| 09 |

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The front door clicked open, casting the glare from the porch light across my face. I squinted, looking up and locking eyes with my exhausted father.

Charlie stopped, blinked at me and checked his watch as he closed the door.

"Honey, what are you still doing up?" He asked, clicking on the light.

He stopped his path to the kitchen when he saw the state I was in. My reddened eyes and scraped hands were sore and my head was pounding and despite being an adult, all I wanted in that moment was for the comfort of my father.

He took a quick step over to the stairs and sat down in front of me. 

"What happened?" He asked, gently taking my hands and checking them over, just like he used to when I was younger. 

I sniffed loudly, usual embarrassment of doing so long gone. "I had a fight with Bella, it was bad, Dad." I felt my eyes start to water again as I looked up at my father, knowing he was the only one that could make things better. The lump in my throat got bigger as I pushed my tears back. 

He sighed and helped me stand, walking us both into the kitchen. 

He gently guided me to the table and then reached into the fridge grabbing two bottles of beer.

Charlie pulled the cap of both beers, holding one in front of me.

My confusion was written all over my face, as well as my scepticism.

"You're legal now, but just this once, alright?"

I laughed slightly and took the bottle from him. There was no reason to mention that this wasn't my first time drinking.

"What happened between the two of you?" Charlie asked, sitting opposite me.

I sighed, taking a small sip of the beer. I was unsure how to explain everything ad my brain began sifting through what I should and shouldn't say. 

"Bella's gone to find Edward," I started, knowing it was best to get that out of the way first.

"What the hell?" Charlie sat forward, more alert than he'd been all night. I cringed and he stared me down with his police chief eyes. 

"She's fine," I promised him, watching him settle slightly though he was slowly becoming angry at the thought that his youngest daughter had just run off, no matter if she was 18 or not.

"She went with Alice, I'm not sure why, she'll have to explain when she gets back." I said. "I think something was wrong." I added, hoping that would make him less angry and more worried, which might have been worse in the long run, but might save my sister some hassle when she returned. 

I frowned to myself, wondering why on earth I was still defending her after she cut my so deeply with her words. 

"I tried to stop her, we started to fight, she told me she didn't want me to be her sister anymore."

Charlie sighed and shook his head as his eldest daughter swiped away her oncoming tears angrily.

"She pushed me and I got back up and said some stuff."

Charlie sighed. "Honey, you and Bella have always clashed over the smallest things, but even though I think you won't, cause you're both stubborn, you always manage to bounce back."

I nodded but still couldn't shake the feeling that everything was different now.

"I know you two, Evie. As soon as your sister gets back, you'll work it out." He told me. "After she's grounded for the rest of her life."

I smiled and then got up, wrapping my father in a hug I knew we both needed.

"I'm really sorry about Harry, Dad. I know how much he meant to you."

He hugged me tightly. "I'll push through. As long as I've got my two girls, I'll be fine."

As I stood there, relishing in the comfort I was giving and receiving, I couldn't help but feel like something big was coming, something that made me extremely nervous.


23/04/2020 - Edited back into first person with additional sentences/words. 

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