The Salvation Army (Invincible era)

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Today, Michael Jackson wanted to go to a place called The Salvation Army.

It was his favorite store because there were lots of good bargains.

I went to go get ready and once I was dressed, Michael saw me walking down the stairs wearing a formal dress.

"Baby, I love it when you get all dressed up. But we're not going out anywhere fancy".

Michael took ahold of my hand and gave a kiss like a gentleman would do.

"We're going somewhere really special tonight after we go to the Salvation Army".

I giggled, and this made the singer very excited.

"Tell me what it is! Pretty please"?!

Michael gave me the puppy dog eyes and I laughed, lightly hooping him on the nose.

"Go get dressed up in your cute little tuxedo, Applehead".

I watched as he quickly went upstairs to put on his fancy clothes.

After a few minutes, Michael came back looking very handsome.

"Aww! So cute"!

I hugged Michael and he giggled, feeling a little shy.

We walked out to the limo and got in with the bodyguards.

Once we were out on the highway, the paparazzi saw us and they headed towards it.

But the police kept them away.

"We're so lucky...".

Michael said, as he laid his head down on my shoulder while holding my hand.

"They can't even get to us cause' they're little legs won't let run veer far".

I snickered, and this made him laugh.

The Salvation Army was just ahead and when we finally pulled into the parking lot, Michael and I quickly got out and headed for the back door.

The bodyguards made sure that no one else got any closer.

"Oooh! Look at the pretty pony"!

Michael pointed to a stuffed animal that was in the shape of a pink unicorn.

I giggled as we continued to look around the store.

Eventually, we found a Barney the dinosaur plush toy and I loved it.

Michael found a James Brown t-shirt that was in his size.

"Mhmm...they have lots of good bargains".

After we were done looking around the store, we paid for our things and left.

I whispered to Bill the limo driver to go to the restaurant that I had secretly made a reservation.

Michael was looking at all the toys I had gotten for myself and some were for his children.

"You did so good in there, they're going to love their new stuff".

Michael pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek, making me blush.

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