Chapter Fifteen

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Did he just confess?!?!?!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"U-uh.....O-oh.....O-okay," I stutter. What am I supposed to do now? He looks at me with hopeful eyes and I bite my lip. I react fast, I jump from the bed and quickly exit his room and flee down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asks, surprised from the sudden action.
"U-um.....home. I think I can hear my giraffe calling for me."
"(Y/n), you don't have a giraffe."
"Y-yeah I do. You just haven't met him yet."
Flinching at his tone of voice, I scramble towards the door and exit the house. I watch as Karma tries to catch up to me, but fails. I run home as fast as I can, almost tripping a few times in the process.

A few minutes pass and I arrive at my house. I stumble toward the big double doors of my families house, wincing from the pain in each step. I wanted to stay, I really did. I just.......Couldn't.

I grab the knob and push open the door. The sweet scent of buttery pancakes filled my nostrils. I cock my head in confusion. "Mom?" I turn the corner and stare in shock at my mother. She was cooking a family sized batch of pancakes on the stove. My mom turns around and looks at me with a.....



I'm sorry it's so short😫

Please forgive me!


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