The arcade

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Facilities at Fazbenders weren't always as functional, I mean, the pizzeria was begging for some sort of working electricity 24/7. Lights flickered on and off, both in and outside of the pizzeria, even Dave had trouble in the saferoom at times and brought a flashlight with him just in case the pizzeria had a pint outage. You can obviously tell that the place hadn't paid the electricity bills in a while. You can also tell how furious phoney would be at this and had been trying to find a solution to this problem ever since it started, to no avail, he had to pay his electricity bills and quickly. So uh anyways, to the actual main story.

Purple man and orange man had been close ever since the orange had started working there, creating havoc after havoc to result in phoney having a complete fit about their activities together, honestly, how time flies when they try to destroy the whole pizzeria together, they were having the practical time of their lives every moment they spent together in the pizzeria, from 12pm to 6pm, they created unforgettable moments with each other, and now, they'll make another moment that they wouldn't ever forget.

One day, the partners in crime decides to use the facilities in Fazbender's and resorted to using the arcade machines instead. Since they weren't in great shape, Dave decided to give them a little more life and restored it so that it was just usable. Two arcade machines and two chaotic men in a pizzeria, what could go wrong? I mean, basically everything they touch turns into chaos, nevermind that. Moving on from this, Dave had had the wonderful idea of making a bet with Jack, whoever won the majority out of 5 games would be able to tell the loser what to do; and they couldn't back out. Naturally, Jack agreed to this non-sensical bet due to the fact that the orange man never had a second thought about things, and also, he was very competitive with Dave. It was agreed and so, the gaming began.

The first two rounds were absolutely intense, Dave and Jack basically try harded their way into the game in the beginning, putting both their scores at 1-1, even if that number was small, if you were physically watching them playing the game, you could feel the tension and competitiveness from a mile away. Even employees around the pizzeria questioned their actions but never decide to talk to them anyways since Dave would always butt in and say a bunch of non sensical things and take Old Sport with him.

Instead a time skip here since my sleep deprivation just kicked in

As the matches went in and on, the last round was right around the corner, the score was 4-4, a solid tie between the two pixel men but not for long.. As the two men began their final game, Dave continued to try hard in this game and it had finally all paid off. The lean monster was the victor. Jack was absolutely crushed to hear that Dave had won this bet, what was he going to do to him? Is he gonna make him to do something embarrassing? Thoughts of all the possibilities raced through the orange man's head a million miles an hour, he kinda just stood there for a solid 2 minutes and then accepted his fate, "whatever happens, happens".

Without warning, Dave pinned Jack to the wall and smashed his lean flavoured lips onto the tangerine's, and exactly, when they did this specific action, the lights and completely out and the whole of the pizzeria was dark, (I'm not good at missy stuff so uh I'll just sum it up instead), they continued kissing each other. Technically, the game wasn't really finished since Dave hadn't told Old Sport what to do and just kissed him instead, they sorta went into "overtime" (wink wink, nudge nudge - btw I just mean that they kept kissing eachother for quite some time) and then, the lights went on. Coincidentally, the light flickered back on when they parted each other's lips away and then looked face to face with eachother and locked eyes. And now, once again, the lights had shut off completely and Dave shoved his lips into Jack's one last time. At this time, Jack hadn't completely caught his breath and was in need of air. Luckily, the lights switched back on when Jack had gently pushed Dave away and once again, needed to catch his breath, he slightly bent down and tried to breath normally instead of panting. Then, he looked at Dave and saw he was also out of breath as well, not surprise there. However, there was this in surprise: Jack felt his lips and mouth; when he went to go touch his teeth, he discovered a gap between them, as you can imagine, Jack was absolutely fuming with anger, you could see smoke come out of his ears. Once he had caught his breath, he quickly walked up to Dave and pointed at his tooth gap, "Dave, what the hell?!" shouted the tangerine man, Dave scratched the back of his head and quickly apologised: "oops, sorry about that, Old Sport". When Dave had apologised, Jack quickly ran to the bathroom and got his teeth gap fixed up so I guess not much blood was on it and was left in his mouth, after (sort of) fixing himself up, he smirked and ran towards the aubergine man and gave him a swift and gentle kiss on the lips. The ourple man falls down cartoon style, like when they trip over a banana peel but instead, tripped up by a single, short and sweet kiss from the tangerine man. The purple man managed to even change his face into a different colour compared to his purple stature, and is absolutely flustered. He could feel the hotness rush to his head, like very burnt bbq (sorry for the weird metaphor but I'm tired). Jack chuckled at this reaction and smiled at Dave, completely in love with the lean monster, "I think I may as well call you tomato man from now on too".

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