Chapter 7

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--Time Skip Morning--
--Aquarius POV--
I remembered the lady that helped me find the hospital. Since Lucy woke up, I decided to find her. I went back to where I excited the forest and found the house she came from. I slowly walked up to the door and knocked, hoping she was awake. I heard rustling inside, and then the door started to open. I took a step back, hoping I knocked on the right door.
Sure enough, the brunette stepped through the door.
"Hello." I said skeptically.
"Oh hey. Your friend.. She's feeling better?" She said.
"Yes she is. Thank you so much for your help." I said extending my have to shake hers. However, she grabbed mine and pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you for watching over her for me" she said quietly as she started to glow. 'What is going on?' I thought.
"Why are you glowing?" I asked scared as I pulled away from her tight embrace.
Her hair grew longer and faded from brown to blond. Hey eyes changed from blue to a deep brown. 'How could this be' I thought as I realized who it was.

--Mira's POV--
I woke to find my legs and stomach wrapped. Erza was also gone. I slowly sat up, wincing as I went. I sat there a few minutes thinking about everything that happened in the past 24 hours. Lucy got severely injured and I haven't told Erza how much it hurts to stand. Let alone move or breathe.
After a few minutes Erza entered the room with some plates. "oh good. Your awake. I brought some breakfast." She said setting the plates down on the table between our beds. "thanks." I said, slowly turning to see what she picked out. "are you feeling alright?" She asked picking up a cup of strawberry yogurt. "I'll be fine" I lied, picking up a small container of fruit. "are you sure? That cut looked pretty nasty when I wrapped it up last night."she said worried.
"It's nothing. I'm okay" I told her.
'why do I keep lying to her. I can barely breathe without crying out in pain' I thought as I ate my fruit. "we should head to the hospital to get Lucy." Erza said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "yea okay" I said slowly standing up. "I don't think you're okay" Erza said grabbing my arm as I stumbled to the trash can to throw away my cup. "I'm fine. Just sore from yesterday" I reassured her. "fine. But your leaning on me. You are clearly struggling to walk" she said sternly making me shiver.

--Time Skip Erzas POV--
Mira and I made our way to Lucy's room to find her taking to Virgo. "do you think I could get some new clothes? Mine were kinda destroyed yesterday?" She asked Virgo, who disappeared and reappeared with a set of clothes. "Here you go princess" she said handing Lucy the clothes. "thank you" Lucy said hugging Virgo. "you may go now. I'll call if I need you" she added closing Virgo's gate. I pulled the curtain back so Lucy could change into the clothes Virgo gave her.
"Hey Lucy" Mira said sitting in the chair in the corner of the small room. "Good morning guys!" She called from behind the curtain. When she stepped out from behind the curtain she was pulling her shirt the rest of the way down. Her scar was visible for a second as she pulled her shirt all the way on. It looked very similar to Mira's, though I went from her right shoulder to her left hip. Mira must have noticed it to because she put a hand on her stomach when she saw it.
"Hey Mira? You okay" Lucy asked when she looked at Mira.
"Huh? Yeah.  I'm okay. I was just thinking about how I didn't get us here faster yesterday." She said motioning to me. "Are you kidding?! You got us here in half the time a train would have without stopping!" I exclaimed. "yea. But it clearly wasn't fast enough." She said motioning to Lucy. "It's my fault she was hurt again." She said looking at the floor.
"How is it your fault again?" Lucy asked.
"You got hurt yesterday cause I couldn't get us here to protect you. And I couldn't stop my sister from being a jerk and making Natsu hurt you." She said still looking at the ground.
Lucy walked across the room and grabbed Mira's hand, surprising her. She slowly lifted her head to look at Lucy, who was smiling down at her.
"Neither of those things were your fault. I shouldn't have left you behind. And the other thing, you don't have control over other peoples actions. Even if they are your siblings. I don't blame you for anything. Just like Erza said I've been like her little sister, and the same goes for you. You two have been like older sisters to me." Lucy said pulling Mira and I into a hug. I smiled, while Mira screamed. "Mira!" I yelled while the front of her shirt started turning red. "What's wrong with her??" Lucy cried grabbing the sheet off the bed and putting it over Mira's stomach.
"She has a cut similar to yours. She said it was fine. I knew she was lying." I said pressing the emergency button. "why did you lie to me Mira" I cried while Lucy held pressure on her wound. "I was too worried about Lucy to care about myself. I needed to make sure she made it home safe. I'm sorry" she said as she lost conciousness. "Mira!!" Lucy and I yelled.

