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I decided to make Deku get hit by a quirk and become a neko for 24 hours rather than making be born as one ~ Jaay

"What's the next one I'm so excited" Uraraka grabbed Iida's arm and he let out a grunt as a response
"Better be the shitty nerd being beat up these are way too happy" Bakugo tsked and looked at Kirishima
"Bro the first two were literally sad" Kirishima playfully punched Bakugou's shoulder and laughed
"Eh" Bakugou punched Kirishima back
Mina screeched and took a photo of the two
"YOU TWO ARE SOOOO CUTE" Everyone covered their ears
"Can you shut up you fucking Area 51 mistake" Bakugou hissed out
Everyone laughed and Bakugou smiled at what he said
"Anyyyyway, lets start up the next one shall we" Mei sat patiently waiting for everyone to finish their conversation
"Sure let's do it" Kirishima patted Bakugou's shoulder and nodded

Today was a normal day for UA, everyone was in the dorms talking, laughing, and being themselves. Kirishima and Deku were on a run together and Uraraka and Tsu were grabbing snacks from the store a few blocks away.
~Deku POV~
"Hey Kirishima how long have we been running for aga-" Deku looked up at the person he accidentally ran into and he muttered out 100 apologies a second.

"Ugh we hear that enough in the real world" Bakugou rubbed his forehead while other people just chuckled at Deku's actions

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into you" then a pink mist appeared out of the girl as her eyes widened
"Oh no I'm so sorry sir, you scared me and I accidentally let go of my quirk. It's hard to control you see" Deku looked at the girl and saw the panic in her eyes
Deku put a hand on her shoulder "Its ok, what is your quirk?" He smiled and looked down at her
"Well I can turn people into cats but seeing as I accidentally let go of my quirk and there wasn't much mist you might become a neko" she fiddled with her fingers and looked down
"Uh bro.... you got ears" Kirishima pointed at the ears that popped out of Deku's head
Deku went up and felt his ears "H-How long does this last exactly?"
"I would say about 24 hours at the least..." She kept fiddling with her fingers and looking down, kicking a pebble with her foot
"Again I'm so sorry sir I should've been paying more attention and now I've put you into this situation" Deku ruffled the girls hair a bit and crouched down looking at her
"It's ok, it doesn't last long and it doesn't effect me much, I love your quirk though" He smiled and ruffled her hair again
Kirishima laughed behind them and Deku looked at him with a 'wtf' look

"LMAO HIS FACE" Kirishima wheezed and slapped Bakugou's shoulder
"His cat ears are cute though, kero" Tsu laid her hands in her lap and looked at Kirishima, him wheezing to death
"When did you get here?" Uraraka turned around and looked at her
"I've been here the whole time, I've just been quiet, same for a few others. Kero" Tsu pointed around the classroom at Endeavor and a few others
"Oh shit u rite" Uraraka slapped herself mentally and looked back at the screen
"Watch your mouth Uraraka" Iida waved his hands up and down
"Sorry Iida, unpause it now Mei" Mei unpaused it and they continued watching

"BRO YOU GOT A TAIL OMG CAN I TOUCH IT" Kirishima laughed and Deku stood up, stepping onto his tail
Deku hissed and rubbed his tail "that hurttttt"
Kirishima laughed and looked at him "how are we going to explain this to the class" he scratched his head
"Just tell them what happened and I'll walk in shortly after" Kirishima nodded and they both jogged back to the dorms arriving in about 20 minutes
"Ok wait here I'll be right back" Deku nodded, sitting down on a bench outside

~Kirishima POV~
'Deku has cat ears and a tail and I have to go in and explain that to OUR class......this can go good or bad'
Kirishima inched himself into the common room and asked uraraka to go get everyone and bring them down
"Where's Deku?" Uraraka walked down the stairs bringing Bakugo and a few others down with her
"I swear if the shitty nerd was captured or some shit I'm going back to sleep" Bakugo slumped onto the couch and waited for a response
Kirishima sighed
~Whole explanation later~
"So... your saying Deku is half cat" Kaminari looked at Kirishima skeptically
"How about I just show you guys then" Kirishima opened the door and called out for Deku
Deku slowly walked in with his ears lowered and tail off the ground so he doesn't step on it again (stupid tail)
"OMG DEKU YOUR SO CUTE" Uraraka squealed
"CAN I PET YOUR EARS" All the girls and some boys were screaming at the top of their lungs hoping to pet Deku's ears
"Can you fuckers shut the hell up it's just a fucking pair of ears and a tail" Bakugo secretly LOVED cats but he wasn't going to pet Deku
"O-Ok you guys can but please be careful" Deku slowly sat down on the couch perking his ears up a bit

"He's so cute!!" Mina crawled her way over to Uraraka and squeezed her arm
"I KNOW RIGHTTTT" Uraraka squeezed Mina's arm in return
"SHUT UP" Bakugo growled at them and the girls hid behind Iida for protection
"Stop you three" Aizawa rubbed his head and sighed
"Yes Aizawa sensei" Uraraka stayed behind Iida and Mina as the show continued

