Report US Section on the 1st of September

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Report on the 1st of September and the prospects of building a revolutionary front of workers and toilers against imperialists wars

General situation in regards to the American anti-war movement. 
The Wisconsin Unit was unable to participate in any Red Day events because there were none to speak of.first it must be noted Self-critically that more should have been done by the Wisconsin Unit to organize this year a Red Day celebration and there is no excuse for the lack of agitation surrounding Red Day on the part of the Wisconsin Unit this year. Truthfully speaking Red Day (Later Red Anti-War Day) has not been majorly celebrated since the 1930s in the United States. (as has been thoroughly noted by my research into the history of the MLWM in the US we never had a United Marxist-Leninist party in the 1960’s-1980’s I will expand on this more in writing when I have the time) In future years (hopefully 2024) it will be up to the American section to organize a Red Day event.
In Regards to the general state of the Anti-War movement in America it lags behind Western Europe in terms of its development. The proletariat is feeling the pressure of war funds the and question of why 80bn is sent to Ukraine when many Americans feel poverty knocking on their doors is a recurring one, the answer is of course that having Ukraine in our pocket is view by a faction (Democratic Party) of the bourgeoisie to be worth more than 80bn. However it must be said that this pressure has not yet manifested into a proletarian anti-war movement largely due to the influence of the Republican party who promise to cut expenditures to Ukraine (so they can hoard that wealth for themselves as they do not view a Ukrainian neo-colony is worth the cost at this time and instead seek to draw Russia itself into American influance) 

In regards to the petty bourgeoisie (speaking specifically of the Students and Intellectuals) this war has produced an odd outcome, while the historical (since the student uprisings of the 60s) position of the Student and Intellectual strata has been towards petty bourgeoisie “anti-war” pacifism (see the later stages of the anti-vietnam protests) in the case of Ukraine the capitalist class has successfully rallied this class to its side through the slogan of defending the national sovereignty of Ukraine (thus playing on the semi-democratic and semi-progressive sympathies held by much of this strata) in fact it must be said that in general much like after the Second World War the American borgouse are once again attempting to reinvent themselves as the “leaders of progress” 
Where the “””anti-war movement”” in America has manifested in physical protests and rallies it is often lead by open Russo-Fascists and degenerated revisionists of the antiquated Khrushchevite type and is not directed against imperialism but rather against specifically Western (American) Imperialist domination and therefore this movement can not be considered a genuine anti-war movement but rather a pro-war movement for eastern imperialism.
With all of this being said the task of the US section of the Comintern (SH) must be to build up the anti-war movement from the ground up, while this is an enormous task we firmly believe that if we advance this task on the firm grounds of Stalinism-Hoxhaism we while achieve success in mobilizing the anti-war movement and orienting it in the correct direction. The soil for such a movement is fertile; we must plant the seeds. 
Red World Front 

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