What about us? (Noochless)

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          Rob worked on editing his latest video.  He had to finish adding in the music, so he could start on his thumbnail, and then he could upload this episode of Pixelmon.  He watched the footage of him pranking Preston, that cactus.  He realized how happy he sounded in the video. The complete opposite of how he felt now. 

          When he finished, he began to render it.  Rob really enjoyed editing his videos, putting all this effort and time into it, and to bring out content on the other side that he was proud of.  He spent more time than other youtuber’s on the editing, and he was happy with what he put out on his channel.  Then his Skype rang, it was his boyfriend, Mitch. (Didn’t see that coming did you?)  

          “Hey gurl” Rob said, trying to get the light right on his thumbnail.

          “Are you still editing Rob?  Get it done with, I want to go out.” He winced at the roughness in Mitch’s voice. 

          “I still have to finish the thumbnail though dude.”  Mitch sighed with impatience.  

          “Just upload it already; I don’t know why you spend so much time on these things.”  Rob was hurt that Mitch still didn’t understand what a part of his channel his editing was.

           “I enjoy it, and it’s what defines your channel, it’s what new viewers immediately see.” He tried to reason with Mitch.

          “More enjoyable then spending time with me?” Anger was coming into Mitch’s voice now. 


          “I don’t want to hear it!  You spend so much damn time editing, does it really mean more to you than me?  I see Jerome more than I see you!  Think about someone else for once!”  Rob was shocked, and felt that Mitch was overreacting; they had gone out five times already this week, and him and Jerome recorded almost every day.  Mitch was the one spending more time with Jerome; they recorded together more than Mitch did with him. 

          “Of course you see Jerome more than me, you two freaking record every single day!  You always want to record with him, how about me, huh?  I have to go, take time and find someone else, which I am fine with because you guys are best friends.  But then, when I take more time to edit than normal, you scream at me that I am spending too much time editing!”  It was Mitch’s turn to look shocked.

          “You’re never free, I asked you this morning, but you were recording with Preston instead!”

          “We have a pixelmon series together, just like you and Jerome!  I asked you yesterday if you wanted to record a minigame, but you declined, I’m free a lot, but you ask me right that day, after you refuse earlier that day.  Do you expect me to cancel recordings I planned just because you change your mind all the time?”  By now, they were glaring at each other through their computer screens.  It was lucky they were Skyping, or one of them might have taken a swing at the other by now.

          “If you cared, you might-“

          “I do care, but sometimes you have to listen.” 

          “Then show me, let’s go out now Rob.” Rob gazed at his half-finished thumbnail, and sighed, deciding that his relationship was more important than his upload.  He would have to hope his subscribers understood. 

          They went out to dinner, and had a good time, but something had seemed off.  The feeling was not as pleasant, the kiss didn’t seem as passionate as usual.  Mitch didn’t laugh at his jokes, didn’t seem to care as much.  Rob didn’t feel any sparks or anything between them.  He was stressed about his channel, Mitch was distracted. 

          Rob felt great when he finally uploaded his video, he had worked on it since he had gotten home from his “date”, but he didn’t think it really counted as one.  Exhausted, he headed to bed at around three in the morning.

          The next day was Thursday, and he had his livestream in the afternoon.  He tweeted Mitch, wondering if he wanted to film a Hunger Games, as he hadn’t posted one on his channel in so long.  Mitch replied that he was recording hunger gams with Jerome, and said maybe around twelve.  Rob decided to record with Preston, on the new minigame on the Mineplex, snakes.  After that was done, he started editing.  Around eleven-fifty, he expected Mitch to call him soon.  When he didn’t, he called Mitch.  However there was no answer. 

          Rob sighed; this was not the first time Mitch had done this.  For the next two hours, he tried to contact Mitch, but got no reply.  Around five, he started his livestream, and had a great time.  He played pixelmon on his server, and just hung out with his subscribers.  About two hours in, he got a phone call.  Putting on an ad, he answered it.  It was Mitch, asking to record. 

          “Mitch, I’m livestreaming right now.”  He said.

          “I thought we were going to record today.”

          “Yea, five hours ago.”  Rob tried to conceal his disappointment, this was exactly what Rob had told him yesterday, that Mitch expected Rob to stop everything for him, because Mitch had forgotten the time or some other excuse.  (#MitchTime)  

          “Well, we can now, just stop streaming.” Stop this, stop that, Mitch had to learn that Rob couldn’t just stop everything for him.

          “Could you wait half an hour, I’ll be done then.”

          “Sure, whatever dood.” Mitch’s tone was emotionless.

          “Thanks for coming everyone; we’re streaming again on Saturday. Haha Styxx, you’re a robot?  We’ll have another raffle then guys.”  As he went offline, he went to call Mitch. 

          “You ready to record Mitch?”  Rob asked in a cheerful voice, hoping they could have a nice conversation for once, he was starting to realize that their relationship was falling apart quickly, and he wanted to salvage it the best he could.

          “I can’t record Robert; we should have done it earlier.”  Rob winced at Mitch’s use of his full name.

          “We were supposed to record at twelve, why couldn’t we have then?”

          “I was busy, two hundred minutes of Hunger Games is a lot of work, you know.”  Mitch’s tone was icy, almost mocking, and it sounded like he was trying to explain something to a seven-year-old.

