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Jace stood anxiously outside of Magnus's loft, contemplating if he should ring the buzzer or not. He wanted to see Dahlia and make sure she was okay and he especially needed to ask her a question.

Tapping of his foot, encouraging and threatening texts from Isabelle, and a deep breath later, he finally worked up the courage to ring the buzzer.

"Yes?" came the warlock's voice from the speaker.

"Uh. . . Is Dahlia here?" Jace asked tentatively, rocking on his heels, "I was wondering if I could talk to her."

Seconds later, there was a buzzing sound and the door swung open. Jace faced the fancily dressed Warlock with interestingly styled hair and perfectly done eyeliner who seemed to pour glitter from his whole body.

"I take it you're the Wayland boy?" Magnus asked, eyebrows raised as his cat eyes scanned Jace.

Jace nodded quickly. "Yeah. . . If she isn't around or wants to be alone or anything, I'll just leave but. . . is she okay?"

The Warlock narrowed his eyes slightly before making up his mind. "I think she could do with some company. Come inside."

Jace didn't have time to take in the extravagant inside of the loft because, as soon as Magnus pointed him in the direction of it, he was heading towards Dahlia's room and, similarly to how he stood outside Magnus's door, he nervously waited a few moments to ready himself before he raised his hand to knock.

"Magnus?" her voice called out from behind the door, "That you? You can come inside."

Instead of correcting her that he wasn't actually the Warlock, he slowly opened the door and peaked his head inside. She was seated on her bed, book resting against her lifted knees with a pencil in one hand. Her eyes snapped up at the sound of the door opening and her lips parted in surprise upon seeing him.

"Jace?" she exclaimed, quickly moving from her position. She snapped the book shut, put it on the bedside table and swung her legs over the side of the bed, adjusting her clothes as she made her way over to him. "Come in," she invited warmly, opening the door wider.

When Jace awkwardly took a seat at the edge of her bed by her invitation, Dahlia took a seat beside him, sitting cross legged. She gave him one of her friendly smiled but one he recognized to not be her genuine one.

"So, what're you doing in Brooklyn?" asked Dahlia, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"I came to see you," he responded, smiling and giving her a teasing look to say 'I thought that much was obvious', "How are you?"

"Good," she answered with a smile and Jace pursed his lips. It was clear to him that she was lying and that something had happened since their last time seeing one another.

"Really, how are you?" he asked again. He didn't want to push her to say something she wasn't comfortable with but he also wanted her to know that he was there for her.

"I'm good," she insisted, "Really. Maybe not so much a few days ago. . . but I'm okay now."

He nodded, even though he didn't believe her, he dropped the topic. If she didn't want to speak about anything, he wasn't going to force her to. "So, I was wondering. . ."


He rubbed the back of his neck. "Um. . . Do you, maybe, I don't know, want to. . . do. . . something tonight—um—with. . . me?"

Her violet eyes lit up and she grinned. "What, like, a date?"

He nodded, the tips of his ears turning pink. "I—Only if you want to, of course."

"I'd love to," she replied, twisting a lock of hair around her index finger. Her cheeks were noticeably flushed as she smiled genuinely, and his were even brighter as he returned the gesture.


"I thought you said you didn't like him like that," teased Isabelle through the phone, giggling at the panicked shadowhunter on the other line.

"Okay, so I may have lied about that," she admitted, hanging her head in shame, "But I'm nervous. I don't know how to dress or anything. I've never done this before."

"Aren't you living with a Warlock?" she questioned, "I mean, the answer is right there. I would help, but I can't come all the way to Brooklyn right now, unfortunately. I've got to finish some work Hodge gave us."

"Don't worry about it," Dahlia replied, "You're right, I should ask Magnus, and I should've thought of that in the first place. Sorry for bothering."

"Oh, Raziel, no. It wasn't a bother at all, really," responded Isabelle, the smile on her face was clear in her tone.

