THIRTY FOUR - Extended

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3 days ago


I don't know where she is taking me, but I know for sure that something was up. We enter a room shortly afterwards, which was covered with grey walls and equipped with computers. She closes the door behind me, and I glance at every single one of her actions. She sits down on a table and glances at her phone, to find something.I cross my arms, waiting for her to say something. 

'So, are you gonna spill something or did you just bring me here to waste my time?' I huff. She looks at me and a small smirk appears from the corner of her lips.

'I brought you here, so that I can blow your mind.' Emily's raspy voice reaches my ear and I give her a exasperated look. What the fuck is she blabbering?

'Have a listen to this..' she smirks again, and plays a recording of.....wait a second. No, this can't be...

'Well, yeah, I have to deal with insomnia quite often. Moreover, I see weird dreams every now and then. Most of them turn out to be nightmares. It's dreadful and horrific. I have to see a doctor at least once or twice a month, depending on the seriousness. That's why I need to write down my dreams, for Dr Jones to conduct appropriate tests on me...' I hear Ash's voice, as she reveals one of her biggest secrets. I instantly get a cold feet, and my eyes widen.

'I have successfully managed to keep this information as a secret from the media. Shawn has been a huge aid and has kept me far away from the media's attention. If by chance,anyone decides to betray, then everything will go down in a blink of an eye...' she stops the recording and grins at me and starts to laugh under her breath.

'This was our conversation!! But I cut my voice from the entire clip, so it's basically Ashley unveiling the biggest truth! I kinda tricked her into doing this. Imagine, a sensitive information like this, landing on the wrong hands....' Emily says as it's something highly humorous. I just looked at her, my mind overshadowed with the thoughts of what she might end up doing with it.

'Oh Harry, just think about Ashley's state!! When her private information gets leaked like this...'  

'I won't let you do anything of that you understand that?? I am gonna go and tell Ashley and even Shawn about your evil deeds. At least Ashley will finally see your true face.' I tell her, clearly infuriated and reach for the door.

'Think twice before committing anything like that, Harry. You might get yourself into something and regret it for the rest of your life..' she states and stops me from pulling the handle of the door. I turn around to face her, once again, a vivid smirk appearing at the corner of her lips.

'What do you mean?'I ask, brows furrowed. 

'I always have a back up plan, you know? Just in case, you decide to ruin my hard work...' she gets down from the table and shows me something else, which catches me off guard. My eyes widen and my heart begins to race. She had her eyes glued on us the entire time, on set. She literally snapped pictures of us, being close, not even in that way.  She has a bunch of them. And she is planning to use this, against us.  

'I know Harry, you guys are just friends. Everyone else in this set is cognizant of that. But the media....all these pictures and even the recording, is literally gold for them. This is exactly what they look for every time they try and stalk renowned people. And you know very well, how CAPABLE they are in manipulating and altering stories...' she laughs under her breath once again. I clench my jaw, as fury takes over my emotions.

'Think about the aftermath. Ashley will break down to such extent that she won't even dare to leave her home! She'll go through her 'depression' phase again. All the paparazzi people will wait for her, to ask questions,to throw hate, to pressure her into revealing the truth. How long do you think Shawn can control it? But, most importantly, she, for sure, will never speak to you again. She'll be too afraid. Technically, that'll be like ending the friendship, once and for all. At that moment, you'll realize, you shouldn't have unveiled my motives to anybody.' she pauses and I get a cold feet. For the first time in my life, I feel utterly helpless. 

'She might end up committing something serious. After all, a troubled girl like her, won't be able to live a life like that...' Emily continues, her voice getting deeper. 

'Why are you doing this? What do you want...from me?' I finally ask, knowing that she definitely has a major goal that she's determined to achieve. 

'I want you, Harry.' a straightforward answer leaving her mouth.

'That's not possible. We broke up, Emily! We called the relationship off ourselves!' I bellow this time.

'I DON'T CARE! A space in my life has been vacant ever since we broke up! Even though I had a boyfriend after you, who even gave me a son, he NEVER filled that space. Because he's not the one I need in my life. You're the one I want, because I was never over you!!' she steps closer, as her words hit me like rocks.

'And I can do anything  to get what I want. Anything.'  

'What do you want me to do then?' my voice trembles in the middle. I am trapped in every way and there was no out. If I don't do what she tells me, she will turn Ashley's life into a living hell. I can't let that happen. 

'Now that's what I call intelligence. Now, if you two can become best friends easily, then it must be a piece of cake to slowly tarnish that. You apply your own methods, Harry. But keep one thing in mind: you'll be watched. By me. So, don't even dare to play tricks.' she grins, and my mouth opens slightly. She is really threatening me to do this, and the worst part of it all is that there's no way out of here. 

'Anyway, I'm running late andddd...I need to meet your soon-to-be  ex best friend now. Bye babe....' she whispers the last words into my ear, emphasizing strongly on 'babe'. She kisses me on my right cheek as I shut my eyes, her alien perfume taking over the surrounding air I'm breathing in. She strolls off, slowly closing the door behind me.

