wear and styled his hair, sprayed on some cologne and made sure that his face is clean. "Now let's shove everything in the closet before Hazzy comes."

Once Louis put the last piece of clothing in the drawer he heard the doorbell go off. "Lou! Your man is here!" shouted Jay from the stairs, Louis got down and saw Harry with his glory flashing a dimpled smile to him. How lucky, he thought, I'll get to see that smile forever.

"Hi love, you look gorgeous" Harry said softly. He pecked Louis on his lips then cheeks then forehead. "Are you ready darling?"

"Hello, you look great yourself" Louis said, resting his head on Harry's chest enjoying his heartbeat. "Yes I'm ready, nervous but excited" He said softly, his heart melting with the soft chuckle that have slipped from his lover's lips.

"No need to be nervous, it will be perfect as long as you're with me, everything will be perfect." Harry mumbled, nuzzling his face in Louis' hair. Jay couldn't resist, so she quickly snapped a quick picture for the couple.

"As much as I love to see you 2 so deeply in love, you should leave or else you'll be late" Jay said with a playful eyeroll. "Oh and, leave before any of the girls come down, if they saw you Harry, they won't let you go." and with that she shooed them out of the house. They both laughed softly and went to the car.

The date was perfect, they first went to have lunch then went to the mall, they bought a lot of stuff and Harry insisted on paying for everything. They went to a photo booth, taking 4 photos that they both loved and each got a copy to keep it in his wallet. Next was the park, they walked and talked till they reached the tree that they sat under the day they became friends. Louis gasped when he saw the blanket and candles laid in the same spot they sat on. Harry took his hand went to stand in the middle, he kissed Louis' lips softly and licked his bottom lips asking for access which Louis granted instantly. They explored each other's mouths and pulled away when air was needed.

Harry reached for his pocket and pulled out a small box, he opened it and went down on one knee. Louis gasped, tears threatening to fall from the blue crystal and his hands went to cover his mouth. "Louis William Tomlinson, I have loved you from the day I laid my eyes on you, I'm not gonna spill my heart now, I'll keep that for our vows but, Louis this is a promise ring, I promise to always be loyal and love you, I promise to always make you happy, I'll be there for you when you are having a bad day, I'll hold your hand and everything will be just right. Louis Tomlinson, will you do me the honor of being able to call you mine and be my boyfriend". Both boys were drowning in their tears, the whole world was shut and it was only them.

"YES!! yes, I will be your boyfriend. Now kiss me you fool" Louis pulled Harry up and kissed him deeply, letting out his heart in the kiss. Once they broke Harry slipped the ring on Louis' finger then kissed him again. They sat there admiring each other, so lost in each other's eyes, both deeply in love and they don't regret any part of it.

They got home, Louis wished Harry a safe flight and got in. Harry went home and spent time with Gemma as promised. That night both boys fell asleep with the memory of their first date to always be cherished.



So, I was thinking, and I'm not sure how many chapters this will be but it won't be long, considering it as my first book soooo yea.......

Thank you Lili ;)

thank you for reading :)

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