Chapter 14

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We arrive at the mall and I'm surprised to see that it's completely empty. I look up at Romeo questionably. "We hired it out," he shrugged before returning his attention to his phone.

I've been here five minutes and I already miss Bear but Lorenzo promised to take good care of him. Arlo had explained on the way here that we'd go pick out the paint and my furniture first, that way his 'workers' could take it home and prepare my room while we continued shopping.

I want to question why they have enough money to rent out an entire mall or why they have people following them around everywhere, willing to do anything they say but I'm worried that I'll be stepping out of line.

After much consideration I pick out a very light, pastel purple for my room but it takes twenty minutes of coaching from Arlo and Dante for me to even begin picking out my furniture. I felt horrible about spending their money but they reassured me endlessly.

I picked out lots of different pieces and even a teddy bear from the movie 'Toy Story' according to Romeo but I've never seen it. A couple men came to take the furniture I picked out and Arlo promised that my room would be ready as soon as I got home. 

I'm not sure how they'll have time to paint and set up my furniture before we get back but Dante said 'they'll assemble the furniture like their lives depend on it' whatever that means.

After finishing my room shopping, Arlo suggested that we get lunch before shopping for clothes and other necessities. We sit down at any table we want since there's nobody here and Romeo hands me a menu. 

"What do you want Darc," Dante asks after listing the other's orders to the waiter. I point to the caesar salad, the only thing I've tried before. "And she'll have the beef burger, fries and a side salad," he said, completely ignoring me.

The food comes extremely quickly and Romeo starts stuffing it in his throat like it'll disappear. "Eat some more," Arlo says encouragingly, pointing to my plate with his fork. I'd only eaten half my salad, a couple fries and two bites out of my burger but I wasn't hungry. 

"We need to get some meat on them bones," Romeo says, patting my head like a dog. I frown.

I'm not that skinny.

I eat some more fries and take a bite out of my burger. "Good girl," Arlo says, smiling at me. "Now let's continue our shopping spree," he announces while standing up.

We spent another three hours shopping, I picked out enough clothes to last a lifetime. I still felt horrible about spending their money but I couldn't help myself from getting excited about being able to buy clothes and accessories in my style. 

Arlo took me into a shop to buy essentials like underwear while the rest waited outside. When we returned Dante was holding multiple bags from Apple and said that he bought me one of everything. 

Romeo offered to help me set up my first phone when I got home. I don't know what I'll use it for, I have no one to text.

We were getting ready to leave but Arlo and Romeo needed the bathroom so me and Alonzo are waiting for them while Dante walked to the car, answering a phone call. It's very awkward. 

I don't think he likes me very much, he hasn't said a single word to me since I've met him. He leans against a shop window, looking at his phone and completely ignoring my existence. Trying to distract myself, I turn around and look at the shop window that I was leaning on.

I spot this beautiful silver necklace with a heart on the end, it reminds me of the one Mrs Gail's late husband gave her which she wears religiously. I jump when I feel something brush against me, I turn around to see Alonzo staring at the same necklace. 

Before I can process what's happening he had already made his way into the shop. I wanted to tell him to just leave it but my mouth remained clamped shut. I look up at the shops name. 'Tiffany and Co' the sign reads.

I hope it's not an expensive shop.

Alonzo saunters back out moments later and wordlessly approaches me. He motions for me to spin around with his finger and places the necklace around my neck, securely clasping it shut. 

I hold the pendant in the palm of my hand and analyse it. This is the nicest thing I've ever owned.

I immediately spin around, wrapping my arms around him. He pats my back and I almost laugh at his awkwardness. "Oi, where's my hug!" Arlo calls out as he exits the bathroom. Overjoyed, I hug him too while he rocks me back and forth. 

I pull away to see both Arlo and Alonzo smiling, an odd occurrence. "Hurry up," Arlo shouts back into the bathroom. "Alright, alright," Romeo finally emerges, shaking his hands dry.

The ride back to the house is very entertaining. Dante tells me about this award show which  took place at Romeo's school a couple of weeks ago. When Romeo went to accept his award he gave his whole acceptance speech with his fly down.

Dante's laugh is contagious, causing me to snort. I immediately slam my hand over my mouth, mortified. The whole car erupts in laughter as we pull into the driveway. Still buzzing over the great day, we pile into the house.

We are immediately greeted by Lorenzo who looks like he's been waiting for us. "Have a good time?" he asks me. I nod my head vigorously, wishing I could speak to express how good it was.

He chuckles "Thats great bambi, well dinners ready at eight thirty so you have 2 hours to do whatever you'd like." I stand there puzzled for a second, unsure of what to do. "You can go sort your room if you'd like, it's already painted and set up all you need to do is unpack your shopping," he suggests.

I nod my head, agreeing that this is a good idea. "You need any help?" Romeo questions. I shake my head, already feeling bad about taking up so much of their day. They say bye to me as I ascend the stairs.

Walking through the hallway, a sudden serge of pain rocks my body. My stomach is in agony. 

I clutch the source of pain, realising that it's my surgery stitches. I hobble my way to the room with my name on it, preparing to collapse on my bed and leave the room sorting till tomorrow but when I enter four women in maids attire are unpacking the shopping and folding them neatly into the dresser and wardrobe.

I internally groan but straighten myself up, trying to convey that there's nothing wrong. I don't want to bother anyone with my problems.

Bear sits on my new bed, watching the maids curiously. Once he spots me his tail starts wagging frantically. I walk over to him and hug him, burying my head into his fur, trying to prevent tears from falling.

I spend the majority of my two free hours trying to distract myself from the pain by helping the maids unpack and by decorating my room to my liking. By the time we're done it's eight-seventeen, I have exactly thirteen minutes to relax. 

I lay on my bed, hoping to set up my new phone but the pain is so strong I can do nothing but lay still and look up at the ceiling. Another wave of intense pain hits me as I clutch my stomach, but I immediately retract my hand when I feel something wet.

Blood. A lot of it. 

My new sheets are covered in a puddle of blood. I frantically get up, falling back down to the floor. Dizzily I get up, swaying side to side and try to get to the bathroom. I make it there, leaving a trail of blood behind me and grab towels and cleaning supplies.

I can feel the panic coursing through me. My first day here and I mess up my perfect room. They're going to send me back or at very least punish me.

Determined to get this cleaned up before anyone sees, I use towel after towel trying to scrub my sheets but it does nothing, only leaving me with a pile of now bloodied towels.

I drop to my knees, now full on sobbing and hyperventilating because of the pain and stress as I try to wash up the blood on the floor. 

Bear, now whining nudges into me. I try to gently push him away because he was standing in blood but he doesn't budge.

The pain causes me to heave as I still desperately attempt to clean up. I don't even notice when Bear leaves the room, my vision too blurred and my head too foggy to even register what's happening anymore.

Any blood that I clean up is eventually replaced with more as my open wound remains untreated. Feeling too lightheaded, I give up cleaning and lean against my bed sobbing.

They're going to hate me after this.

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