I don't know where this is gonna lead me. I might lose the person I love the most. Yes. I love her. So fucking much. For the first time in a long duration, I've actually developed feelings of true love. It's almost like an enchanted sensation. However, when it comes to confession, I am highly indecisive. I will hate to see her walk away. But I am trapped and the worst part of it all is that there's no way out...

I am tromping around the shoot sight, thinking about what just happened a few minutes ago. Ashley might end up abhorring my sudden change in attitude, but I'm doing all of this for her. It's important that I keep her life secured rather than focusing on how the aftermath will affect me horribly. Losing Ashley is like losing all the precious diamonds that one collected for years. 

Falling in love wasn't my thing for three years. But when that feeling gave me a chance, everything starts to fall apart again. Never in my worst nightmare did it cross my mind that I'll be obliged to follow something I don't want to. I am just praying Emily doesn't turn out to be a traitor by doing something unexpected. I can't predict anything right now, as there's no guarantee that she won't do such a thing...

I approach the editing room, where I am supposed to be right now. I open the door, and right there, stood a dark haired man, wearing a black overcoat which covers 99% of his tattoos. We make eye contact for a few seconds, before he walks past me, without saying a single word.

What's Zayn doing here?  I thought trespassing was prohibited. 

No. He wasn't trespassing.

It's pretty obvious why he is here. 

I sigh before walking in. Emily is the first person my eyes land on. She glances over at me, and eventually our eyes meet. I roll my eyes to see Ash, who is sat on the couch with Niall, chitchatting. Emily winks at me, and a huge smirk forms on her evil face, signalling me to be wary of everything I do around Ashley. I clench my jaw and fist, rolling my eyes after a while. I look down on the ground, and begin to walk. As I walk pass Ashley, I could feel her gaze following me. She was probably expecting me to sit beside her or at least say a 'hi'. But I am forced and I ignore her entirely. I gaze out of the window, with my arms crossed, highly tensed about what might or might not happen...

30 minutes later

Everybody gets out of the room, one by one. As Ashley's about to get out, she turns to look at me. Her dark eyes lock into my green ones and for a slight second, I forget about my obligations.

If only I could tell you how much of a mess I am for your love....

My feelings are overtaking my thoughts.

I come back to reality in a swift second. I clench my jaw and look away to gaze outside from the window, once again. Meanwhile, she slowly closes the door behind me, and I am left alone in the room now.

A few minutes pass by, which I mostly spend in my flooded thoughts, before the door is ajar again. A brunette man enters, holding a Starbucks coffee tumbler and smiles at me weakly. I return a confused smile and walk towards him. 

'What's up Harold?' Niall asks me and I sigh deeply.

'I am fine, yeah, I am fine...'I lie and force a weak smile.

'Stop lying. I am 100% sure that Emily did something that's worrying you to a great extent' he tells me as if he just read my mind. How did he know...?

'Also, if you're perceiving that someone told me, then I can assure that you're wrong. I am a mind reader, Harry...' he laughs at the end and I smile for real this time.

'Close the door, at least...' I inform him and he looks around.

'Wait, another person is gonna come... Anddd he's here...' he says and Louis enters the room, closing the door slowly. He's holding two cups of Starbucks coffee, in his hands. He hands me a cup and I accept it kindly.

'Vanilla guys know exactly what I need...' I sip the drink and tell them. They chuckle and we have a laugh for a minutes before  they reach the actual point.

'Now, don't hide anything, Harry. What's wrong? Why are you so off today?' Louis asks and I gulp down half a pint of that Vanilla Macchiato, causing me to almost choke. Almost. I put the cup aside and wipe my mouth with a tissue.

'She will find out and make her life miserable. I can't tell anybody, no matter how much I want to. For her sake...'  I inform.

'Who are you talking about? Who is it you are putting yourself into so much pressure for?'Niall interrogates and I begin to play with my ringed fingers. 

'Ashley....' I mutter her name out, and both of them look at me with serious expressions. It's time that I spill the beans to my best friends. If in anyway they can help me, then so be it. 

I tell them everything that happened between Emily and I, her motives and what she's planning to do if I don't follow. They look at the ground with their brows furrowed and arms crossed, as I instill a great deal of information in their minds. 

'Harry, you just can't follow what she says. That's not who you are dude...' Louis responds.

'Exactly. It's definitely a serious issue, since she has threatened to harm Ash. But you can't let Emily win. You just can't.' Niall replies.

'So what am I supposed to do then?' I rejoin.

'Listen, we need to come up with a plan that will backfire Emily's. After all, Karma's got a kiss for everyone..' Louis replies and I smile sheepishly.

'I know what we need to do...' Niall mutters and we both face him.

'Every criminal commits a small mistake when they're executing their plans. Our job is to take advantage of it..' he speaks. He sounds so much like one of those NCIS officers.   

'Louis, you need to keep an eye on Emily, at all times. Do whatever you want, but just don't let her escape your notice. But of course, don't let her be suspicious.'  Niall explains.

'Gotcha, Niall. Consider it done' Louis replies.

'As for me, I have techniques on how to lure people in my trap.' he smirks and thinks about what he's gonna do. 

'Hey, you don't actually do that in real life, do you? Luring people into your trap?' I ask him like a worried individual who just discovered something unexpected.

