chapter 11

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Toman was beating the absolute shit out of Mikey while mitchy was with Evan who was trying to calm her down.

" Hey hey it's ok take-chan calm down" he said to a red faced mitchy hugging herself.

" H-he just t-touched me" mitchy said in disbelief.

" I know I know but try to calm dow-" Evan was cutted by.


Both of them looked at the direction of the scream.

" MIKEY GET YOUR SHORT MICKEY MOUSE LOOKIN ASS BACK HERE!!!"  Baji yelled while chasing the very badly bruised Mikey.

" LIKE HELL!" Mikey replied.

" MIKEY WE'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Mitsuya said.

Heck even sanzu and mucho was chasing him.

' I'm sorry my king but you have touched my queen somewhere that was not meant to be touched other than me' sanzu though as he kicked Mikey.


" IM SORRY BOSS BUT HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO!" Mucho said as he throws a folded umbrella like a spear.

Mikey looked back and saw and and screamed.

"W-WHAT THE HELL!?"  He barely dodged it.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Mikey screaming for dear life while running away from his friends.

" YOU ALL ARE BETRAYING TOMAN!!" he yelled as he dodge another attack from baji.

" AND YOU BETRAYED YOUR OATH OF NEVER DISRESPECTING WOMEN!!"  Mitsuya yelled while throwing rocks targeting his commander's head and he succeeded.

"OWW! MITSUYA THAT HURTS!" said Mikey while rubbing his head.


When the guys are finally satisfied they went to where takemichi was and sat down in the shade while Mikey was pouting he has bruises everywhere in his face and body.

" So are you all finally satisfied?" Takemichi asked while patting Evan's head on her lap.

" Yup that idiot had it coming " draken said.

Takemichi looked at Mikey and felt sorry so she lifts Evan head off her lap and took out a first aid kit where did she get they'll never know.

She stood and walked towards Mikey the latter didn't notice her at first because he was to busy crying. She patted his head which got his attention.

" T-take-chan wahhhhh~" Mikey cried and hugged her waist.

" There, there Mikey now c'mon lets patch you up" she grabbed his hand and went to the umbrella where the others are sitting.

They sat down and takemichi was treating Mikey and he kept wincing.

" Ow take-chan be gentle~" Mikey said.

" Alright alright I'm sorry " she said as she blew on one of Mikey's wound.

And the others jealous of course and shinichiro and his gang? They already left when the chaos started.

After a few minutes takemichi was done treating Mikey and Mikey wouldn't let go of her waist.

" There there Mikey it's okay I know it was an accident so don't worry I forgive you" she said while patting Mikey's head.

" Wahh~ take-chan " he whined.

" Hehehe " she giggled at his whining and the guys looks like they want to kill Mikey.

After the chaos died down they all decided to call it a day and went home.



Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while and sorry for the short chapter

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