--Miras POV--
"I was too worried about Lucy to care about myself. I needed to make sure she made it home safe. I'm sorry" I said as my vision started turning black. I looked down to see the white sheet turning a deep crimson color. I let darkness consume me. "Mira!!", along with people rushing into the room, was the last thing I heard before I fully lost conciousness.

--Time Skip--
I slowly woke up to see a blond and a scarlet haired mage sitting on either side of me holding my hands. My stomach felt weird. There was no longer a constant stinging pain. Instead there was numbness. 'is this how Lucy felt?' I thought as I looked at the two sleeping mages. I gave their hands a slight squeeze to let them know I was awake. "Mira!" They shot up and said at almost the same time. "How long was I out?" I asked.
"A few hours." Lucy said looking at where my scar is. "Why didn't you tell us you were hurting?" Erza asked looking at Lucy's pained face. "I was too worried about her." I said looking at Lucy.
"That doesn't mean you ignore your own well being." Lucy yelled looking up at me with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry." I said looking at the ceiling.
"Anyway. When can we leave." I asked looking at Erza. The doctor said they had to keep you here a few days for monitoring." She said sadly.
"Why?" I noticed them both looking at the floor. "what happened?" I asked.
"There were complications with your recovery." Lucy said looking up at me slowly.
"What kind of complications?" I asked scared. 

--Erza's POV--
"There were complications with your recovery." Lucy said looking up at Mira slowly.
"What kind of complications?" She asked looking terrified. 
"You weren't out for a few hours. You been unconscious for 3 days.." I said slowly.
"3 days?!? What happened" she stared at me wide eyes.

*Flashback Day 1*

Lucy held the sheet on Mira's stomach as the nurses came rushing in. "What happened?" They asked.
"She has an injury on her abdomen similar to Lucy's. She said she was fine and I was dumb enough to believe her" I explained.
"Please. You have to help her" Lucy said crying.
"We'll do what we can." They said as they lifted Mira up on to a bed of her own and wheeled her out of the room.  Lucy and I followed until the doctors said we weren't allowed to. "I am doctor Alexandra. There is a waiting area just around the corner and the cafeteria is on the first floor. Please wait until I come update you." She said quickly before running to catch up with the other doctors and Mira.

*Day 2*

Lucy and I were sitting in the cafeteria nibbling on toast when Dr. Alexandra found us. "She is out of surgery now. We decided to put her in your old room." She said pointing to Lucy.
"When will we be able to see her?" Lucy asked the doctor.
"It will be a few hours. We need to monitor her. There were complications with the surgery." She said.
"What kind of complications." I asked worried about my friend. Dr
Alexandra explained to us what happened.
'How could this happen? I'm gonna kill Natsu when we get home' I thought.
"Thank you doctor." I said walking out of the cafeteria towards Mira's room. Although we weren't allowed in yet, I wanted to be there when she woke up.  Lucy seems to have the same idea, as she is following close behind.

*Day 3*

It's has been almost 18 hours since Mira's surgery and they let us in a few hours ago. Lucy and I didn't leave her side the entire time. Lucy fell asleep about an hour ago holding Mira's  hand. I was slowly drifting to sleep as well. Next thing I knew I was sleeping holding her other hand.

After an hour or two, I felt a slight squeezing on my hand. I shot up to see Mira looking at us.
End of Chapter 7

Hope you enjoyed!

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