Just A Quickie (This Is It era)

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Michael was watching a movie while I was making popcorn.

When I walked into the the living room, I noticed that Michael was staring at my upper chest.

"Applehead, what're you staring at"?

I asked, blushing with a small giggle.

Michael took ahold of my hand and stood up in front of me.

"I see something that I like".

He licked his lips, making me feel turned on.

Even after being in a relationship with the king of pop since Bigi was born, I still wasn't as used to intimacy.

I was lost in my own thoughts and I didn't notice how big Mikezilla had become.

Michael secretly took off his belt and let it hang loose on his waist.

Thank goodness his children were at his sister Janet's house for the day.

I blushed heavily as he pulled out Mikezilla from his boxers.

Michael helped me to get on my knees and once I was in that position, my mouth was hanging open, the saliva dripping down my lips.

He pumped himself until the pre-cum was leaking out from the tip.

I used my tongue to trace around his penis, causing the singer to moan in pleasure.

Michael forced Mikezilla into my mouth and I gently sucked on it.

"Gaaaah....harder baby"!

I picked up the pace, swallowing every last drop of his pre-cum.

Michael felt his climax coming and then, he released his juices and it went down my throat.

I let go of his Mikezilla and it came out of my mouth with a pop!

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