'Harry, stop, I can't take it anymore!' Ashley mentions,in between laughs. For the past few minutes, I've been cracking some good jokes (yeah, they are definitely not one of my weird puns). It's been giving us good company, but her in specific, which is the only thing that mattered to me. The road is clear, excluding one or two cars. She suggested to pull the windows down, which allowed the breeze to produce a creature comfort.
We've been on the road for half an hour now. It's nearly midnight but London still looks stunning as we cross the bridge. We close the windows when it starts snowing. We've talked on and off about plenty of things and kind of got to know each other more.
'Ah I don't like it when the windows are down' Ashley says as she pulls down the window again and puts out her hand, for a bit of fling.
'You're gonna get cold' I tell her jestingly but she flips her hair, signalling that she won't.
'I could care less right now. The snow is too beautiful. Let me enjoy it Harry.' The snow touches her bare skin but she is still enjoying it. I playfully shake my head and focus on my driving. She's so delighted and this is the first time I've seen her being overly uproar and happy.
Wish I could call you mine....
He stops the car in front of his gates. His home looks magnificent from the outside. He stops the ignition and turns off the headlights. We both get out of the car at the same time. He comes over and stands right in front of me. Before he began, I interrupt him. It's important to tell him now.
'Harry I have to tell you something' I spill abruptly.He looks confused, but relaxed.
'Sure, go ahead.' He says calmly, once again accelerating my heart beat. I slowly accumulate the words in my mouth and decide which ones will be suitable. I sigh before looking straight at him, plucking up the courage.
'Um, I'm... We're leaving London tomorrow.' The words magically come out, with a bit of stammering.
'What? I thought you were leaving on the day after tomorrow.' He's shocked and I understand why. I should've told him before.
'It was. But my mum asked Shawn if it was possible to go tomorrow and he said yes. He texted me this morning about our departure but I was too caught up with Ruby and Niall's issue that I completely forgot to tell you. I'm sorry.' His expression goes blank. This was the only thing I was afraid of. I remember dad telling me that it's not good to give new and important information in the last minute. We remain silent for a solid minute, before he shakes his head to talk.
'It's okay. Besides, you were gonna leave anyway. If not today, then the next day or the day later. It really doesn't matter if it's a day early.' He finishes and I look at his melancholy expression.
'It matters to you.' I step forward to get closer. I hug him because of my urge. My face lays on his shoulder as he wraps his hands around my back. This is generally our last meeting. I don't know when we can get to see each other again.
'We will continue talking, alright?' He whispers into my ear.
'Definitely.' A smile appears on my face as images of the memories flashes in my head. I clearly miss it and him in particular.
He gently pulls away and signals me that it's time for me to leave. I look at my watch and it's half past midnight. I should really get going now. I go back to my car and start the ignition. With one last look and wave at Harry, I drive away. His figure gradually disappears from the side mirror. The streets are almost pitch black. The only thing that's lighting it up were the dim street lights and my headlights. During the rest of the journey, all I could think about was the moment which passed a few minutes ago. It came and went,like clouds on a rainy day.
The living room of Shawn's apartment is dimly lit by the candles on side tables. We're gonna leave this place tomorrow. I blow all the candles and it's soon as dark as a cellar. I quickly turned on the light which illuminated the staircase only. I decide to check on Shawn, so I go to his room. Surprisingly, he wasn't there. I wonder what he's doing at this hour of the night, when he clearly knows we're departing tomorrow. Did he forget? I drop him a text just to make sure. Obviously, there isn't any instant reply. I sigh and go back to my room, shutting the door. I change into a white tee and shorts and get ready for bed. I do some last minute packing before hoping onto the bed, laying under the covers.
My phone lights up, as Harry sends a sweet goodnight text. My cheeks flush as I type one back. My eyes keep fluttering, which causes me to almost drop my phone on my face. I put it aside, before dozing off to sleep.
'It's just a PR contract Ashley calm down!' A voice echoes from a distance. A tall figure approaches nearer, step by step. His face was too bright for me to see.
'A PR contract? How many have you had since we got together? This isn't a joke -------.' I utter a name, but it gets censored. What the hell is happening?
'Stop being so fucking insecure!' The voice shouts, sending shivers through my body.
The scene changes drastically into another one. The environment is dull, with only the sound of sobs filling in.
'You're a fucking liar. I trusted you, but what did you do instead?' It's me uttering those words, in between sobs. I'm clearly wounded from the inside.
'You clearly want me for yourself don't you? But guess what, I definitely cannot live like that. Therefore, I'm not gonna live with you. Anymore. Good bye -----'
Before it proceeded, I get up from my bed. My heart is accelerating. Why can't I just not have these for a few days? I remove my duvet and go to my bathroom to freshen up. I wear a pair of jeans, white tee and a black hoodie. I grab a pair of ankle boots and tie my hair into a bun. I check my bag to see whether I've taken everything. My suitcase isn't in my room. Shawn probably took it downstairs. I grab my sunglasses and go downstairs.
