Chapter two, Part two- Who is Miecyslaw Mikaelson

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Scott Pov:

I walked into the cafeteria and saw pack that is sitting in very back of the room on the senior's square tables. I sat down when my girlfriend kiss me on my cheek.

"Where were you babe? I was worried" Allison says hugging my arm.

" I was just talking to the new kid and I ask he wanted to hung out with us but he threaten me and my pack," I explain to her and the whole pack with my growling underneath my teeth.

"What kid? Oh you mean him?" Lydia says, pointing over the new kid with his friends plus of course what surprise us is that Stiles is hanging out with them.

"Something is off with that new kid," Isaac said with everyone in the pack agree

" I bet he is supernatural creature? But what kind?" Jackson said curious. Everyone in the pack was in deep thinking.

" He doesn't smell anything... it's like his scent doesn't exits? Like almost human." My beta explains. I nod my head then its hits me with click the idea into light bulb and light up.

"The teacher. Mr. Ives were saying to Newt that they both need to keep the scent in or otherwise like us, as werewolf will be on them especially me." I told them, smirking.

"What with the smirk face for babe?" My girlfriend smiled at me and others got this bad feeling but always follow their alpha.

" I know Newt is something, even there might be more plus they in our territory and I bet he the leader. I should say we should kidnap him and get the information of why he is here." I say to the pack and everyone is smirking evilly and nods their head but not one is not happy is my beta.

" Why aren't you happy Liam?" I asked in my alpha voice to command him.

" I – I am just that what happened if Newt is the stronger and might take your alpha powers." I can tell if my beta is life but why is he lying, I will get to bottom of this later.

"Everything will be fine Liam, I am the true alpha and nothing will get my powers," I said with my red eyes glowing, all other eyes follow and I smirk. My pack and I talked the plan and I texts Derek and explaining the plan.

Stiles Pov:

I walked into cafeteria and get food from the counter and buy the food. I kept thinking how pack is going to kick me out or let me stay but it's like the whole pack hate me. I sigh sadly walk to the table, I looked over my shoulder I saw the pack laughing or talking about the pack meeting after school, I was in deep in thoughts

" Hey Stiles! Stiles...Hello Stiles" The unknown person calling my name, I looked up to the person. It's Newt! I blush of the sight of him.

" Oh I am sorry! Newt what are you doing here?" I asked him, he giggles "Newt called your name three times", The Asian boy commented and sat down at my table.

" I am Minho and her over there is Teresa" Minho point to Teresa who is paying her lunch.

" Can we sit with you Stiles?" Newt asks me, I nod my head and we all talking very along conversations and introduction about each of us.

In my bag I heard my phone rings a message, grabbing my phone from my bag and I looked the screen then the message pop up from Scott? Weird why would my ex-best friend texting me??

Scott: Hey Stiles, why aren't you hanging out with us?


Scott: Stiles?

Stiles: Uh I wanted to hang out with the new boy??

Scott: Ah okay thanks Stiles, no problem at all. Bye

Scott: Oh and one more thing Stiles make sure come to this meeting its very important also come at 6 pm not after school.

Stiles: Uh...thanks

I frown confused why the meeting at 6pm but not normally after school. Something is very fishy with Scott now but I know they goanna kick me out but there is something more?

" Hey Tommy is there something wrong?" Newt got the concerned, watching me getting confused and frustrated but he beautiful eyes has me drawn to me to clam my self. Wait what did he say?

" What did you say?" I looked at him dumbstruck. Newt realize his mistake, he quickly say " I said hey Stiles is there something wrong?" I still stare at him very closely.

"I swear to god that have we all meet before??" I ask the trio in front of me along with their shock faces.

" No, never but you do look like our friend Miecyslaw Mikaelson" Minho say along with Newt and Teresa nodding their head in agreement. I sigh myself, I told the trio I am going to my next class, saying goodbye and walked away.

I think to myself who is Miecyslaw Mikaelson?? I know my first name is the same but not a Mikaelson, something is very fishy with these guys I am going to research the last name also them.

Newt Pov:

" Stiles? Stiles!" He won't listen to me as he walking away from me. Dammit. My heart was breaking seeing him so broken, I can tell by his scent of marking of his emotions by his anger, sad and all in one but seeing my tommy upset makes me upset but suddenly became angry. Minho eye widen, trying to escape from me. I grab him and shout with my eyes turn red " why did you SAY OUR PRINCE'S NAME INFORNT OF HIM?!" " I am sorry.. I am sorry! I didn't mean to!" Minho apologizes repeatedly over and over again. I growled at him.

"Okay what is going on and why in bloody hell you called him tommy?" Teresa said command. I sigh in defeated, my best friends deserve to know.

"Do you remember "Miecyslaw?" I say. Minho and Teresa nods their heads. " of course he was our prince and best friend why?" Minho replies his confusing of my follow question.

" Stiles real name is Miecyslaw Stilinski but! I don't know if he is our prince, my uncle says we will keep eye on him. Also the stupid were-dog pack to" I say with hated, looking over the other tables with full of horrible puppies.

" I agree with you on this time" Minho smirks. I roll my eyes and told them we should get to class on time

( After school)

My friends and I were about to walk out school and into the parking loft. I got a text message from my uncle telling me to meet him in his classroom. I told my friends that I would meet them at the hotel. I walk back into school and meet mu uncle room.

"Hello Uncle?" I yelled out, the silence in the air makes me that something bad is going to happen. " Hello" I called out again, nothing.

"Hello Newt, I am afraid that your dear uncle is not here" The unknown man in the shadow came into light to see the features of the man. The man was tall with black hair and he eyes turn blue. Great he a freaking wolf.

"What do you want?" I ask the stranger. The man chuckled evilly then he runs trying to attack me but I punch him in face and kick him from the side hip to make him falls down.

"Damn kid you a lot stronger than your father" He chuckled. My whole body just shut down then I got even anger.

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FATHER!" I yelled, I use my fire power to burns his arm and he satisfaction of him screaming is lovely to me then he start to laugh.

"You don't know me don't you?" He smirks. " I apologizes for my actions, allow me to introduced myself. Names Derek hale, I am sorry for your father has to die of a hunter also your mother die of my uncle." Derek smiled as he nods to signal someone who was behind me, before I act I was got stung by something to make me fall asleep before I was knock out I saw the face of Scott McCall. 

AN: Hey guys, I finally finished my chapter two, Part two! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I will see you guys in the next chapter three soon! Love ya all! :3 

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