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A/N: Do not play the audio now. You will be told when to play it :)


The weekends came and even passed in a blink of an eye. It was hectic, since I had to sort out the best footage and photos and send them to the editor, along with Emily. She always needs to check my work before proceeding to the next level. 

I arrived at the Monday shoot, a bit late compared to the rest of the days. The reason why is because I had to replace my memory card with a larger one, around 256 GB. Mary did the favor and bought it for me, just to prevent me from getting preyed by the paparazzi in the morning. That would be such a horrible way to start the day.

Today's officially the last day of shooting. The remaining days are for editing, processing the video,  and also deciding on a  release date. I get greeted by Niall as soon as he spots me, holding two cups of tea in his hands.

'Hey, good morning' he says and hands me the cup. I put down my bag and politely take it. 

'Thank you andddd good morning!' I sip the hot tea, almost abruptly, causing me to wince slightly.
Niall wouldn't speak, for some reason. It looked like he's accumulating words in his mouth, trying to construct the things he's about to tell me.

'Is something bothering you, Niall?' I finally ask him, unable to contain it. A silent environment in the presence of people is just awkward.

'Yes. The thing that's bothering me is that you and Harry are getting distant, and you are doing nothing about it.' He tells me, in an annoyed tone. I sip my tea and put down the cup calmly.

'What will I do, when we're not distant at all? We are fine, Niall.' I assure him, but he disagrees with it.

'Yeah sure. Letting that cunning woman and ex named Emily lurk around him. Moreover, your absence for a day made things worse.' He continues, making me startled with each and every word.

'Niall. Everything's well, alright? I know she's his ex, but that doesn't mean they can't have a professional relationship. Besides, it's not happening in front of the public eye, so no biggie.' I try and reassure him. He still looks like he won't have any of my reassurance.

'You seriously think everything's fine? I think you haven't understood Emily's character clearly. Ash, she's selfish and cunning. She will do anything to get what she desires. If she can, she'll cross all boundaries. Ever since she began working with us and you, I've always been worried.' He spills all his thoughts, which he must've suppressed inside his mind for quite a while. I sigh, and try to sink in whatever he just told me.

'Niall, it's nothing. You're overthinking and I understand. Maybe her past actions bothered you horribly. But that doesn't mean we can't give her another chance.' I tell him, in the hope he'll understand. I really don't want to get negative vibes at the moment.
On the other hand, I spot Harry coming here, with an eccentric look on his face. Niall leaves at that very moment. Perfect timing, I thought. When he comes to me,  first thing he did is engulf me, tightly. God, I did not see that coming. It's been a while since we hugged like this. I don't remember hugging him ever since the winter camp back in December.

'Harry, are you okay?' I ask him, out of a bit of curiosity, when he doesn't say anything.

'Yeah, I just um, wanted to hug you...' he says letting go finally. I notice that his hair has grown a lot, making him look cooler than before.

'Where were you yesterday? I called you several times Ash. I legit got worried.' He tells me and I look at him, utterly remembering the reason why I didn't receive calls. Oh shit.

'Oh my God, I'm, I'm so sorry Harry. My phone died in the mall and when I returned home, I dozed off straight away. I forgot to plug it in. I'm so sorry.' I apologize, feeling guilty. It's still charging in my bag.

'It's okay Ash. I just get too worried. Especially about....about some things that matter...' he subtly speaks, looking into my eyes. Something about his behavior makes me electrified, all the damn time.
The adrenaline.
The feeling.
The sense.

He soon breaks the silence.

'Um, anyway, my friends arranged a party for my-

'Birthday?' I cut him off and he raises his eyebrows, lips parted.

'Yeah! How'd you know?' he asks straight away.

'I guessed.' I smile and giggle silently.

'I want you to come.' It feels like he's demanding me rather than inviting.

'Harry, you know, I kinda avoid parties and stuff. I can hang out with you during the day but-

'No but's or if's Ash. I want you to come. If you don't, I'll cancel the party, straight away.' He says it in a very serious way. So serious that if I don't obey, something dangerous is gonna take place.

'Okay. I will come. For your satisfaction. But I'll leave early and you won't stop me. Deal?' I tell him and he thinks for a while.

'Deal. As long as you're there, I'm good.' he says, which makes me bloom from the inside.

'Are you free, right now?' he asks me abruptly, and I think for a while before answering.

'Um,as per my schedule, I think so. Unless Emily calls me, then I gotta go.' I inform. 

'Okay, come with me then. I need you show and tell you something, in private.' 

'Um, alright then, let's go.' I tell him and he looks at me, delighted. I walk behind him, wondering what he is about to show and tell me. We walk for about two minutes and reach the other side of the set, far away from everyone's gaze. There were huge rocks for people to sit on, so we take a sit on suitable ones. 

{{A/N: Please play the above audio now}}

'Sooo, what's this about??' I slightly tease him. He takes out a journal out of his over sized jacket. It looks like he's had it for years, and is heavily written on. 

'I wrote something and I thought about reading it to you...I need opinions on it..' He tells me and I raise my eyebrow, smiling at the corner of my lips. 

'Really...? What is it about?' I ask him further.

'Can I read it out to you first?' he laughs under his breathe. I nod my head and fix my posture. He does the same thing before opening the journal. He flips to the end, not the last page. He inhales deeply before beginning.

'I could promise,

'To hold you,

'And to cherish you.

He pauses and looks at me before turning it back to the journal. I listen intently to every single word.

'I could promise to be there in sickness and in health,

I could say, 'til death do us part

But I won't.

Those vows are for optimistic people,

The ones full of hope.

And I do not stand here optimistic or full of hope.

I am not optimistic,

I am not hopeful,

But I am sure,

I am steady,

So this, I am sure that,

You are my partner,

My lover,

My very best friend,

And this very heart of mine, beats for you and only you,

I promise you, me.

At the end of his slow and subtle recital, he carefully and slowly closes his journal, lips pursed. He wrote it with true emotions and dedication. I don't tear up easily, however, I could feel them forming at the corner of my eyes. I turn my head to wipe them away, so that he wouldn't see.

{{A/N: Please pause the audio now before continuing}}

'Harry...' I call him, and my voice cracks a bit. He faces downwards, unable to look up for a while.

'Harry, look at me.' He finally looks up and his eyes are watery.

'That was amazing. I don't think you realize, but it truly was. Your mind is unbelievable.' I shower him with compliments that gathered up in my head. He finally wipes away the tears and adjusts himself.

'I wrote it while thinking about someone. And this poem's also for them.' He tells me and I can't help but form a small smile. He really is feeling the sensation of the emotion of called love.

'Things weren't well between us for a while. But I guess now everything might go back to normal...' he continues to talk about the person. I shouldn't be assuming who the supposed person might be, but my guts are forcing me to think that it's.....
Wait no. No. It can't be. Are they really...?

I brush off the thought from my mind and just focus on Harry. He's written it while suffering from pain and love, at the same time.

'Harry, I hope you can restore your courage and confess your feelings to them. They will be very lucky to have  someone who treats people with kindness and love, all the time....' I tell him and pat his elbow.
At that very moment, my phone beeps. Message from the person I was expecting.

'Duty calls. Ms Director just called me to be there.' I get up and hang my bag pack around my shoulders.

'Emily?' He asks and I nod my head like a child. He shakes his head in disbelief, to express that it's wrong timing. It definitely is. But yeah, work's important too. I wave Harry a goodbye and charge towards the set.

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