I 've seen so many of these so now I'm having a crack at it!!
1. I like to imagine that because of Shoto's childhood, he'll have nightmares about the more traumatising moments of his childhood, and this is where you come in. So you and Shoto are hanging out in your dorm room you'd both been doing calming and relaxing things, until Shoto fell asleep. So you're just doing your own thing and you notice out of the corner of your eye the Shoto's squirming in his sleep, now you know tiny snippets about his up bringing so your assuming that he's having a nightmare. So a few minutes later he wakes up in a cold sweat, which leads you to ask. "Did you have a nightmare again?" To which he answers "yes." Knowing he doesn't like talking about his past, you don't push him to explain what happened in the nightmare. Instead you just gently pull him into your arms, and you rest his head against your chest. You're whispering sweet nothings into his ear and telling him you won't let his bastard of a father touch him again.
2. When you and Shoto started dating he was extremely nervous, almost so nervous to the point that you would stay at the dorms most of the time until he got more relaxed at the fact you were dating meaning you'd just cuddle and tell him he'll get used to dating soon. And when he does, oh boy do you get spoiled. From him getting you your favourite food, to him going on an all out shopping spree. (Paying for everything using Endeavour's credit card of course)
3. When Shoto wants attention, he'll act like a lost puppy. Never in in public, unless in he really wants your attention. So you're hanging in the common area talking to Sero or someone, and there's a moment where you'll be easily able to stand and then you're trying to maintain your balance so the both of you don't fall face first into the floor. His hugs from behind are one thing, like he'll cling on to you and when you finally admit defeat he'll let go so you can walk back to his or your room without a problem. After you're both behind closed doors, good luck getting away from him, trust me you're gonna need it.
4. You'll notice Shoto sometimes gets self conscious about his scar, and because you hate seeing your candy cane boyfriend feeling down you'll drag him away and the attack his face in kisses. While doing so you take the time to point out each and everything you love about him. He really appreciates this too.
Now onto the headcannons where he comforts you!
5. When someone insults you or you've had a bad day in general, get ready for blanket nests, endless junk food, loads of cuddles and heaps of kisses. Shoto will do everything in his power to not let you be frowning, he considers this paying you back for comforting him when he needs it.
6. When you both are hanging out and you're bored he'll just scoop you up and start random tickle wars, most of the time he always wins, there are sometimes you've gotten him but he considers this a battle to the death until he makes you laugh.
So in general, he's neatural and all but emotionless in public, but when you're tucked away from society he could be the biggest koala cuddler or the biggest goof.
All in all it sounds like a relation ship you'd get from someone else but Shoto just has to warm up to you, then you're good to go!
Now you're probably thinking, why'd he be a goofball? Well one, these are headcannons and two my logic apparently makes no sense. But screw it! Enjoy this overly trashy update!!
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