The girls started petting his ears some a little rougher than others
"Omg Deku your ears are so soft are we allowed to pet your tail" Mina started moving toward his tail
Deku nodded and smiled 'what is this weird feeling in my stomach'
Mina started petting his tail, slowly and carefully
Deku started purring and leaning into the touch
"OMG ARE YOU PURRING THATS SO CUTE" Uraraka screeched right into his ear and he winced lowering his ears and turning red
"I-I-I d-didn't mean to purr I-I guess it was j-just part of the q-quirk" Deku slowly got up and ran to his room locking his door
~Deku's POV~
'Well that was embarrassing thank god this only lasts 24 hours' He then heard a knock at his door
"Coming!" He got up and opened the door to see two people he didn't expect to see
"K-Kacchan!? Todoroki-Kun!?" The two boys walked into his room and sat down on his bed
"W-what are you two doing here" Deku closed his door and looked at the two
"Midoriya we were wondering if we could pet your ears and tail, since we didn't get a chance downstairs" Deku just tilted his head and looked at Bakugo who grumbled in response
"O-Ok just be careful please" Deku smiled and sat down on the bed
Todoroki started stroking Deku's tail while Bakugo slowly pet his ears
Deku felt comfortable with these two, they were being much more careful than the others were and he slowly leaned into their touch and started purring
"Are you fucking purring Deku" Deku turned redder than Kirishima's hair and laid his ears down
"I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to I apologize" Deku looked down thinking he made them mad or disgusted but they just looked at him and smiled
"I thought it was cute Midoriya" Todoroki scratched behind Deku's ear which made himĀ  let out a small meow in response
Bakugo thought that was the cutest thing ever and blushed
"A-Are you ok Kacchan" Deku tilted his head and started purring due to todoroki petting his ears again
"Yes I'm ok shitty Deku" Bakugo pet the top of Deku's head and he leaned into the touch
Todoroki smiled slightly and scratched the back of his ear again slightly stroking his tail which earned them small mewls and meows
"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen" Bakugo whispered to Todoroki
"Don't tell anyone I said that to you fucking Icyhot bastard" Todoroki nodded and kept petting Deku's ears
Deku's purring got louder and he leaned into the touch more, he loved them petting him he felt so comfortable with them and they were being so careful and kind with him
Todoroki picked up Deku and set him in his lap making Deku turn red
"W-What was that for Todoroki-kun" Todoroki pet his head and smiled
"I thought you would look cuter in my lap and I stand corrected" Deku blushed more at this statement and made both the males chuckle
"Hey Icyhot isn't lying your looking pretty cute nerd" Bakugo winked which sent chills down Deku's spine
Todoroki kissed Deku on the cheek and Deku purred, he was confused at what was going on but he wasn't uncomfortable
Bakugo gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled "Guess we're sharing him Bakugo?"
Bakugo smiled "It's up to the nerd, what do you say shitty Deku" Deku just nodded
"I love you both and I can't choose just either of you I mean I make Bakugo less angry, and for Todoroki I make him smile and laugh like no one else can, I guess you both are missing pieces in my puzzle" Deku smiled and looked at them both
Both of them blushed and Deku kissed them both on the cheek
"Will you both be my boyfriend?"
"YES" Deku giggled at their response

"WHAT THE FUCK" Bakugo and Todoroki blushed and looked away
"OMG MY SHIPS ARE SAILING" Mina and Uraraka pulled out their phones and took pictures
"Omg bro are you gay" Kirishima looked at Bakugo
"NO IM NOT AND EVEN IF I WAS IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH BEING GAY?" Bakugo growled and looked like he was about to kill someone
"No no there's nothing wrong we would accept you either way I just wanted to know" Kirishima pat his shoulder and tried calming him down
"Yeah bro we were just asking being gay is cool and we would support you" Kaminari gave Bakugo a thumbs up and smiled while Bakugo just grumbled in response

Todoroki pet Deku again and cuddled him while Bakugo just admired them both
Deku purred, he felt safe and happy knowing they were both his and he was theirs
"I'm sad that you'll be turning back in 24 hours but I mean I'll love you either way and your still cute" Deku giggled which made Todoroki's heart skip a beat
"Nerd stop being so goddamn fucking cute and come over here already" Deku wiggled out of Todoroki's touch and went over to Bakugo which gladly pulled him into his lap
Bakugo laid his head on his hair and played with his tail
"Kacchan?" Deku heard a grumble in response which means he wasn't asleep
"Can Todoroki-kun cuddle with us?" Kacchan nodded his head
"Your hair is so soft Deku" Todoroki made his way over and wrapped his arms around Deku embracing him with warmth from his two boyfriends
Deku giggled "I love you both"
"I love you too nerd, and you too Icyhot" Todoroki smiled
"I love you Midoriya, and you too Bakugo" Deku's ears perked up
"Call me Izuku, since were dating now I feel like it fits to call me Izuku" Todoroki nodded and looked over at Bakugo
"Call me fucking Katsuki or whatever" Bakugo laid his head back down on Deku's soft curly hair
"I guess you can both call be Shoto then" Deku smiled and closed his eyes
Todoroki smiled and he looked over at Bakugo which he just noticed was asleep holding Deku
He chuckled and laid down next to them
(Btw Bakugo and Deku are at the top right side of the bed and Bakugo has Deku in his lap with his head rested on his. Bakugo is leaning against the headboard for support and Deku is leaning into him while Todoroki is laying down on the left side of the bed)
"Goodnight you two, love you" Todoroki heard soft snoring coming from Deku next to them and he closed his eyes smiling

~The End~

The two boys were red and everyone else was screeching while the teachers were rubbing their heads

"Now now even if the boys are gay or bi or whatever they are we should not be acting like this" All Might tried to diffuse the situation and it wasn't really working
"All of you shut up please you are giving me my 50th headache today" Aizawa rubbed his head and Prez. mic rubbed his back trying to help
"Yeah you dipshits calm the fuck down it isn't even real" Bakugo growled and Todoroki coughed
"Bakugo is correct now can we calm down and watch the next one please" Todoroki ran his hands through his hair trying to get over what he just witnessed
"Ok we shall let's get ready guys" Mei was scrolling through multiverses while everyone else talked

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