The New Girl (Mature era)

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Michael and his two children were out for the day.

Paris and Prince were wearing their Spider-Man masks to cover their faces because Michael wasn't ready to show them to the world.

Once the king of pop and his kids made it to a road crossing sign, they stopped and waited for the guard to blow his whistle and signal for the cars to stop so that everyone could cross the street safely.

Michael held his kids's hands as they walked to the other side.

All of a sudden, someone sped past them really fast and the crossing stopped what he was doing.

He blew his whistle, but the person didn't stop running at high speed.

Michael could see a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties.

She was chasing after her pet cat, who had escaped from her cage.

"Cinnamon! You silly cat! Come back here"!

The girl had shoes that were once popular in the early 200o's.

They were called Healies, because of the wheels that were on the bottom of the shoes.

"Miss...please! Watch where you're going"!

The road crossing guard called out.

Michael watched a I jumped on a ledge and jumped off, doing a summer-saul in the air.

Then, he was shocked when I was about to fall down in a alley.

I crashed into some nearby trash cans and landed on the ground.

Michael and his children went to go see if I was okay or not.

I was fine, except for a bruise on my elbow.

It didn't bother me.

"Are you okay, sweetie"?

Michael asked, watching me stand up on my own feet.

I dusted myself off and then picked up the pet carrier.

"Yes, I'm okay. Just a little bruise is all".

I showed him the bruise on my elbow and when Michael saw that, he became worried.

"I think you've had enough of rough-housing for today, let's get you to someplace safe".

At that moment, my cat Cinnamon ran up to me.

She meowed and then the children smiled as they gently petted the friendly feline.

"No treats for you, Cinnamon. Until you can learn to behave yourself and not run away from me".

I said to my cat, opening the pet carrier's door and giving a command.

"Get in there".

I pointed my finger at the pet carrier and the cat went inside.

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