Taking A Shower Together Part 2 (Invincible era)

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Michael holds me for few moments before turning me around so that my back was against his chest.

He gently massaged my shoulders and I relax at his touch, grateful for his soft hands.

He began to kiss and suck on my neck, making me moan softly. He kisses me along my jaw, neck, and down to my shoulders.

I start to feel super heated as Michael knew all my weak spots.

I could also tell he was feeling it too and I felt something hard press against my leg.

Michael continues to kiss along my neck and jaw, as he wraps his arms around my front holding me tighter as his hands gradually reach down to feel up my thighs.

"Relax baby. I'm going to make you feel so good".

He whispered softly into my ear.

His hand makes his way to my womanhood and he slowly starts rubbing it teasingly.

The slowness was driving me crazy and I whimper out, desperate for him to go faster.

I can feel him chuckle quietly behind me.

"You like that, don't you"?

Michael grins.

"Mmm. Don't tease me, Michael".

I whined.

Michael picks up the pace a little, rubbing circles and firmly stroking my wetness, before gently slipping his finger in, pushing up and down into my pleasure spot.

"Ahhhh...yesss Michael".

I moaned out as he adds another finger, making me groan while feeling the amazing pressure.

"I want to try something".

He said, pushing me up against the shower wall.

"Why did you stop"?

I pout.

"Shhh...I have only just begun, my baby".

He quickly said to me, kissing the pout from my lips.

Michael reaches up and takes the shower head in his hands and presses a button to make the pressure come out stronger and quicker.

I looked up at him, confused at what he was doing.


I questioned him, but he just grabs one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. causing me to clutch onto his shoulder tightly.

"W-what are you doing"?!

I asked him again, and Michael shuts me up by putting the shower head between my legs, so it's hitting directly at my womanhood.

"O-oh my god"!

I yelled out, gripping onto his shoulders even tighter, throwing my head back.

"That's it...moan for me, baby".

He encourages.

"I-I can't t-take it, M-Michael".

I could barely get the words out of my mouth as I started shaking all over.

"Yes you can, baby".

His tongue sexily licks up the side of my neck.

He suddenly removes the shower head and kneels down so his face is incline with my womanhood, my leg was still over his shoulder.

He goes in and licks all over, roughly sucking and kissing me down there.

I almost instantly had the feeling of reaching my climax.

Michael looked from what he was doing, his dark hair was dripping wet.

"Go ahead sweetie, cum for me".

I screamed his name again and released my juices and it squirted all over the bottom of the shower area.

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