Chapter Two

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"Yes, Sweetie?" She replied, still smiling.

"I've been moved down to E class." Her happy expression instantly changed into a hateful one.

(y/n)'s Mom's P.O.V.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled shocked. A look of disappointment swept over her face. I was so angry and confused at this point. (y/n) was one of the smartest kids in the school, next to the principal's son, Asano Gakushū. I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it, it ended up hitting (y/n) in the head and she was sprawled out on the floor in pain. I chuckled for three reasons; 1. That's what she gets for joining those E class losers, 2. Wow, she must have a hard head to still be conscious, 3. Who knew frying pans were such good weapons.

(y/n) P.O.V.

I laid on the floor in agony while my mom walks away, giggling like the sadist she is. 'Oh No,' I thought. 'This is only the beginning.'

I get up and try to walk up the stairs to my room without getting hurt while the room is spinning at amazing speeds. I open the door and collapse on my bed. "This is going to be a long year," I sigh stretching the 'O'. My eyes flutter shut as I'm drowned in darkness and a nightmare dances in my thoughts.




"Hana?.." I ask the limp body in my lap.

No Response.

The tears fall one by one from my eyes, as the male in front of me approaches.

"You're Next," He says in a deep, scratchy voice.

~End of Nightmare~

I jump up from my bed, covered with beads of sweat. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Then, the girl from my nightmare came into my thoughts. Hana, my younger sister who died years ago.

She was beautiful. Just like a flower. She had a bubbly personality, but could be serious when needed.

I loved her. My family hasn't been the same since. My parents became more strict. My aunts and cousins stopped visiting, in fear of ghosts haunting the manor. We've each become very distant from each other and learned to do everything alone. If only Hana knew how much she meant to our family, I could've taken her place. Let her live. For my family's sake. They never really cared about me. It was all for show. For our family's name.


I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I threw on the school skirt and a (Favorite Band) t-shirt. 'I'm no longer in A class so why wear the same uniform as them,' I told myself. I grabbed my school bag and headed up the mountain. I was told to come early so they could explain stuff to me.

After about half an hour of walking I finally made it. I rested my hands on my knees and took quick heavy breaths.'so this is what they go through everyday.' I walk into the rundown wooden shack they call a classroom and find the teachers lounge. I walk in to see a tall, red headed boy taking some Gelato off of the teachers' desk.

"What are you doing?" I ask sternly.


I'm honestly not that good of a writer, so if you are confused about something just tell me and I'll explain to you or correct any mistakes you point out.

Also, listen to 'Brother by Falling In Reverse' and comment '#Relatable' if you cried(crafted) too.


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