'No of course not. Only when it's necessary.' he replies and he laughs jestingly.

'And Harry,you need to 'pretend' that you're back with Emily, in front of Ashley. Keep Emily satisfied with your actions. I know it's gonna be difficult, but trust me, if that's how you can save your friendship, then it's worth it. We'll try our best...' Niall tells me my job and I nod with a sigh.

'Don't worry, Harold, you'll get your Ashley back, real soon.' Louis winks at me and I shake my head as a playful gesture...

Everything will be alright....I know it will...

That's what they all say.


After today's day was over, I head outside and begin to pack my stuff. I spot Ashley approaching from the corner of my eye. I realize that I was done with my packing, but it's necessary that I keep myself busy with something, just to avoid her in every way possible. I disorganize all my belongings in my bag purposely. She stands beside me now, and I take a deep breath.

'Hey' she retorts. I stop and look at her from the corner of my right eye.

'Hi.' I reply, not meeting her eyes.

'You okay?' she asks.

'Yeah. Why'd you ask?' I question and pretend that my packing is highly important.

'You're really asking me that? After literally ignoring me for the entire day? It's as if I am a ghost or a bare wall.' she huffs at me and I sigh under my breath. If only she knew...

'So now you're gonna act delusional? Harry, come on, it's a serious issue right now. If something's up, just spit it out. We can work it out together-'

'I am fine, OKAY? Nothing's wrong with me. Besides, I am NOT OBLIGED to answer every single one of your questions. Just leave me alone, honestly. It'll be good for both of us.' I interrupt her and sneer loudly, making her go blank. 

I'm sorry Ash for doing this, I really am. I hope one day, you'll know that I don't mean to do all that...

'I just want you to feel better Harry....' she mutters under her breath. I feel a horrible and tingly sensation in my stomach.

'I am okay, Ashley. If I am ignoring you, it's for a good reason. So stop interrogating me as if you have full rights to do that.' I state clearly this time and look away. I cannot see her teary eyes, which formed because of me. 

'Okay, I'm, I am...sorry.' she stammers and walks away, without even bidding farewell. A tear escapes my eye and wipe it straight away. I need to get myself together and remind myself of Niall's plan, continuously. 

'Well, well, well, that was such an amazing move darling...' I hear Emily's voice from behind, which almost makes me jolt. She looks at me, clearly pleased by what I did.

Yes, it's working.

'Thanks, Emily. I thought about it for a while today. It's not a bad idea, after all. I would love to start over with you, again. Give our relationship another chance...' I tell her and she grins. 

'I can't believe this....are you really...?'

'YES! I am. It may look odd, because I was against it a few hours ago. But don't worry about it. I just wanna start over. With you...'  I speak with no hesitation. Damn, I should really audition for another movie.

'Oh, Harry. I've been waiting for years to hear this. I love you so much, babe.' she moves closer and gives me a hug. I forcefully return it, jaws clenched and brows furrowed. She lets go and blows a kiss, as she walks away. I smile and wave her a goodbye in return.

3 days later, February 1, Morning

I get back to my apartment from my daily jogging sessions. I quickly hop into the shower and stay there for a good amount of time. After getting all dressed and ready, I head downstairs for breakfast. I check my phone which is on the kitchen counter. My messages and social media are flooded with birthday wishes from many people. I take out a few minutes to reply to them, but it's not just birthday messages. There are missed calls, voice messages, text messages from Ashley, from the three days that I've ignored her. I open the chat and listen to all the voice messages....she really misses me? She apologized constantly for things that she didn't even do.

I wish I could tell you that it's not your fault. 

I wish I could fix this right now, so that I don't have to be so cold to you.

I wish I could give you the three days back.

I wish.

I force myself to put the phone down. I can't weaken myself by reading and purposely brushing them aside. I have to stand strong. I dial Niall's number immediately and he picks it up after two rings.

'Hey Niall....any updates? How long do we need to continue doing this...?' I ask him straight away.

'Woah, woah calm down buddy. First of all, Happy 25th birthday. Secondly, I have good news and bad news.Which one would you like to listen to first?' he asks.

'Thank you for the wish. And good news of course. I am sick and tired of bad news' I tell him and he chuckles.

'Okay. Good news is that I recorded something which can actually be used against Emily. Bad news is that we need to wait for it to be prepared. The clip will be ready by tonight, latest...' he informs me. 

'Okay, so we can confront her by tonight, yes?' I ask again.

'There's no guarantee, because I am not 100% sure that it'll be ready by tonight. But I am working on it. I'll make sure your birthday party isn't spoiled...' he says and I sigh in relief. I hope I can end this, once and for all, by tonight.

'Thanks Niall, for having my back. See ya tonight..' I bid him farewell.

'Anytime, Harold. See you.' We hang up. I can finally see a ray of hope. These past three days,we just pretended with no real outcome.  I am ecstatic that our hard work is slowly paying off.



I get ready for my birthday party in my dressing room. I haven't been in this bungalow of mine in a long time. I adjust my suit and look at myself in the mirror. I think about what may end up happening tonight, as pictures of prediction stream across my face.


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