Chapter 14 - A Promise To The Past

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As you can guess, it was a pretty boring day at school yet again. Same old, same old. I wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was explaining on the board. Instead, I took to playing around with the necklace I was wearing.

It was very old, shown by the rust that had formed around it. It wasn't much at all really. Just your run-of-the-mill necklace you can find at any gift shop. Yet, something felt rather strange about the necklace.

It was as if there was something hidden inside. I've been turning it around for about 10 minutes now. There was just something off about the necklace. It was just a cheap gift shop necklace but I don't think my long lost friend would have done that.

I've tried turning, pressing and even slamming it hard against my leg but nothing has worked. I let out an exasperated sigh as I worked my brain to its fullest. Is there really something hidden inside or am I just wasting my time. I tried hard to find something that could satisfy me but still, nothing.

I completely gave up at that point. Probably the first time I've ever gave up on something. I was done with the damned necklace. I felt rather annoyed I wasted my time just to gain nothing from it. That's when I felt it. An small line of empty space.

I caressed it again and felt the line yet again. I placed a fingernail right inside it and pried it open like it was a barred door. It open with relative ease and something fell out of it. A piece of paper slowly made its way onto my lap.

I grabbed it and slowly unravelled it, careful not to tear it. I tend to be very aggressive when I get my hands on anything. I've been trying to teach myself to take it slow lately. Anyway, I unravelled the small piece of paper and there was writing that was a bit too small too read.

I took the time to analyse the paper, trying to decipher what my friend wrote. It was hard to say the least since the handwriting is barely eligible and the words were just too damn small. Eventually, I managed to decipher what was written on the paper.

Dear Dakota,
You might not find this now but you're smart so I know you'll find it eventually. I hope this necklace will stay with you till the day we meet again. I'm very sad for your leaving but I know, someday we'll meet again. Don't forget me, please!

It was a very short message but it manage to make me smile. I was just a step closer to knowing who my long lost friend is. I got initials which were J.R. Who could that be? You know what, I'll think about it later at home. I roll it back up and placed it back into the necklace before closing it.

I was satisfied that I got something out of this. Before I realised what had happened, the bell rung. Wait, what?! How long did I take to read a small piece of paper?! I look at the teacher who was telling us about the homework we needed to do.

I quickly take down the homework before taking my leave. It's nothing much really, I can finish it in about 10 minutes. It was the end of the day so as usual, I waited for Jasper at the front entrance. It was a routine we did everytime without fail.

I tried adjusting my necklace because it was starting to irritate me how much it felt in neck. I've never wore something on my neck before so this feeling is rather knew to me. And to no one's surprise, not even me, I managed to break the piece that was holding the necklace together.

I let out a sigh as I stared at the necklace that can't even be hung around my neck anymore. I placed it in the side pocket of my bag since I'd probably forget if it was in my jeans. I waited a few more minutes for Jasper to arrive.

Nobody came. By now, everyone had left the building. Did he leave without me? No, that couldn't be it. We always made sure to walk home together after school. I knew what would happen if he had gone alone. These school bullies aren't ashamed to use dirty tricks on their victims.

So, I decided to search for him. I don't really remember what class he had before school ended. In fact, he never really told me his schedule at all. Most I see him is during homeroom, algebra and history. After school clubs only happen during Wednesdays and today is Thursday.

I was worried so I first checked the Art room. He would probably be there since he does like drawing. But, he was nowhere to be found. Next up was the gym. I'm not sure if he has PE today but it's worth a shot. No one there also.

I went to go into the locker room but it seemed to be locked. I went out to the field but saw nobody in sight. I went everywhere in this damned school but couldn't find a trace of where Jasper was. That's really strange.

I was about to give and go home when I remembered one last place I hadn't checked yet. It seemed strange but I think he might be in the cafeteria. So, I quickly headed to the cafeteria which was thankfully unlocked.

I went in and checked every table, every crevice and even behind the counter. It was a bit hard considering the amount of tables this school has is almost comical. I finally found him, laying unconcious on the ground next to the vending machine.

I drop my bag down and quickly shook him awake. He opens his eyes slightly before clutching his head with a hand. He rubs his temple while slowly sitting upwards. He groaned as he opens his eyes to survey his surroundings.

"Huh? Kotten, where are we?", he asked. Yes, he calls me Kotten because I'm apparently as soft as cotton when I blow-dry my fur. It's a strange way of spelling cotton but he says it's because he wants to clarify that my name, is in fact, Dakota.

"We're in the cafeteria. It's the end of school. It's been about 10 minutes since school let out", I replied. He looked shocked at what he had just heard. How long did he get knocked unconscious for? "Do you remember what happened?", I asked him.

"Um, I think. Let me see", he says. He then tries his best to remember what had transpired in the 10 minutes I was out searching for him. It was silent for longer than I thought and I was about to say something when he spoke up.

"Ah, yeah. Now I remember. I was packing my bag but realised I forgot something in another class. So, I went to go get it but a lot of furs were in the way and none of them looked willing to move aside. I did make it after about 3 minutes of getting pushed around", he started off.

That explains the first 3 minutes but what about the remaining 7? "Anyway, I was on my way out when the Art teacher, Mrs. Kendrick, and I bumped into each other. She offered me to enter an art competition which was happening next week. So, I went with her and filled out the form. I saw that about 4 minutes had passed after that", he continued.

Okay, that's 7 minutes. Now, the last 3 minutes. "After that, I felt really thirsty so I went here to buy a drink and before I knew it, something hit me in the back of the head. I was knocked unconscious for, I guess, 3 minutes from what you said", he finished.

Well, now I know what had happened but unfortunately, I don't know who did this to him. I have a suspect but anyone could be the culprit since almost no one exactly likes Jasper at all. "Well, let's go home. I think your parents might be worried right about now", I say.

He nods as he slowly stands up. I helped him up before grabbing my bag. I won't fail Jasper like I failed my old friend. I'll make sure to be by his side. I won't let any harm get to him whatsoever. That's a promise.

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