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She struggled against the grip of the demon that had bound her wrists and held onto her, ichor dripping and burning her shoulders but she didn't care. She called out, she begged for mercy—something a Shadowhunter never did.

"Let me go, let me save him," She cried helplessly. They were demons, they took pleasure in her pain. They watched her as though she were an actress on TV, putting on a show for their amusement.

She could feel her own skin burn as the knife sliced into his. It hurt her to watch but she couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes away from him—his skin paler than usual, stained by red and black, eyes too close to shutting—he looked lifeless and it made her want to scream out at the thought of living without him.

He managed to crane his neck to look directly at her. He mouthed the words i love you just as they drove their talons into his chest.

She felt it in her own chest, as if the demons had pierced her instead. She let out a scream terrifying enough to haunt a child's nightmares for years. The demons let her go and she fell to the floor, wanting to clutch her chest but her hands were still bound behind her.

She felt something inside of her shatter—a link, a bond.

The demons were gone when she looked up and she managed to untie her bound wrists—training had taught her to do so. She crawled helplessly over to his lifeless body, his shirt soaked in red and his eyes wide but unseeing.

"Please," She sobbed, taking his head onto her lap and cradling him, "My best friend, my love, my parabatai, please don't leave me."

But he was already gone and she knew so but she clung to a desperate hope that he would come back—she clung to it tightly the way she clutched onto his body, weeping, yelling.

Dahlia'd never felt so desperate and helpless before and she knew it'd be the last time she would.

"Ave atque vale, my parabatai. Hail and Farewell. I will make them pay for what they've done to you."

She stood up straight and picked up her discarded weapon, looking at the tracks the demons left.

And she ran

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