Chapter Eight

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I'm at a party right now so this might be a short chapter.


I laid down on my large bed and snuggled into the sheets. Body aching at every move I made. 'I wonder how long this will last.'

~Time Skip~
(A Few Weeks Later)

(y/n)'s P.O.V.

It's already been a couple of weeks. I've grown close with the students of E class. Especially Karma. The beatings from my mother continued, also my dad just recently joined in on the fun. Yay. No one in class E has found out about the abuse yet, and I hope they never do. I wake up early every morning to cover my skin in concealer. I've also noticed that I have lost a lot of weight. My parents only feed me about twice a week, that is, if they're in a good mood. I don't eat anything during lunch anymore; I just continue to study. I hope no one gets suspicious.

I cringed while I slept, at the thought of the many possible things that could happen; some good, some bad.

~Time Skip~

I stretched my arms as I awoke from my deep sleep. I peered of at my clock and almost fainted. School started in ten minutes. I jumped from my bed and threw on the same (favorite band) shirt and skirt that I had been wearing for the last three weeks. I ran into my bathroom, washed my face, and looked back at the clock.

'Shoot, I've got to go!' Was all that was repeating in my mind while I ran out the door. As I got closer and closer to the school I realized something. Dang it, I forgot to put on the freaking concealer. I face palmed and groaned. I have to think up a good cover story. I continued running through the forest, up the mountain. As I reached the top I rested my hands on my knees and panted heavily. After a moment of persistent coughing and taking in deep breathes, I stood up and composed myself as I walked into the run-down building.

As I walked in, I bowed and apologized for being late. Korosensei, of course, just patted my head with his tentacle and excused me. I walked to my seat, noticing the worried looks my classmates gave me. I gave my usual smile and sat down. I let out a weak sigh and muttered something incomprehensible to the people around me.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

I walked outside and leaned against the same tree I had been going to since I got moved here. I pulled out my textbooks to study, but was interrupted by the other students.

"What happened?" Nagisa asked sweetly, but still concerned.


"Come on (y/n), please tell us," Kayano piped in.

"Fine," I replied, frantically trying to come up with a good lie. "I was attacked by a group of potatoes."

They all sweat dropped.

"I ran into a cactus." I suggested.

They shook their heads.

"Would you believe I jumped out of a plane because I thought I could fly."


"Fine," I sighed, no point in trying to hide it now. "I got into a fight."

"Oh," They sweat dropped again.

"Yeah, it was a tough fight against an older group of boys, I, of course, came out as the victor though." I explained in more detail. Good thing I'm a pro at deceiving people. I smirked evilly.

They all sweat dropped even more.(if that's possible)

"Ok..." They said awkwardly, in unison.

Karma's P.O.V.

They're all so naive. Do they really believe what she said. It's obvious that she's hiding something, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.


I was gonna stop it here, but then I decided to keep going. So enjoy the rest of the chapter.

~Time Skip To After Class~

I got up from my seat as the bell rang. I waited by the door for (y/n). We've been walking together every single day, so this was nothing new. She met up with me and we started walking down the mountain.

"So, what's really going on?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?" I could tell she was playing dumb.

"I know you didn't really get those scars from a fight."

She sighed. "Believe what you want, but it's true."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. We arrived at her house soon after and she walked in, shutting the door quickly behind her. This is the time I usually start heading toward my house, but instead I creeped over to her window. I watched as she took a blow to the head, cause by her mom's Palm. I then saw her dad enter the room with a broken beer bottle. She closed her eyes as he repeatedly hit her with it. I stood there shocked. She's been putting up with this for how long now? No one else noticed, but I could see the layers and layers of concealer that coated her arms. I was being stupid and thought that she just really didn't like her natural skin color or something. I'm such a big idiot.

(y/n)'s P.O.V.

I took all the blows my parents gave me with minimal amount of noise. If I made a lot of sound, the punishment would be worse. I look over my shoulder, because I felt the presence of someone, and saw Karma. ''Oh No,'' I choked out through tears. " What did I tell you about speaking!" My mom screamed, pulling me into the air by my hair. She kicked me over and over, then dropped me to the floor and walked to her room.

I laid there for a moment before slowly getting up and walking to my room. I sat down on my bed and sobbed into my pillow. "He wasn't supposed to find out. No one was." I said between sniffles.

That night, I ended up crying my self to sleep. Was he going to tell every one? What is he gonna think of me now? The questions clouded my brain, waiting for an answer worth listening to. But they never got one.


I'm actually really surprised right now. Who knew I could write so long? Wow. Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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