Awkard Interaction

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"You must be, uh- y/n?" Mike asks as Abby scurries off. You could tell Mike was just as socially awkward as you, as an awkward silence sets in.
Would shaking hands be too formal, or would not shaking hands be rude? In the end you decide against it, simply answering with words, "..yes- sir" You say, in the most polite tone you can muster at the moment. "Sir? Am I really that old?" Mike says- or asks? You can't really tell if you offended him or not, "Sorry- I just didn't want to come of disrespectful..!" You ramble, hoping you didn't already make a bad impression. "Not at all, I get it" Mike answers in a similar ramble to yours,
"Uh- come in" Mike steps away from the door, finally realizing he should invite you in. "Oh- thanks" You say quietly before stepping inside and sliding off your shoes, because if you walked around someones house with shoes on, your mother would raise from her grave to smack the shit out of you!

"I don't mind if you- uh, don't" Mike say, referring to you talking off your shoes, "It's fine, I want too.. if- uh you don't mind of course!" You say, not wanting him to think you were disrespectful or a foot freak!
"It's a.. It's fine" Mike mumbles, obviously not knowing what to do know. You didn't know either! Plopping yourself down on a couch would be rude, right? So, you just stand in the hallway until Mike tries to fill the silence, "So.. Max said you guys were in high school together? How old are you now... if you don't mind me asking! ..You just look quite young."
Like usual, you start overthinking the question; Is he a creeper who likes high schoolers? Why would I assume he likes me? Does he think I could be immature? Is that how I come off? How old is he?
You snap yourself out of your thoughts, trying not to embarrass yourself, "I'm 23, me and Max are- uh in collage together now." Mike's face changes, but you can't tell what emotion it's displaying, "Oh, I though you were 19, like Max" Max was your freshman buddy who you reunited with at collage last year, but you didn't think Mike would care to hear that story so, you change the subject away from yourself.
"I'm gonna guess you're 27?" The stubble on his chin makes him look 29, but you imagine he looks younger without it. "We were both four years off, I'm a- I'm 31. Most people think Abby is my daughter."

How does him being older then he looks somehow make him more attractive!? "Well you do seem protective over her, I would guess that's why."
Suddenly, Abby comes out from her room, "Are you guys talking about me?" I giggle at how adorable her attempt at a threatening voice is, "Only good things!" I respond with a smile

"Well I've gotta get going" He clears his throat "Food's in the microwave and I'll be back around 6am. Feel free to- uh, sleep on the couch after Abby is out" Mike tells me, completely ignoring Abby, who doesn't seem to happy about it. "Mikeeee! Stop ignoring me!" Abby whines, but it isn't annoying. "You ignore me all the time!" Mike exclaims, rubbing his forehead. Abby looks up at you and asks, "Did you hear something?" You giggle and decide to join in on the joke, hopefully making Abby like you more, "No, I don't hear anything!" This causes Abby to giggle and Mike to sigh.
He seemed annoyed and you hoped it wasn't because of you joking with Abby. "Whatever, just give me my vest so I can go, Abby." Mike demands, looking down at Abby, "No" Abby protests, crossing her arms. "Give me the vest, now." Mike leans down to Abby, repeating himself in a stern (hot) voice.

653 words without the authors note
Next chapter is coming out tomorrow
Sorry if there are grammatical mistakes, english is not my mother language
I will fix them as I spot them so, feel free to point any out
Next chapter will probably be really short because I'm pretty busy, but I'll make up for it by making the fourth chapter extra long!!

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