Giving Him Lots of Love And Attention (This Is It era)

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Michael and I were watching a movie and it was getting a little bit romantic because of the scene.

I was blushing slightly and then I noticed that Michael was moaning quietly.

He was feeling horny and then I was surprised when Michael started to flirt with me.

The singer lifted up my skirt above my knee and he giggled when I gave him a playful smirk.

"You're just so beautiful...".

He traced his finger around my leg calve.

I moaned a little bit.

Michael began to moan a little bit more when I gently rubbed his stomach.

" P-please....don't stop".

I continued to do what I was doing and then Michael stuck his hand up my tank top and felt around my nipples.

"Oooh...I can feel your titties".

Michael smirked playfully and I giggled.

He gently rubbed his fingers in between my nipples, feeling around my breasts as he did so.

I laughed and then did something that Michael didn't expect me to do.

He watched as I gently rubbed my index finger along the bulge in his crotch.

"F/n...w-what are you doing? Aaaaahhhhh....mmmmmm"....

I gave him time to comprehend what just happened.

"I like it when I get to see more of you".

I played with the buttons on his shirt.

Michael started to squirm around as he felt his penis was pushing through the fabric of his boxers.

"And what do you mean by that"?

The sweat was starting to roll down his forehead.

I wiped the sweat off with a tissue,

"Oh know what I mean".

I unbuttoned a few of the buttons on his shirt.

"Oh god...Please don't".

Michael tried to hold back his moaning, but it wasn't enough to resist the feeling of my fingers gently touching his soft skin.

I kissed him on the cheek and then proceeded to unbutton the rest of his, but then Michael grunted at his erection.

"Aw, does that feel good Applehead"?

I cooled.

"I'm...loving this...ohhh gawwwwddd".

Michael let out a sigh of relief as he came, his juices all over his shaft.

"I've never felt like that before. Let's keep going".

I grinned and crawled on top of him so that I was sitting in Michael's lap.

My goal was to get him used to being exposed a little bit.

I wanted to show Michael that it was okay to let him see his gorgeous skin.

"Huh? What do you mean by that"?

Michael almost forgot that his shirt was still halfway unbuttoned.

He struggled to quickly fix the issue, but I blocked him.

"No no...I wanna see more of you. Please don't hide yourself from me".

I gently rubbed the side of his cheek with my hand.

Michael tilted his head to the side.

"I'm shy...I can't do this".

He whimpered.

"I know Michael baby. I know".

I kissed him again, this time on the lips.

Michael was okay with me kissing on the lips.

He wasn't really used to getting all the attention from a woman like me.

"You don't have to be so insecure about your villitigo. It's what makes you look so sexy  and beautiful".

I kissed the tip of his nose.

Michael gulped.

He definitely hadn't heard anyone say that his skin disorder made him look sexy.

"I'm very happy that you think that about me, but I'm just really shy about this".

Michael blushed again when he saw my breasts sticking out from my tank top.

"It's okay to be shy. But I'm here to make it all better".

I tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.

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