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A few more days passed and I couldn't believe that I sat in a cute cafe at Miami beach. When I told Oscar that I would visit the Grand Prix, he insisted on meeting up beforehand so I could tell him everything that happened lately. With all the things going on, I hadn't found any time to talk to Oscar properly.
"Sorry for being late, something came up."
Oscar said while he sat down across from me.
Typical Oscar. Always late.
"It's okay, I didn't expect anything different." I laughed and he just stuck out his tongue at me.
"You act like I'm always late." He rolled his eyes but smiled amused at the same time.
"Because you literally are Oscar Jack Piastri"
I used his full name to annoy him and it seems to be working.
"Whoa okay going full mom mode now. Should I call you Nicole from now on?" He snapped but I knew he wasn't seriously mad based on the little smile that he couldn't hold back. I bursted out laughing and nodded "yes please do that. If you dare." I joked.
"Okay just tell me already what happened to you and Lando." He said.
"Rights that's why we're here for in the first place. There isn't much to tell tho to be honest." I shrugged but he just shook his head and motioned me to continue talking. "We talked in his driver room after qualifying and he said he changed his mind and he wants to be a father for June. We decided to talk after the weekend so he can focus on his race but we ended up talking the same night and figured some stuff out. Before the race we spent an hour together watching June sleep in his arms and then he invited us to dinner with all of you. That's about it. We met on Thursday at my place again and then he insisted that I go to the Miami Grand Prix. Here I am now." I told him the short version. Then something came up in my mind which I figured that it might be important to tell Oscar "Oh and I might have a little crush on him." I mumbled then smiled at him like I didn't say anything.
The whole time he just made 'uh uh' and 'mhm' in between my sentences and so did he with my last sentence. It took him a moment to realize what I just said but then he looked at me shocked.
"No you don't. You cannot be for real Em." He whisper-screamed at me.
"What am I supposed to do? He's so gentle and caring. Not only to June but to me as well. Plus he doesn't know anything about babies so I'm teaching him and I don't know that just so cute. My drunk self has a reason to pick him"

I defended myself but he just sighed.
"There are already so many rumors Em. Don't you think that it would make things more complicated than it already is?"  He sighs. Same Oscar. Same. He spoke out what I thought.
"No because that's exactly what I think. Plus I don't want a relationship at the moment and he has someone. Maybe. I don't know and I don't care. Well I do but I shouldn't." I let out a frustrated sound. June just sat there next to us and watched our conversation. She even stopped eating her fruits I brought for her.
I took a deep breath because apparently all the mummy guides were right and our children do feel when something's off.
"June is my priority and that will never change." I stated and Oscar agreed to that with a nod.
"Great so I don't need to worry about you starting something with him. Again." He chuckled by the thought of that.
"Don't say it like that! I want to hit you but I don't want to teach June things like that so just pretend I hit you." I mumbled because I'm 100% sure she understands everything I say as well.
"Pretend?" He laughed at me "okay I'll pretend." He joked and held his arm theatrically.
"It's okay. Make your jokes about me. Karma will fix that, don't worry." I said while I checked my phone. I saw a message from Lando.

Lando Norris

Hey Em, landed a few hours ago
and saw that you're here already.
Wanna go golfing?

I showed that message to Oscar. He just scrunched his nose. "You don't play golf right? I know that he's not the best player but I guess when you go it will be embarrassing for you." He chuckled.
"I can't believe people are saying you don't have any emotions and don't talk much but I'm sitting here being roasted by you with every single word that comes out of your mouth." I shook my head in disbelief and focused on answering Lando.
"You're right tho. I've never played golf. Well i played mini golf but i was really bad and I don't think it counts as golf."

Lando Norris

Hey Em, landed a few hours ago

and saw that you're here already.
Wanna go golfing?

Hey! Im not the best at golf
but why not give it a try.

He sent me the details of the golf club after and that was the moment I regretted everything.
"Oscar. I'm not only bad at golf. Golf is the most boring sport I've ever played. Well mini golf is but I imagine golf to be even more boring than that."
I sighed and he just laughed at me again.
"Well that's on you now. I'd go with you but I don't okay gold either so have fun I guess."
He giggled like a kid. For him, my suffering was a joke.
"I hate you. Do you know that?" I stated while I payed for the both of us.
When we were about to leave the Café some guy approached us and greeted Oscar like they've know each other for years.
"Hey mate! How are you? haven't seen ya in yonks." He exclaimed excitedly. Oscar was a bit taken a back until he noticed who greeted him like that. "Noah mate. Great to see you again. Oh Em that's Noah. An old friend. We raced together as kids. Noah that's Emily. She's actually a friend of my girlfriend." He introduced us.
"Hi nice to meet you." I smiled and they talked for a while, while I stood next to them trying to figure out what they're talking about because they suddenly switched to Aussie slang and I've never heard some of the words in my life.
"We need to leave now but let's hang out some time again." Oscar finally said and we left. It's not like I didn't like Noah, he seems to be a funny and nice guy but I felt a bit awkward next to them.
We walked back to the hotel together and Oscar stayed in my room while I got ready for my first time playing golf.

"Okay Oscar I'm ready. I really don't want to kick you out but that's what I'm doing." I said and walked to the door with June and a bag full of snacks and toys.
"Oh wow. That's what you get huh?" He joked but acted like he was hurt.
"You're a great actor, let's go now." I rushed and he finally left.
I got to the golf club late by 2 minutes. Being late is nothing to be proud of but what I had to deal with being a mom and honestly, 2 minutes was a new record. Usually we are late by at least 10 minutes. Lando picked me up at the entrance and we went through the usual greeting procedure.
"So you've never played golf right?" He asked but his grin told me he already knew.
"Well I played mini golf if that counts." I tried but he shook his head in disappointment.
"Don't even try to compare it. You are lucky to learn from a pro like me then. No I'm kidding I'm not that good either but I'm working on it." He joked and scratched the back of his head.
We drove to the course with a golf cart which was super fun to be honest. June loved it as well. She looked around interested and wanted to touch everything she could which was stressful for me in the end because I had to keep her little hands from touching things she wasn't supposed to touch.
"Okay Em, show me what you can do." Lando smiled after we got out the cart. He held June and motioned me to begin.
"Here we go I guess" I sighed "you should take a step back. Safety first." I said and swung the cub.
I was worse than I thought I would be. I didn't even hit the ball. I turned around to look at Lando. He clearly tried not to laugh so hard.
"At least your form is not that bad." He chuckled and then just bursted out laughing. I rolled my eyes but then had to join in because it was indeed really funny.
"Yeah we're gonna practice that a little more." He said and I nodded in agreement.
"Very much needed."

A/n: a little longer chapter because of the long wait. Btw I see all you comments so 👀

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