|Chapter One: Perfect Day|
The day came off as normal to most of the students and teachers at the institute-well, as normal as it could get for them. Nothing bad happened the entire day. No one lost control, no one got hurt-the day seemed perfect.
Almost too perfect.
Xavier sat by his window almost the whole day, leaving the classes he had to someone else. He felt something and he didn't know how to feel about it. No one else felt this way but him, and if felt mocking. His hands were together under his chin as he stared out into the small woods that hid the school as if he were waiting for someone or something to come out.
"You know, this is the first time I've been able to sneak up on you. Either you're losing your powers or something is wrong." A voice from behind him made him jolt slightly and turn around.
His composure was soon back to its usual calm self. He appeared calm, but the man who stood before him was right. No one had ever been able to sneak on him or get that close to him, except if they had some way of blocking him, which he obviously didn't.
He blinked, noticing he had been staring. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "I'm sorry. Do you need anything, Scott?" he asked. The man in casual clothes with visors on raised his eyebrow at the professor in the wheelchair. He could clearly see his uneasiness.
"Is something wrong? You look... bothered."
The Professor shook his head, but not to disagree with Scott. "Something is wrong, Scott. I don't know what, but something feels off."
"Yeah, I hear you. Today was so perfect. It's weird, but we should enjoy it. Days like this don't come so much. I think this is a first, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is. Which makes it ever stranger."
"Then, what do you think it is?"
The Professor shook his head again. "I don't know." They stood in silence for a while. Scott mostly stared at the professor. He had never seen the professor so upset before. It made him feel weird because the professor was almost like a father to him, like he was to most of the students and teachers. The Professor just looked at the floor, seeming to have forgotten that Scott was even in the same room as him.
There was a knock at the door that looked as though it brought the professor back to life. Scott looked at him curiously. To him, it looked like something more was bothering him, but he was the last person who would be able to read Xavier to find out what exactly was wrong.
"You may come in!" the Professor called.
The door opened and a woman with long white hair walked in. She looked at Scott momentarily before giving the professor a full on worried look. He had tried to mask his worry with a calm face, but she could see right past it.
"Professor? Are you alright?" she asked. Scott and the professor looked at each other, earning a strange look from Ororo.
"Yes, I'm fine." He sighed. She stayed quiet for a while, giving Xavier the same look that Scott had been giving him. Beginning to feel slightly annoyed, the professor spoke, "Is there something you want, Ororo?"
"Yes..." she said slowly, unsure if she should pursue him in trying to find out what was wrong. "We, uh, we found a girl." The professor raised an eyebrow.
"She's somewhat new and not new at the same time. Logan just found her a while ago running around and hiding in the lowest level of the institute. She said she doesn't remember who she is or how she got here. We were hoping you could probably get some information out of her..." she explained.
"Of course, of course," he said as he wheeled over to the girl. Ororo blocked the door because it seemed like the girl wanted to run out. Her clothes weren't too old, they, in fact, looked fairly new. Xavier assumed that she had been stealing clothes from other students.
The girl kept her distance from Ororo and when the Professor had begun to wheel towards her, she moved further back; away from him. "I can assure you there is nothing to be afraid of, dear." Xavier spoke calmly. The girl's eyes were wide as she continued to stare at him.
"Please, give me your hand. You can trust me." Xavier felt a slight tap on his shoulder. "Can't you read without touching her?" he whispered into his ear.
"Yes, but if I do and we want to get any further with her, we need to gain her trust. She's afraid to even touch us now. We'll break the barriers down little by little until she feels she can trust us." He replied. Scott nodded and moved back to his place near the window.
"Just give me your hand, dear. I promise I will not hurt you." He held his hand out, making intense eye contact with the girl. She kept resisting and he kept wheeling forward until she was backed up against the wall. She looked around to find a way to get out and this made Xavier smirk. "Now if you want me to let you go, you're going to have to trust me."
The girl eyed Xavier, feeling a bit defeated, before extending her hand and placing it in Xavier's. He smiled and then closed his eyes and placed his free hand to his temple. Ororo and Scott only watched for a few moments until he opened his eyes and moved back. "I was only able to get one thing; her name. It's Leila." He said, seeming a bit confused.
"Leila," the girl repeated with a nod. "Yeah, that's my name." just as easily she had spoken up, she silenced.
"Is that all, Professor? There should be more, shouldn't there?" Ororo asked.
"Yes, there should be, but... I can't find anything else. Her mind seems to be... blank. It's very odd." He looked back for a moment and then forward to see the girl had moved. "Let's keep her here until we can find out some more. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I think time is the key with her." He explained, keeping his eyes on her.
"I'll find her a room to stay in." Scott said as he moved away from the window. He started walking to the door, waiting for Leila to follow him. "Come on now, Leila. I promise I won't hurt you either." Reluctantly, she began to follow him and soon it was only Ororo and Xavier in the room.
"Professor, I don't like to see you like this. What is wrong?" Ororo tried. Xavier sighed, knowing that she would continue if he kept on denying.
"The day just feels strange is all. But I do feel better since I saw Leila. It restores some normality to this institute." He chuckled.
Ororo looked at him for a while before smiling and nodding. "I understand. This day was certainly different. Classes are over now, I'm going to go and do a short patrol to see if I can find any kids doing something they're not supposed to." Xavier nodded and she was about to close the door, but opened it again.
"Relax, Professor. It's just a day, it's almost over anyway. Enjoy it while you can." And with that, she shut the door behind her, leaving Xavier to continue his contemplative staring.
'Is that what's bothering me so much?', he thought to himself. 'That this perfect day is coming to an end?' he continued to think about it as he watched the students file into the building for bed time and the sun disappear behind the leaves of the trees in the woods.
• • •
A/N: It wasn't good, I know. I'm sorry. Please leave comments on what you want different or something please? Thanks a heap guys!
PS: Huge thanks to @cutecumber- for making me a MARVELOUS cover. Much love.
The media updated with this chapter was by me and I'd like to know if that would be an okay cover for the entire story. Please leave comments and thanks. Enjoy the rest of the story.
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