"All I'm saying is, kids nowadays probably can't even read at the age of seven because they grew up with GTA rather than Zelda."
Mike rambles at the breakfast (now lunch) table
"Yeah, those old arcade games at your work are better! Maybe that's why I turned out so great."
Abby chimes in after she finished chewing
You wonder where she learned the manner from because it certainly wasn't Mike
"100%, Abby! And chill out, Mike, you sound old."
You tease him on the matter, but Abby takes his side!
"They've got blood and guns, that's not something people my age should enjoy!"
"I agree, but I can't believe you are siding with him, Miss Smarty-Pants!"
You slightly tickle her after confirming that she was done chewing
"She's right, Mike! You're talking like an old fart."
Her and you share a giggle
"The betrayal!"
He says dramatically
You finish your last bite before standing up and grabbing the dishes
"You don't have to -"
Mikey interrups, standing up as well
Abby looks between you two before doing little mocking kissy faces at Mike
"Abby Schmidt, you stop that; I'm just trying to show hospitality."
He says sternly yet quieter to her, seemingly embarrassed
While he was busy with Abby, you scurried to the sink with the dishes
"Wait - ugh."
He sighed, and you pridefully responded
"Too late, Mikey!"
The nickname slightly embarrassed him when Abby said it, especially in public; but when it was you, he thought it was the sweetest thing ever
Unless you called him it in public like Abby, he would still be embarrassed
Mike sits back down at the table with Abby, who was drinking a glass of milk
You return from doing the dishes and splash the water from your fingertips at him and Abby
"Ah - get her, Mikey!"
Abby says, but Mike just looks confused as you giggle at your evil actions
"When I splash you, you throw my over your shoulder!"
...That's when you stop...
"You wouldn't dare!"
You say dramatically as he begins to walk towards you
Abby giggles from the table like a maniac with her milk mustache
Before you can get far, Mike flips your world... literally
"Aaabby, help!"
She runs over and wraps herself around his leg; all of you giggling until your stomachs hurt
Mike couldn't walk while holding someone and with someone else on his foot, so he fell on the couch
Holding a hand by your and Abby's head so it doesn't hit on anything
So, you were basically laying on Mike with Abby now...
After realizing your compromising situation, you also realize that today you had a shift at your second job!
"Shizz, I gotta go!"
You mutter, making sure not to swear with Abby there
You get up, accidentally kneeing Mike in the process; you grab your phone and flip it open
It was 12:50, your shift started at 2!
"Come on, I'm sorry if that was strange or fast for you, but don't just leave."
Mike says, getting up to face you
You could tell that he thought you were leaving because of what just happened
"No, Mike, I have work soon - my other job. I totally forgot!"
You immediately explain, not wanting him to regret that fun moment that was sure to be a core memory for Abby when she grows
"Do you sit another kid?"
Abby asked
You knew this thought made her feel less special
"No, Abbs, I make bad food for grown children."
You smile down at her, who was sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch now
"Sounds like it sucks."
She giggles, and you join her
"Nothing beats this one, kiddo."
You pat her hair
"Did you want a ride - so you aren't late?"
Mike chimes in, and you nod, thanking him
Abby celebrates, going to grab a sweater
645 words without the authors note
Thank you guys sm for 5k reads!
To celebrate, I have a QnA box under my account!
Sorry for the delay. It's exam season!
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