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Deku sat back down and immediately nodded for it to start
Everyone sat back down where they were and looked at the screen
Mei turned in on and sat down with a worried expression
"What's wrong Mei" Iida pushed his glasses up and looked at her
"Just caught a little glitch but it's fine right now" Mei looked back at him with an assuring look
"Ok then we may start" Iida looked back at the screen and got ready for it to flick on

No one noticed he was shattering, no one noticed that even though he wore a smile, it was breaking. He took care of others before himself, he cared for their health and emotions more than his own.
"Hey mom....wait mom are you ok?" Deku ran to comfort his mother, her shoulders were shaking because of her crying
"Honey they said if we don't pay the bills in a week we will be evicted but I don't have enough money to pay them and I can't get another job because I need to care for you" she started to sob more into Deku's chest as he was rubbing circles on her back.
"Mom I'll sell all my All Might merch and maybe a bit more ok?" He lifted her chin up
"But honey I wouldn't ask you to do that, you've been collecting that for a while and you look up to him" Deku smiled "it's ok mom"
Deku walked up to his room and immediately started packing up as much stuff as possible leaving a plain room with just his bed, desk and dresser left. He sold it all and gave all the money to his mother

"Omg Deku" Uraraka and a few others gasped
"He's a giant All Might fanboy, seeing him sell it just for his mother is heart warming and heart breaking at the same time" Aizawa lifted his head up and rubbed his eye

He would do anything for friends and family and no one noticed that he was helping just so they wouldn't have to feel what he was feeling.
It was a villain attack and all of Class 1-A were fighting together
"Guys stay together we need to watch our surroundings" Iida called from the right somewhere
Deku saw someone about to shoot Todoroki and stab Bakugo
"KACCHAN! TODOROKI! WATCH OUT" Deku ran behind Bakugo to block to knife and pushed Todoroki down, he got stabbed in the side and shot in his hand
Everyone watched Deku fall to the ground gripping his side
The villains were later defeated and he was rushed to the hospital for immediate care, he survived and he apologized for getting in the way

"He saved us?" Todoroki looked at the screen, tearing up knowing Deku would sacrifice himself for anyone
"Shitty nerd, making everyone else worry like that" Bakugo crossed his arms and closed his eyes stopping himself from tearing up
"Can't believe he would do anything for his friends, he could've died" Aizawa shook his head

Bakugo pushed Deku to the ground laughing
"You don't belong in this school Deku, your so weak how did you get in here anyway"
Deku looked up and smiled
"I don't know Kacchan but I'm glad I can be with you again" Bakugo punched Deku again
"You fucking nerd all you are is a Deku and that's all you are ever going to be so stop smiling, it's pissing me off" Bakugo awaited a response, anything from him
Deku looked up with no frown, no smile just a face flushed of emotion
"I'm sorry Kacchan, is this better? Are you happy again? Can we be friends again?" Bakugo punched Deku and walked away spitting to his side

"Bakubro this didn't happen correct?" Bakugo just grunted and nodded yes(didn't happen lol I'm bad at explaining)

He does anything for his friends for nothing in return. Put yourself in his shoes and see how much it hurts
The screen went black

Kirishima scratched the back of his head
Denki coughed and Todoroki looked at his hand
Bakugo looked down
"It feels like shit doesn't it" Mei stood up and looked at everyone
"You do everything to keep people happy and when you see someone sad you feel like you failed them, and you hate yourself for it" Mei looked over at Deku
"We don't know how he truly feels but we need to care for him either way got it" Mei looked around the room and saw nodding heads

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756 Words
Hope you guys enjoy the story :3

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