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For five hours, all Jade did was practice her power.

"Alright, Jade, just try to make that pillow float towards the door." Jade said to herself, "Faster, this time."

During those five hours, she managed to get one of the basics of her power - levitating objects without her touching them. Then she went to the bathroom to test her power through the moving water from the sink.

She opened the faucet and water began to come out. Concentrating, Jade stared at the running water. As she felt the energy inside her body gradually increasing, it was almost painful for her to bear. Jade stayed concentrated for seconds longer until the water finally stopped mid-fall from the sink. Once she saw her expectation, she held each side of the sink and breathed heavily.

"This is taking too much of my energy." she said, panting, and went back to the main room to lie on the bed.

While asleep, Jade found herself standing inside another bedroom.

It was more medieval looking this time, very much unlike Theodore's room was in the present. The room was full of wooden furniture, but the variety of dolls placed on two beds made Jade aware that she's inside a girls' bedroom.

"Leila, what power do you want to have when you find the Tree of Magus?" Jade heard a voice of a woman

In front of her, just a few steps ahead, was a balcony. It was slightly covered with a curtain, enough to hide Jade from inside. Even with the curtain in between them, Jade still tried to find somewhere to hide herself. She wouldn't risk revealing herself again and cause damage to another timeline - if ever she time travelled unconsciously again. Scanning her surroundings, she couldn't really find an object big enough to hide her. As a last resort, Jade hid herself under one of the beds of whoever was sleeping in this room.

"I want to have healing powers!" a girl's little voice said, while shaking her tiny fists excitedly. "Because I always get sick."

"That's lame." another girl said. From the silhouettes, Jade could see that this one was a little taller. "When I'm 16, I'll ask the Tree of Magus to give me a powerful one."

The older woman patted the head of the smaller one. "Well then you only have to wait for 6 more years to get those powers you want."

"Mom, I met another noble at school." the one named Leila said, "He said I looked pretty with my pigtails."

"Oh, Leila. Is that why you wanted me to tie your hair like this?" Leila nodded. "What is this boy's name?"

"Philip. He's a Valentine!"

"A Valentine?" The woman's tone changed from all happy to a somehow disappointed one. "Leila, it's good that you're making friends with your schoolmates already but you should really get along with Lockharts and De Villiers. They are much stronger friends. They can protect you when you're hurt."

"Really mom?" Leila asked innocently.

It's a mother and her two children. Leila is the only name I get to have so far. Leila sounds familiar, though...

"I made a friend too. His name is Theodore Lockhart." the other girl boasted.

Their mom clapped her hands. "Very good, Astra! I knew I could count on you when I saw you in that Orphanage. I saw your potential!"

Leila and Astra. Theodore Lockhart. Don't you dare forget this information, Lyra Jade. Prince Theodore might know something about these people. You could be linked to them or something. Jade thought to herself.

Astra's smile faded after their mom mentioned about the orphanage. It was always like that. Leira Sinclair will praise her but will always remind her that she's not really from their House. She's just a commoner who got lucky for being adopted by a Noble. What's even worse was that it was Leila who saw her in that orphanage, she was the one who asked her mother to adopt her. Astra felt like she owed her luck to Leila but she would never try to repay her for that. Being adopted by a Noble secretly was luck, but being with Leila and her annoyingly innocent aura was bad luck for her.

"The guests are here." The mother said. "I'll greet them first and then I'll let Remy get you two afterwards."

Remy? As in Grandma Remy?

'I'm your mother's maid that time.'

So that would mean.. one of these two is my real mother.


Of course! Why did I forget about my mother's name?

When their mother left them outside on the balcony, a black butterfly appeared near the railing. Leila, the one who easily gets distracted by cute pretty things, gasped in amazement.

"Astra, look!" she called her sister, "It's a butterfly!"

"Black butterfly means bad luck, Leila." Astra simply said, slightly amused that it was Leila who first noticed the creature. "You're going to live your life full of misfortunes from now on."

What's with this Astra girlie? Why don't she just enjoy seeing cute things like butterflies?

"I don't believe what old people say about bad luck." Leila replied, trying to reach out her hand to grab the butterfly.

Jade saw how the little Leila was already on the edge of the railing, one more move of reaching out and she'd fall. Quietly, Astra stood behind the unknowing Leila. Afraid of what that kid would do, Jade was about to get out from that bed. Unfortunately for her, she was already a little big to slip out smoothly, delaying her move.