"Well—um—thanks. I guess I'll call you later?"

"You better," she said, her teasing tone back in her voice, "I want to know all the details."

"Sure." she chuckled, brushing her fingers through her hair. "Bye, Izzy."

Once Isabelle had greeted her, and the call cut, Dahlia made her way to the living room where Magnus would most likely be. When he wasn't there, she called out, and found him in the kitchen instead.

"You're looking better," he noted after turning to see her, "I take it that has something to do with. . ."

"Jace," she filled in for him before nodding, "Yeah. Speaking of. . . I was wondering if you could possibly, if you're not busy, help me—um—pick out an outfit?"

"Wow, that's twice this week you've come to me for fashion advice," he replied, looking impressed, "I'd be more than happy to help. What's the occasion?"


"The details, Dahlia," she insisted through the phone.

Her cheeks were flushed and her pink lipstick was almost off, her eyeliner smudged at the corners and her curls were now back to their natural state due to her brushing her hands through it so much.

She sat on her bed, cross legged, her phone held to her ear and a wide, goofy smile on her face. She felt giddy with happiness. "Okay, I'll tell you exactly what happened."

"Yes!" Isabelle cheered, "Okay, wait, I need to prepare myself for this. . . Right, go on."

"Okay, so, like I told you, he came exactly at seven. He was wearing this really cute light blue button down shirt and—wait, did he pick that out himself?"

Izzy laughed. "There's no way I'd let him dress himself for a date—I helped him out, of course. Glad to see that it turned out well." Dahlia could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Appreciated." the dirty blonde haired girl laughed. "So, after that, he had this, like, wonderstruck look on his face, right? It was really cute. He told me I looked beautiful, you know, the usual.

We went to Times Square and it was. . . wow. Even though I've lived here for two years, I never got around to actually going to explore the city. It was amazing—the lights, the crowds. . . the company, too."

"I can only imagine how much you're blushing right now." Isabelle wasn't wrong. Dahlia could feel the heat in her cheeks and she was sure that if she looked in the mirror, she would see her cheeks bright red.

She giggled. "True. Anyway, it was brilliant. We had dinner at this place where the walls were glass, so you could see the city rush even while you're eating. If I had to use one word to describe the whole night, I'd say it was magical.

"We got back around ten-thirty. I reckon you'd have teased him endlessly if you'd seen how red his face was when he took me back. . . then. . ."


"He kissed me, and I swear to Raziel I haven't felt that great in such a long time. I almost forgot what it feels like to love."

". . . love?" Isabelle questioned.

Dahlia shook her head before realizing that Isabelle couldn't actually see her. "No, not love. Well, not yet."


A/N I profusely apologise because I suck at writing fluff. Like, I love reading it but I just can't write it??? Nothing ever seems right.

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 3K omg. I really didn't even realise so many people read this, but thank you for doing so. I appreciate you all so much.

Was the chapter alright? Thoughts?

Anyway, I'm kind of in love with Kim Taehyung.

I'm also failing physical science (physics + chemistry; it's one subject in my country) because I didn't do any chemistry last year (I was homeschooled, so I didn't take chemistry as a subject, just physics) and I'm screwed because it's so important for the degree I wanna do.

Okay, I'm done ranting. But I feel like doing a tag. You can read it, or don't, whatever you feel.

It's BTS related so if you don't know them, not really any point of reading it.

1. Favourite BTS song?
Spring Day and House of Cards

2. BTS Bias?
Still torn between Yoongi and Tae

3. Favourite BTS MV?
BS&T or Dope. I love the choreography in those

4. Favourite BTS era?
Uhh idk honestly

5. Favourite BTS rapper?
I know I chose a bias, but how can you make me choose? It's gonna be Suga by default, cause he's my bias.

6. Favourite BTS vocal?
V. His range is insane. But Jin and Kookie have voices of angels and JimIN'S HIGH NOTES JFC

Again, if you're still reading this, you're tagged.

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