          “You could have told me that, we could have worked something out.” 

                   “Do I have to tell you everything Rob?!  Can’t you do anything for yourself?  Figure something out for yourself, I feel like I’m talking to a toddler!  Do you know nothing??” Mitch lost it, shouting it out.

          “You told me you could record at twelve, how am I supposed to know what the recording time is when you change it constantly yourself, I can’t read minds!”  Rob was done with Mitch yelling at him. 

          “You never think about anyone but yourself Rob, what if I couldn’t make that time, you choose everything, and still you’re upset with me!” 

          “How about you Mitch, you’re hanging out with Jerome so much, do you care about him more than me?” 

          “You’re always with Preston; I could say the same for you!”

          “That’s because he always remembers the time Mitch, and he actually shows up to our scheduled recording dates!”  What just came out of his mouth?  Rob was letting his anger speak.

          “That was a low blow, you know, this relationship isn’t really working out that well, I don’t think we should continue.  You’re only making this worse.  We’re DONE Rob, you hear me, DONE!”  Rob was silent as Mitch hung up the call.  He regretted saying what he had, but in his defense, Mitch had been wrongfully accusing him of things he hadn’t done.  But it didn’t help that he felt horrible about it.  It was really low of him to bring in Preston and Jerome, as well as insult him about his timekeeping. But there was nothing he could do now. 

          In the morning, as he checked twitter, something caught his eye.  Mitch had tweeted last night about their breakup.  “Just ended my relationship, it wasn’t working out.”  But that wasn’t what caught his eye, when someone asked why they had broken up, Mitch had replied “Because @Woofless is a son of a b**ch, who only cares about himself.”  This went straight to his heart, stabbing it like a sharp knife. 

          He tried to ignore it, and any reminders of it, telling himself he was over Mitch, but they were everywhere.  Mitch has 1.8 million subs, while he only had 240 hundred, and a lot of Mitch’s subs watched his videos, and were subs to Rob as well.  On his videos, he was spammed with, “Have you seen twitter?”  “What happened with you and Mitch?”  “He’s spreading rumors about you.”   

          On Saturday, during his livestream, the comments kept coming, until Styxx n Stones eventually turned the chat to subscriber mode only, and still a few people still asked about it.  After the stream, Rob checked Mitch’s recent tweets, just to see what everybody was talking about.  What he saw broke him.  “He didn’t care about me at all, and we were fighting all the time.”  Was Mitch’s tweet, and the comments were even worse.  “@Woofless, how could you break Mitch’s heart?”  “You monster”  “Mitch is so much better than you!”  “You deserve to die!” 

          Other youtubers such as Mat (Nooch), Brandon (Pete), Dakota (Kermit),and Noah (Noahcraft), were shocked at what was going on, and they stayed out of it completely, as they were friends with both of them, and were not exactly sure what had happened between the two. 

          Rob stopped tweeting, as he was starting to get tons of hate from Mitch’s doods.  Some of his own subs were turning against him as well.  He tried to pretend everything was normal, but it was impossible.  He slowly fell into a depression.  He stopped instagram, recording with others, and even uploaded less, and less.  He didn’t want to talk about it, and the questions were overwhelming. 

          Eventually, he cut off all communication with the outside world, it didn’t matter to him anymore, it seemed like everyone was against him.  He just wanted to disappear into the air. 

          Ryan, or MCLaffyTaffy, or just Taffy, was really good friends with Rob.  They together created the MrWoofless channel.  Taffy now had his own channel, Taffy’s man cave, but they were still great friends.  Ryan began to worry when Rob stopped tweeting, then uploading.  When he stopped answering any calls or texts, he called Mat (Nooch).  A good friend of Rob as well, he immediately went to go visit him. 

          However, when he got there, Rob was nowhere to be found, and it worried him.  Mat secretly had a crush on him, and was devastated when Rob started dating Mitch.  When they broke up, he had desperately wanted to go and comfort Rob, but decided against it, as Rob obviously had feeling toward Mitch.  But then Mitch started to bully him, and so many people had turned against Rob, when both he and Mitch had been at fault.

          Mat drove around town, searching for him, when he noticed Rob’s car parked on the side of a bridge, high above the rushing river, filled with jagged rocks.   A suspicion appeared in his mind but he hoped he was wrong.

          Rob was done with everything.  He wanted to leave this world.  So, as he stood on the edge of this bridge, about to jump, nothing was stopping him.  He stepped back and ran forward, leaping off the bridge.  Something grabbed him around the waist, yanking him backwards.  Rob thrashed and flailed, struggling to get free.

          “Let me go!  I want to die!”  This was his only release from this pain.

          “No, I won’t let you.”  It was Mat.

          “Why not, I have nothing but pain to lose,” He was sobbing by now. “everybody hates me!” 

          “People care about you Rob!  What about Taffy, what would he do if you were gone?  He’d be devastated, as would his family. What about your family?  Your brother?  They would miss you.  What about me?  What about us?”  Rob couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Mat had feelings for him.  Then he thought about all those times where Mat had recording with him.  How happy he was and the look on his face when he told him he was dating Mitch.  He really cared about him.  And Rob realized he and Mitch were never meant to be, but he and Mat were a different story.

I’m so tired, hope this 11:30 pm oneshot turned out ok.  Bai.  I. Need. Sleep. Now.

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