Chapter 45

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I speed down the street with Rome,Nico and Seb in the backseat, finally making to the random address our men texted us when I received the message 'Explosion come quick'.

I stop abruptly in the middle of the road, panic souring through me as I rush out the car and storm past the numerous firefighters over to a dazed looking Darcy.

She's sat on the pavement, her hair dirtied with ash as she's being comforted by a drunken looking man who seems to be leaning on her to keep himself up.

"Get the fuck off her!" Romeo roars once he reaches her, pulling him away.

I squat down in front of her and cup her face. "Are you okay?Are you hurt?" I ask frantically, assessing her for injuries. "Darcy?" Nico asks, leaning in once she didn't reply.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine,"  She replies, staring at the car. "It's j-just I was just in there," She mumbles.

"What?" I ask, confused as I can see her car perfectly intact further down the street. Why would she be in a car that's not hers and why would it explode?

"You were in that car?" Romeo asks, turning to look at the grey pieces of metal scattered across the street.

She swallows and nods her head, completely in shock. Nico and Seb help her to the car as me and Rome approach the drunken group of people huddled on the pavement. "What the fuck happened?" I ask Darcy's friend, the one I immediately remembered from the club.

She doesn't reply but the man next to her does, "We don't know, she had to get something from the car and then the next thing we know we hear a huge explosion," He frantically explains. "Yeah then we came running down and saw her sitting on the floor," The other man interjects.

"So that's your car?" Rome asks the blondish man. "No it's mine," The girl finally speaks up. "What did she need out of your car?" I question, the situation making no sense to me.

Before she can reply the car horn interrupts us, I turn around to see Nico leaning over the console and beckoning us to hurry up.

"Darcy's stuff is upstairs follow me," The man says, taking off across the street. I follow him as we enter his tiny apartment. He tries to make drunken small talk with me but I ignore him and grab her stuff before heading back to Rome who's talking to a firefighter on the street.

I interrupt and instruct Rome to drive Darcy's car home before heading back to mine and telling Seb to drive so I can sit in the back with Darcy.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask while rubbing her knee as Seb takes off down the road.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was just unexpected" She mumbles. 

"I like your costume Darc," Nico compliments from the front seat, changing the subject. I was so concerned about her safety that I didn't even notice her outfit. "Where were you planning to go in this?" I question, turning in my seat to get a better look at her.

She's wearing tight black shorts with black tights, paired with a black top and bunny ears. "Nowhere we were just taking pictures," She smiles sheepishly. 

"I'm going to need to see some of these pictures," I whisper in her ear, causing her to giggle.

I silently thank the universe for the fact that Lorenzo and the rest of the boys are on a non-contact mission and won't be back for another two days. I think if they hear about the explosion and saw Darcy's outfit all in one night they would all literally have a collective heart attack.

We pull up to the mansion and park up, Darcy's car is already in the garage meaning Rome is home. 

I enter first, distracting Rome in the kitchen as Darcy goes up to our bedroom. I know he was so scared about Darcy being hurt that he must of not noticed her costume too, which is good because I know he would have had an absolute fit.

I talk to him for five minutes, reassuring him that Darcy is fine before heading up to my room. Darcy's costume is scattered across the floor and I can make out the sound of the shower from behind the door.

I pick up her clothes, placing them in the laundry basket before pulling out my phone and looking for any updates on the cause of the explosion.

I hear the bathroom door creak open, my eyes dart up and make contact with the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Darcy stands in the door way, her tan skin complimenting the navy lingerie set that's barely covering anything. 

She approaches me as I try and find words to describe how stunning she looks but I know it'll just come in a jumbled stutter of words.

She leans in and kisses me intensely, pushing me backwards onto the bed. I grasp her head as our tongues intertwine.

She's straddling my lap, rocking back and forth on my thigh. I groan as she rubs against me before trying to gently lay her down but she refuses, demanding to be in charge.

I don't complain, loving the more dominant side of her.

"Take it off," She demands, pulling at my clothes. Damn, when I read that pregnant women are more horny I didn't realise it was this bad.

I immediately oblige, taking off everything until I'm laying naked in front of her. She climbs off of me and places both her hands on each of my thighs.

"Wait you don't have to," I assure her when I realise what she's about to do, I don't want her to overexert herself. 

"I want to," She smiles up at me before tilting her head down and licking the tip.

I moan and grip the bedsheets as the pleasure builds up. Her head bops up and down as my legs slightly shake, just when I feel like I'm about to finish she pulls her mouth away.

"Ugh don't do this to me," I groan causing her to laugh at my pain. She straddles my lap again, grabbing my dick and lining up up. She slowly eases her way down my full length, gasping when every inch is finally in.

"Are you okay?" I ask while looking into her eyes, scared that this new position could be hurting her or the babies. "Yes, more than okay," She pants.

I have no time to reply before she's bouncing up and down on me, her now enlarged tits falling out of her bra.

Our bodies melt into each other, becoming a sweaty moaning mess as she tightly grips onto my back, her long nails drawing blood. 

I gently hold her waist, stabilising her and assisting her in moving up and down. Her moans become more intensified as I feel us both finish. She tightens around me and collapses in exhaustion, releasing all over me.

We lay down and cuddle, breathing heavily as I'm still buried deep inside her. I pull out five minutes later once I see her eyes start to close.

"Come on you need to pee," I remind her. "Baby?" I ask when she doesn't reply. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom, placing her on the toilet while I run a bath.

Once the bath is filled I sprinkled some bath salts in the water and gently place her in, getting in behind her.

I brush her hair and massage her scalp with shampoo. "Feel good?" I ask her. "Mhmm," She mumbles incoherently, causing me to chuckle.

I climb out and wrap her in a towel before placing her on the bed. She wraps her naked body in our sheets and drifts off to sleep. I lean in and kiss her forehead before placing my hand on her stomach and kissing the bump.

I want nothing more in this world than to stay here with her but I've got to go find out who obviously made an attempt on her life.

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