While I wait for Ashley to come downstairs for breakfast, I have a quick chat with my producer. I'm working on some songs for the next album, even though I didn't finish touring yet. I spent some quality time with Mary yesterday. It's sad that we'll have to live apart. But not for long.
I turn around as I think and find Ashley coming towards me. Her face looks sad and mostly annoyed, and I'm not sure why. I still give her a good morning hug, but it's a rather awkward one.
'Why are you annoyed sis?' I ask her but she stays silent. I pat her back, signalling her to open up. I sigh when she finally does.
'Well, I've been seeing those 'dreams' again. I hear a voice and see a face, but I don't know who I'm seeing. Moreover, I keep getting the feeling that they might be true one day. It's like an insight into the future, which creeps the shit out of me.' She finishes with a bit of fury. I know exactly what to do but I hesitate a bit. There's no point in that, since she's the patient.
'That's why I'm gonna take you to Dr Jones before our flight. He'll definitely have a solution to that.'
'Yeah right. Solution my bum. He clearly doesn't help at all. All he does is blabber some shit and that's all. He's probably gonna give me those pills again. I'll take them for sure, but I'll be taking them for no reason.' She crosses her hands and looks away.
'Ash, it's not nice to talk like this. He's at least giving you psychological help. I'm sure he'll do something when you mention about your 'dreams' '. I gently say, moving a bit closer.
'Easy for you to say. You're not the one who sees them nearly every single night. Besides, talking to Dr Jones is like talking to a wall. He hears me out but doesn't give me the help I need.' She spits those words with anger. I pull her into a soft hug, which surprises her for a split second.
'I'd be a remiss brother if I don't consider your feelings. I am doing my best Ash. But I also know that something better can be done for you. That's why I'm taking you home early. To mum and dad. They'll know what's best for you.' I smile over her head. Her arms are now around my back. I don't ever want to make her feel alone. I hope I don't.
After an hour long session with Dr Jones, we head towards the airport. Shawn said we're gonna head back in his private jet due to too many people. He doesn't want me to be in magazine covers again. Yeah, that affects me. A lot.
'Let's go' Shawn pats my hand and I get ready. As we exit the car and head towards the entrance, I hear the clicks of cameras. Oh God. I quickly wear my sunglasses, to avoid any sort of eye contact with those annoying people. Shawn pulls me closer to him and we walk fast. His bodyguards tells them to back off, but they continue clicking pictures.
'Shawn! Is it true you're dating someone?'
'Ashley, have you recovered from your 'nightmare' phase?'
What the hell are those questions. I want to flip them off but Shawn's here. I need to be aware of all the steps I take, for all the things I do under the spotlight. One small step can tarnish his image and that's something I don't want.
We wait at the waiting area while the jet gets ready. It's just me, Shawn, bodyguards and some of his crew members. My phone buzzes. A notification from Zayn and Harry. I decide to open Zayn's chat, since it's been a while since we've talked.
Z- Hey. Heard you're living London today?
A- Yeah. Currently waiting for the jet to get ready
Z- How do you feel right now?
A- Hyped. I miss home
Z- Same. Bummer how I couldn't visit my mum when I was in London...
A- Why not?
Z- She didn't have time I guess...
I don't type for a while. She didn't have time? That's highly weird. There's something wrong. Or maybe I'm just thinking way too much. I decide to swiftly divert the topic.
A- there's always a next time, so don't lose hope. Anyway, how are you?
Z- I'm good. Recording a few songs. Can't wait for you to hear them.
A- aw that'll be amazing
'Ash, let's go. The jet's ready' Shawn calls me. I grab my back and send one last text to Zayn.
A- Hey I gotta go. The jet's ready. I'll talk to ya soon :)
Z- ok. Be safe. I'll see you soon
We get into this magnificent jet. It looks...different? I'm pretty sure it's the same one. I ask Shawn but he laughs lightly and mocks me. I roll my eyes and take my rightful seat. I adjust the seating. I roll my huge scarf around me. God, this place is cold. I take out my phone and open Harry's chat.
H- hey. Where are you?
A- on board. Ready to take off
He starts typing at the very moment.
H- oh thank God. I was worried because you weren't replying
A- don't worry. We met our annoying friends on the way
H- Haha I know who you're talking about
A- and then Zayn contacted me, so I texted him for a while
H- oh.
A- Yeah
A- Hey I'm gonna talk to ya later. We're taking off. Don't wanna miss the view
H- ok...stay safe. Message me soon :)
A- okay...talk to you later
The jet starts to take off and I manage to record it with my video camera. We're soon thousands of feet above ground, colliding with clouds. I'm finally going home. Finally.
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