I should not meddle in the first place. I should not reveal myself. But what if I do? What if I yell for her to stop? Maybe I won't be stuck with Theodore anymore. But there's a fat chance that I wouldn't get imprisoned or killed if I get caught. I don't even know much about my power yet.

What should I do?

"Lady Leila, stop!" a stern female voice echoed inside the room. Seconds after, Jade saw a woman, who looked like she's in her 40s, pull Leila from the railing and back into their room.

Jade moved back further under the bed. That has to be Grandma Remy. I'm sure of it.

"Mrs. Burroughs..." Leila spoke, and pointed her finger towards her bed. "There's someone under my bed."

Jade stiffened. Shoot. What should I do? What should I do? Her brain was in a mess as she was still unaware of how her other power works, her powers did not exactly come with a user manual.

The younger Remy let go of the two girls and walked towards Leila's bed.

V, help! Jade yelled in her mind, hoping that something would happen.

When Remy squatted and looked under the bed, she saw no one.


Jade sat up from the bed with a sweaty forehead once again. She got up, feeling lightheaded. She walked slowly towards the table where she placed her remaining food for her snacks, each step heavy because of her current state.

The heavy feeling got worse after snacking. Jade drank the last of the water from the glass pitcher and went back to bed.

It was like her blackout when she stopped JP from bullying Lilith, only this time, it was much worse. She didn't want to sleep yet, in fear of her time travelling power taking over her again. The only thing she could do was wait for the Prince to get back.

"I'm sure the Prince is here. He sprinted past me right after last class got dismissed." Jade heard a voice coming from outside the room. "Emma, you have a spare of Theo's key, right?"

"I am not allowed to open the Prince's door without his permission, Lord Jeremiah." Emma said.

Jade hurriedly stood up even when her body's failing her. Trying so hard to walk to the bathroom, she heard Jeremiah's voice again. "Okay. You win, Emma. I'll just wait for Prince Theodore here outside. You can go do whatever chores you have left for today."

He's staying outside? Jade thought.

Instead of going inside the bathroom, Jade tried walking to the closet room, that way, she could have a better room to wait in, in case Theodore suddenly arrives with Jeremiah. After a full minute, Jade finally managed to touch the knob.

As she was twisting it, she felt a sharp pain on her back. Jade fell on her knees, her hand touching her back. Her hand was trembling when she felt multiple small sharp objects stuck on her back. She pulled these objects behind her to check what they were. On the palm of her hand were five thorns from a plant that Jade doesn't know of.

Coming inside the room from the balcony, Jenevieve Carmichael smirked at the pathetic girl on the floor. "Jeremiah could be of help sometimes, huh? There really was someone hiding in Theo's room. Just who are you?" With Jade's state, she couldn't answer the girl squatting in front of her. Jenevieve held Jade's chin up. "Are you a robber? How come Theo didn't notice you?" She smiled evilly. "Your skin's too pale right now, honey. Let me help you with some blush on."

Jenevieve took a Honey Locust thorn that Jade dropped on the floor. She used her other hand to hold Jade's face still and slit Jade's cheek with the thorn. She was able to produce a line with half an inch before Jade gathered her last strength to move and slap the girl's hand away from her now bloody cheek.

"Oh, I forgot about Blackburn." Jenevieve stood up and walked towards the door, opening it slightly and pulling Jeremiah inside before locking it again. "Look who I found."

Jenevieve jabbed her thumb to where Jade was, while Jeremiah approached Jade with a look of concern - or so Jade thought.

"What did you do to her?" Jeremiah asked Jenevieve while touching the 6-inched thorns still stuck behind Jade, "What if she's Theodore's woman? Just imagine what he'd do to you when he finds out about this."

"Theo would never have  if it wasn't me, Blackburn." Jenevieve spat. "Now carry that girl. We'll bring her somewhere to interrogate her before we hand her over Naz when he gets there."

"I shouldn't have told you about this." Jeremiah said, regretting his decision, yet doing what he was told.

Even in here, Jenevieve Carmichael is a bitch, Jade noticed. I know this idea is far-fetched.. But Theodore Lockhart! If you're hearing this.. Your bitch of a friend took me somewhere. If you're not like what Justin said about you, please save me.

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