Chapter 20 - My Life Started With You

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It was a silent moment between Jasper and I. Today, I was suppose to visit my aunt and help her. Instead, she lent me her car. I had already gotten my driver's license but I couldn't really afford a car. So, to be driving one right now felt pretty terrifying.

The last time I had driven a car was during my driving test. But, I think I got the hang of it. In any case, to compensate for my failed attempt, I decided to bring him somewhere further away from the city. I hope he would like it.

I kept the place a secret from Jasper. No matter how much he pleads or whine, I will not reveal where we're going. It's a special place that my aunt had brought me after my parents' death and it helped a lot in calming me down.

"Are we there yet?", Jazz whined. I hide a smile forming on my face. He's so cute when he's whining. I answer him with a shake of my head. "Not yet but we're nearly there", I replied. And then, it went silent again. I kept my eyes on the road while he kept his on his phone.

I knew where the place was but I decided to take a little detour to be would anticipate it a bit longer. But soon, I could see our destination. As we neared it, I stole a glance in Jasper's direction. He was speechless. Mouth hanging open and everything.

This place was really special to me. This was our little secret hide away. Hidden behind a dense forest and secluded from an entire road, a beautiful beach was hidden amongst it. The difference between a normal beach is that its water is very clear.

You could see even the deepest depth. But of course, it's not an actual beach but it was close enough. Getting out of the car, I grabbed the stuff we needed for this. It wasn't anything fancy or the sort really. Just some food, blankets and two pairs of swim trunks.

I didn't tell him where we were going so I knew he didn't bring much. I lock the door as I lead the way to the beach. As usual, it was very calming and serene. Fish rarely come through this area, making it a terrible spot for fishing but a good place to swim and relax.

I set up the stuff I brought, laying down the blanket and the basket full of food. I handed him a swim trunk that's the perfect size for him while I took mine. "If you're uncomfortable, you can always go behind the trees and change. I'll just change right here", I say to him.

He nods as he makes his way behind a tree, leaving me standing there. I quickly strip out of my clothes before putting on the swim trunks. Not too big but not too small. Jazz emerges from the trees in his and I will admit, he looks so cute and rather handsome in them.

"Wanna go swimming?", I ask. He nods. So, I lead him into the water. Slowly, I let him enter the water in his own pace as I started entering the deeper part. He makes it to where I was and smiles at me. I smile back as I went swimming around the place.

Jazz followed suit, trying to keep up with my pace. But one thing to know about me, I can get competitive when needed. As he tried closing the gap, I swam faster, adding more to the gap than there was before. He pouts at me but I only stick my tongue out at him.

One thing to know about him, he isn't one to be bested. So, as soon as I saw the look on his face change, I knew we were going to be in an all out battle. I quicken my swimming at I hear him do the same. He proved to me he could swim relatively the same pace as me.

Just as I heard him close the gap, I turn around and grabbed him. He yelps and giggles as I hold him high above me. I lower him back down into the water, letting him float on his own. I rest my forehead on his and close my eyes. A low hum resonated from my throat.

"No matter how much we argue or fight. No matter how much we cry. No matter how much we're in pain. I will always love you, no matter how hurt I am. And if I hurt you, I will never forgive myself", I started. He was only silent, his breathing was the only thing I could hear.

"Life was dull and mundane for me before. Everyone treated me the same and nothing ever really changed. I felt like an outcast despite everyone else seeing no fault in me. But, I'm also a living being. I'm not perfect. I'll make mistakes. I'll cry. I'll experience pain", I continued.

"But when you came, all that had just vanished from me. I thought my life had started when I was born. I mean, it makes sense. But, I realised I had made another wrong assumption. Because life didn't start at birth for me. My life started with you.", I finished.

I open my eyes to see him staring at me, smiling widely. "I don't really think I have much of an interesting story like you. When I first met you, I thought you were probably gonna hurt me. With you being popular and whatnot. I didn't really think you'd even want to talk to me", he started.

"I always thought I'd just be alone until I reached college. No friends or anything. I thought I would only have my family to be by my side until the day we all part. But that all changed when you spoke to me. When you became my friend", he continued.

"I have many secrets that I'm not willing to share with you yet. But, I know one day, I'll tell you them and I just have to hope that you won't hate me. Because, I'm the same as you. My life started with you and I intend to love you until my very last breath", he finishes.

With that, we held each other in a tight embrace. No kissing just yet for us. He's not comfortable and I'm willing to wait. We got out of the water and went to eat our food. Once done, we swam a bit more before packing up and going home.

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