Oh my god. 1,000 reads. I am speechless. Thank you all for all the support on these oneshots! I never thought I would even get this far. I made this account mainly so I could follow others and comment on their stories, I can't believe how welcoming this community has been.
Natasha pulled her jacket closer to her, almost trying to shield herself. However it wasn’t needed, no one talked or even looked at her anyway. What did it matter, she couldn’t wait to get home, Minecraft was where she belonged. School was a nightmare.
She was bullied because she enjoyed playing a video game, because she had a creeper on her jacket. They told her she was ugly, that she didn’t belong on this earth. Go back to elementary school; grow up before you come back.
Her only relief was in the happiness she got from YouTube. The Minecraft YouTubers made her laugh, and reminded her that she wasn’t alone, no matter what they said at school.
Natasha’s parents had taken away her computer, telling her she wouldn’t get it back until she raised her grades. They had no idea what she was going through. In class she was pushed and shoved, her homework stolen, and Natasha was accused of doing things she never did.
All they saw was that their daughter was watching YouTube videos while her grades were slipping away. They didn’t know that she did her homework every night, but the teachers never believed her. The teachers saw her as a troublemaker.
Natasha was depressed, and she had nothing to distract her from the insults and mockery aimed at her. During lunch she walked alone towards her next class, desperate to get away from the groups of friends sitting together, reminding her how alone she was.
Someone grabbed her arm, pulling her backwards. Natasha glanced up, wincing in pain. The group of boys jeered at her, poking fun at her jacket, yanking on her hair, and shoving her. She hung limply, giving up, hoping it wouldn’t hurt too badly. Suddenly they all cleared out, but not before she was punched in the face. She tried not to cry, and ran to the bathroom.
That night Natasha tried to think of happy things, imagining that she would find that she was the sister of her favorite YouTuber. That he would come and save her from this. She sobbed, rocking back and forth on her bed, hugging her knees.
As Mat recorded a Hunger Games with Mitch, he found that he couldn’t keep that girl out of his mind. Her beautiful auburn hair, and those shining eyes, the pain showing in them. He didn’t even notice when he was killed because he had stopped moving, or that Mitch was shouting at him. Mat had been horrified when he found that group of boys surrounding her, beating her up. They had all cleared out when they saw him, and he had gone towards her. However she had run off before he could say a word.
“Dood, Mat, are you okay!? Answer me biggumz!” Mitch shouted through Skype, the worry in his voice was evident.
“What? Huh? Oh, wait, I’m dead?” Mat snapped back to reality.
“What’s wrong with you!? I was calling your name for almost two minutes!?”
“Nothing, I was just thinking.”
“Whatever.” Mitch clearly wasn’t buying it. They were both silent for a few minutes. They went on to play a couple more Hunger games, Mat paying more attention.
After the recording, Mat edited and uploaded the hunger games. He went to bed soon after, her face etched in his mind.
Natasha walked down to her locker, careful to hide her small package, which she tucked in her pocket. She was going to give this one more chance.
At lunch, Mat went to throw something away, when someone walked right in front of him. She knocked into him, and almost fell over. It was her.
“I’m so sorry” She said immediately, looking up at him. He could see the fear in her eyes.
“It’s cool.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say as he looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. She rushed off again, and he wondered where she was going. Then he saw someone take off after her, following her. Without thinking he followed her as well.
She went into the girl’s bathroom, and the other girl, Mary followed her as well. Mary was a very popular girl, but he thought she was a spoiled brat. Her parents were extremely rich, so she had the most expensive clothes. Mat didn’t want to go in bathroom, but then a scream echoed inside. He went in right away.
Natasha was just done. Today had been worse than yesterday. Mary had grabbed her hair in Language Arts, yanking it so her head snapped back. Natasha had been given a detention for it. The rest of her classes had only been worse. Mary and her friends made sure to torment her.
So at lunch Natasha went to the bathroom, and pulled out the small package. The cold blade felt good in her hands. She lifted up her sleeve, and pressed it to her skin, easily slicing through. The green pixels on her jacket turned red, and she sighed, the sensation took away the pain from her life, distracting her. Suddenly a scream tore through the bathroom, shaking Natasha out of her trance. It was Mary. She pointed a finger at Natasha, a devilish smile on her face.
“You stupid girl, what a freak! Just wait until the school hears this. It will ruin your life, no one will ever want you. They’ll know how pathetic you are, how weak.” Mary’s smile grew wider. She moved closer to Natasha, cornering her. Natasha could feel the tears burning in the corners of her eyes, and she blinked to keep them away. Mary was right, she was weak and pathetic. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a boy watching them.
It was the boy she had run into at lunch. Was he going to come and mock her too? She didn’t think she could take it. Natasha took the razor, viciously tearing into her skin; she couldn’t take any more pain. A hand grabbed hers restricting it, another pinning her other hand which was trying to grab the razor. Natasha struggled, but she was growing weak.
Mary’s mouth was agape as she watched Mat Nooch push her away from the emo girl, stopping the girl from cutting more. She’d had a crush on him for forever.
“Mat? What are doing, she deserves this!” The glare on his face caused her to take a step back, cowering.
“Get out.” He said in a dangerous whisper.
“Why should I?”
“I’ll tell the school what you have done to her; do you know how much it hurts her?” She turned around and left, glaring at that stupid b***ch, she didn’t deserve him.
Mat held Natasha in his arms; the cuts on her arms were clearly visible. She was so beautiful, and kind. She never deserved the pain put upon her.
Natasha woke up, and realized she was in the hospital. She gazed at the plain room; she really didn’t want to go back to school. Suddenly she felt someone touch her hand. She shrank away, whimpering in fear. It was the boy. But he wasn’t trying to hurt her.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” That voice, she knew it from somewhere. “Nice jacket.” Nooch?
“Yea, I’m a big minecraft fan.” She whispered.
“Me too. I’m sorry about what happened.” He looked into her eyes. “I don’t know how you lived through it.”
“I had help.” He looked at her, confused. “Have you ever heard of the NoochM” She asked him, knowing what his answer would be.
“Did I really help you that much?” He had no idea.
“Yes, more than you’ll ever know. Thank you, for saving me.” She hugged him, happy she wasn't alone anymore.
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