Easter Egg Hunt (Invincible era)

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Michael and his children decided to have a late Easter egg hunt since we all couldn't do it because of the pandemic.

But now that the COVID-19 cases were slowly going down, we could finally make up for the holiday that we missed.

"Daddy, hurry up and let's go hunt for eggs"!

Paris excitedly skipped along the path leading to the Neverland train station.

Bigi and Prince were not far behind.

Michael and I were carrying the Easter baskets.

Once we got to the Neverland train, we got on and went for a ride to get to the other side of the ranch.

"Okay everybody, close your eyes".

I told the children.

"And no peeking".

Michael said to his kids and they all giggled as they coveted their eyes with their hands as if they were playing a game of hide and seek.

When the train stopped at the end of the tracks, I helped the kids get off.

Michael told them that the eggs were hidden somewhere and that they could go as far as  where the train was sitting.

Then, he gave them their Easter baskets.


Michael and I watched as they ran to look for Easter eggs.

"I can't find any eggs Daddy".

Paris was looking in the flower bed where the Peter Pan statue was located.

"You just have to look around".

Michael walked around and eventually, I spotted a rainbow colored Easter egg that was hidden on a rock.

"Look Daddy! I found one"!

Bigi had found an egg with a zebra print on it.

"Good job Bigi"!

Michael clapped his hands and smiled.

Soon, Paris spotted her first egg and it was on the TinkerBelle Vs Captain Hook statue.

"Daddy look! My first egg"!

The little girl ran to show her father the Spider-Man Easter egg that she'd found.

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart. Keep going".

Michael gave his daughter a thumb's up.

"I see a bird's nest in the Giving Tree".

Bigi pointed up to a branch that had a robin bird's nest.

"We have to leave those eggs alone because the mother bird wants to keep her babies safe".

I told him kindly.

It was a while before the children had found all of the Easter eggs that me and Michael had hidden.

We all went inside to see how many eggs the children had collected.

"I got a package of gum".

Paris opened the yellow plastic egg and showed us her Bazooka bubble gum.

"There's chocolate coins in the eggs"!

I was surprised that Michael had put chocolate flavored coins in the Easter eggs.

"Wow! A mini sized Batman action figure".

Michael smiled when he saw what Prince had gotten.

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