The Q&A Session (Invincible era)

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Today, Michael and I were doing a Q&A for the fans.

His sister Janet was going to be the one asking the questions.

"First did you guys meet"?

I looked over at Michael and he softly giggled while blushing.

He can get embarrassed so easily.

"We met a few years ago when I was handing out gifts to the sick children at the hospital. F/N had caught the flu and she'd been there for almost a week and the doctors refused to discharge her after she wasn't sick anymore".

Michael started.

"Yeah, I had a bad case of the flu and then whenever I was all better, the doctors wouldn't let me go home. I was getting fed up and then Michael saw me and when I told him about my situation, he literally discharged me from the hospital himself".

I smiled, giggling when Michael grabbed ahold of my head and then he kissed it.

"And then, I felt an attraction towards F/N, so I asked her if she wanted to stay at my place for a while since she was really far from home and the airport was closed early because of the pandemic. She said yes and after we got to know each other more, I introduced her to my children and they loved her. We've been together ever since".

Janet smiled as she looked at her phone and scrolled through the questions from the Moonwalkers.

"Okay this one is a little awkward. On a scale of one to ten, how would Michael rate his relationship with F/N"?

This made Michael feel even more shy and embarrassed.

"No...why would you ask that question"?

He covered his face with his hands.

I gently pulled his hand away, but he put it right back.

"Aw, come on Applehead. You can do it".

Michael moved his hands away and I held one of them so he wouldn't feel so nervous.

"I would say...a five or a six. The reason for that is because I love the way our relationship is at now. My children love F/N her very much and I think she's become a mother-figure to them".

He looked over at me and then laughed when he saw my blushing face.

"Aw, thank you. You're so sweet".

I kissed him on the cheek.

Janet awed at that and then she picked another question.

"This one is a PG-13 type. Have you and Michael had sex yet"?

This made both me and Michael blush harder.

"That's private stuff. It's not nice to ask someone about their— know what I mean".

Michael was trying not to look away, but he was so shy and embarrassed.

He hid himself by putting a blanket over his head.

"Aw, Michael. You don't have to be nervous, they're just questions".

Janet lifted up the blanket so that she could see her brother's face.

Michael hid his face with his hands and I had to smile.

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