The idea/plot for this chapter was suggested by Moonshade_Gothgirl
I do not view Momo as I'm writing her in this chapter.
Also before we continue, did I mention that I can make balls of light that I can make explode? Making a few of said light bombs, I threw them in his vague direction and let them explode. Taking those few seconds I start running again, and then run into a classmate of mine.
"Y/n? What's the rush?" Mina asked me.
"Todoroki went haywire, and is trying to re-kidnap me." I replied.
"Wait what? Take my cab, I've already payed for it." Mina says, pushing me to her cab.
"Come with me, I'm sure he'll kill you if you don't!" I exclaim.
"Ok ok, just get in!" Mina replied.
We both get in and the cab drives off.
"Where are we going tonight folks?" The driver asks.
"To Yaoyorozu Momo's house." Mina says.
"Why there?" I question.
"She's got high end security!" Mina exclaims.
The continuation~
After ten or so minutes we arrive at Momo's house and I get out of the taxi and thank Mina for the ride and gave her my half of the total cost of the payment. Walking up to the front door I pressed the doorbells button, hearing the doorbell chime.
"Whose there?" A males voice asked.
"I'm L/n Y/n, I'm a friend of Yaoyorozu Momo." I reply.
I hear the door click and a butler opens it. Welcoming me inside and giving me some indoor shoes, he guides me to Momo's room.
"Miss Yaoyorozu, a friend is here to see you."
"Thank you, Geogre, you're free to go."
Momo dismisses the butler, and invites me in.
"Y/n, it's been awhile, whats caused you to come visit me?" She asks.
"Well I'm sure you've seen the news, but Todoroki kidnapped me earlier this evening and now he's trying to kidnap me again."
I swear I saw Momo's eye twitch when I mentioned Todoroki and the whole kidnapping situation.
"That's awful, well wait here I'm going to go get you some tea to calm your nerves." Momo says, leaving the room promptly after.
{Momo's POV}
I leave my room, going to get some tea for my 'friend' to calm their nerves, little do they know there might be a little sedative in it. I plan on chaining them up, telling Todoroki, and then he'll pay attention to me! I don't know why he'd be so obsessed with Y/n anyway, they don't have anything worth obsessing over, they're not rich and they were born in a lower class. Putting the degrading thoughts aside, I make the tea and add a large amount of the sedative in it and mix it in. heading back to my room I start giggling and a maid sees me.
"what're you looking at? Get back to work." I tell the maid, who then quickly scurries off.
Getting back to my room, I notice Y/n was texting someone on their phone.
"Y/n, I'm back with your tea." I say in a friendly tone.
"Ah thank you, Momo." They reply, taking the tea.
They take a few big mouthfuls of the tea and then set it down, so we then chat for a couple of minutes and they pass out. Smiling at my handy work, I place them on my desk chair and make some chains and chain Y/n to the chair. After all that, I grab my phone and call Todoroki. It rings for a couple of seconds and then he picks up.
"Momo, I can't talk right now-."
"I have Y/n! I drugged them and tied them to my desk chair." I cut him off.
"You do? Well, I'm coming over to pick them up and be on my way."
"Why don't you stay for a while?" I suggest, hoping he agrees.
"Fine, but I'm only staying for an hour." He agrees.
"Ok, I'll see you then!" I respond, then hang up.
[when Todoroki got there.]
"Miss Yaoyorozu-"
"It's open, thank you George, you're dismissed." I call out.
A few seconds later, Todoroki walks in.
"Hey, Todoroki it's nice to-."
"Y/n, my my running didn't help your situation did it?" Todoroki asks Y/n.
"Shoto, It's nice to see you again." I say, pressing up against him, pushing my breasts against him as well.
"It's, Todoroki, to you and please refrain from pushing yourself against me like you are currently. I have no romantic attraction towards you." Todoroki tells me.
"Oh.. well, you might as well be on your way now then.. just let me make some fresh clothes for Y/n, and change them into the clothes I make, they have blood on theirs." I say, seething with anger.
Todoroki agrees, and leaves the room. Instead of making the clothes, I make a knife and hold it above Y/n's head, I slam it down, but I drive it into their leg. Which was enough to half wake them up.
"Scream and I'll make it a longer, more painful death." I threaten Y/n.
They nod and bite the inside of their cheek, suppressing their screams. As they continue to hold their breath and I drove the knife into their other leg, I pull it out and make various cuts along their legs, I go to start cutting their chest but a knock at the door disturbs me.
"Yaoyorozu, are you almost done?"
"Just a second!" I say, turning back to Y/n.
{Y/n's POV} [a few moments earlier]
I wake up to an agonising pain shooting through one of my legs, I half lazily open my eyes to see Momo holding a bloody knife.
"Scream and I'll make it a longer, more painful death." Momo threatens me.
Out of fear I bite the inside of my cheek and nod my head. Momo continues to wound me, until there was knock at the door.
"Yaoyorozu, are you almost done?" I hear Todoroki ask.
Momo answers him but I take my opportunity to save myself and yell for help.
"TODOROKI HELP ME! MOMO WENT CRAZY-" I manage to yell before Momo stabs my stomach.
A few moments later, the door was knock off of its hinges and Momo had been trapped in a block of ice. Getting light headed from blood loss I manage to ask Todoroki to get me to a hospital then passed out.
To be continued...
Part 3, coming within 4-5 days.
Well, part three will be the conclusion to this mini story. there'll be a large-ish timeskip towards the end of part three that jumps into the future. Until then though, I bid you farewell!
Edit: sorry for re-publishing this three times, the tag wasn't working.
Word count: 1144
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