'WOW Ash, you sing so well' Niall says, while extending his arm to rub my shoulder. I smile at him, and then look at everyone. They all seem to be really happy, especially Shawn. I'm happy myself. I'm glad some change is showing inside of me.
We skipped through a lot of songs, including some oldies. The next song was The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac. This is probably my favorite song from the band. Niall and Harry seem to be singing enthusiastically to it, Harry in specific. I've once seen a video of him covering it. I have to say, it's mind blowing. Him singing it now is also giving me good vibes. I try and sing along with them, but quietly.
Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies
Break the silence, damn the dark, damn the light
And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain
Louis blows a whistle with his finger and stands up.
'I would really love it if we all gave a round of applause for Harold and the Irish fella for their magnificent singing' he says in a very posh accent. I giggle at that and we all start clapping.
The next song is Girl Crush. I didn't know the lyrics to it, neither did the rest except Harry and Niall. The rest admired their singing as they sang along to the song. However, Niall stops singing, looks at Harry and lets him sing only.
Niall continuously kept smiling at Harry, so did everyone else. Wow. His version of Girl Crush. He is singing it with so much passion as if he feels every word. Every rhythm. I look at him with awe. I would love to see him cover this song in the studio.
I gotta girl crush, hate to admit it but
I gotta heart rush, ain't slowin' down
I got it real bad, want everything she has
That smile and the midnight laugh she's givin' you now
As he ends the song with a slow rhythm, everyone claps for him, including myself. It was so pleasing to hear to.
'Wow Harold, your version of Girl Crush is so wonderful. That's why I stopped halfway, so that I could listen to you singing it. Please do a studio version soon bud.' Niall says, patting Harry's shoulder.
'Thanks Niall. You're the best.' he says and they hug each other and bury themselves into each other's shoulders.
'Aw look at how cute this view is' Shawn says and everyone agrees. I smile at them. I love seeing relationships between two best friends. My heart really warms up to seeing such sight.
We sing along to a few more songs before the bus halts. I look out through the window to see the glorious entrance of Madame Tussauds. I've been waiting for this for so long. I get up before everyone else, because of excitement running through my nerves.
'Alright, peeps, let's go!' Mary says as everyone starts to get up. We exit the bus, one by one. I go after Niall. Harry is behind me. As we walk, I almost trip over a rock, but Harry held my hand just in time which stopped me from falling.
'Be careful' he says, letting go of my hand. I thank him and start walking as usual, with him being behind me again.
We que at the entrance to show our tickets to the guards. It was really fast. As I enter, I already spot some wax figures standing nearby. I almost jump when I thought that the wax figure of Morgan Freeman was the real person. The all look so real that I am already starting to freak out. I search for my favorite celebrities and take selfies with them. Adele, Michael Jackson, Will Smith, Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, Barack Obama, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and One Direction were all in my photo album. The photos will really seem to assure anyone that I've met all these people, but they're only wax figures.
The place is not really that packed, which is good. I can see my brother and the 1D guys taking pictures with some fans who spotted them. Some seemed to be stalkers, but I can't say for sure.I continued walking, until a blonde girl came up to me and requested for a photo. Why though, I say to myself.
'Um, alright' I say politely. Denying the offer would be rude. This girl has probably seen me on some magazine or some entertainment news channel. She thanks and hugs me, and walks away. It isn't long enough until more people approach me, asking for photos. Oh God, this is getting highly uncomfortable. Most of them are stalkers.
'You're really pretty' one guy say to me. I quickly stiffen.
'Yeah, I agree but why don't you cut your hair? They're too long' one girl says.
'No offense, Ashley, but your taste in fashion is so boring'.
'I can't wait to tell everyone about you!'
'I think the newspapers were right about you.'
'Why do you look scared all the time?'
'By the way, your eyebrows look so fake. What do you do to 'em?'
'You're a nobody to be honest. If it wasn't for your brother, you would NEVER be the center of attention.'
All these questions and comments are getting on my nerves. They're so cruel and rude. I don't have the courage to fight back, I never did. I can't take this anymore. I close my ears and run away from them. I could hear some of them laughing behind me. Their laughs were like those bullies at high school. I run, run and run. I want to escape and save myself from the sight of so many people. I feel embarrassed. I need someone to rescue me from this cruelty.
I reach the restrooms and shut the door loudly. There is luckily no one in it. I slide by back against the wall. I sit on the floor. I am about to burst into tears. I was having the best time discovering the wax figures and everything just turned out to be wrong. I don't ask for these to happen literally every time I step outside of my house or hotel. All these negative thoughts forces me to cry, quietly in the washroom.
A few minutes later, I hear knocks on the door.
'Ash, are you in there?' I hear Shawn. I just want to go and hug him, but I'm too afraid to go in front of anyone right now.
'Ash, I know you're in there. Open the door. Please sis I just need to see you.' he continues. There's NO way I'm going to show him my face. He'll just get more worried.
He keeps knocking on the door. I hear more footsteps approaching.
'Ash, it's okay babe. You can come out' I hear Mary. Oh no. Everyone's coming now.
'Ash? I'll tell you some jokes to cheer you up. But for that you need to come out. Please?' Niall's words barely get into my ears. My head is heavy from crying a lot. My eyes are puffed.
'Um, Ashley?' I hear a deep voice next. It's Harry now. I wonder what he has to say. I stop myself from turning the tap.
'It's okay. They're gone. We saw them and took appropriate action. Don't hurt yourself. Please. You're-' he pauses. 'You're loved.'
I slowly turn the tap to wash my face.
I wipe it off with some tissues. I take a deep breath, before finally opening the door.
Everyone sighs in relief. Harry was right there, in front of me. He smiled and I gave one back too. I ran into Shawn, to engulf myself with his warm hug. I try really hard not to cry.
'It's okay. I love you Ash' Shawn says, and I hold him more tightly, whispering an 'I love you too'.
Mary soon comes and hugs me. She whispers some words before Niall does the same. No one asks me a question about what happened. I reckon Shawn told them not to.
'We're going to go back to our hotel. I think you need to take some rest, before going to the doctor' Shawn says.
'Doctor?' Harry asks.
'Yeah well actually she has an-' Shawn breaks off when he is interrupted by Louis and Liam, who enters with some bags.
'We bought lunch, so we can have them on our way back.' Liam says.
'Great! I think we should go now Shawn, before any paps show up' Niall suggests.
'Yeah let's go.' Shawn says and we all leave.
I look at Harry just as we are walking. I want to tell him about my problems, because he seems that type of person. He looks at me with worry. But I decide to break the gaze. I only met him today. I need to know him more in order to reveal myself to him.
We reach our hotel at around 5pm. 3 more hours. I decide to head back to my room. Mary decides to join me, so we go together, and the guys will be at Shawn's room.
Mary avoids talking about today and tries to distract me with other topics.
Thank God. I don't even want to talk about today's incidents. These will give me nightmares for sure, and I'm just afraid to go to sleep, again.
Mary decides to read me some boring stories, so that I could sleep for a while. Turns out, it worked and I fall asleep immediately.
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