This year's Red May Day requires the closest union of all proletarians for a powerful demonstration against the ruling classes. And we women have a greater interest than ever in showing through our participation that we too, the most oppressed and exploited, now know how to take the road to world revolution.
Against imperialist war and world fascism!
This is one of our slogans for this red 1st May.
The bloody proxy wars are developing like wildfire into a new world war between the two powerful war camps of world imperialism. The imperialist warmongers and their governments in East and West were genocides and have remained genocides, as we must experience today. Didn't enough women and children fall victim in the last two world wars? Nothing has changed since then. Civilians, mostly women and children, are being brutally murdered in Gaza, Ukraine and many other countries. Millions who were able to flee are drowning in refugee misery, while the rich who instigate these predatory wars live contentedly from the luxury they finance from the exploitation of women slaves.
The entire right-wing fringe of society raises its head, brash and confident of victory. The fascists are inciting imperialist war: men as cannon fodder and women behind the cooker. World fascism first and foremost affects women and children, who have first been bombed out of their homeland, turned into refugees, and then all those who are not utilised in the production process are "re-integrated", i.e. deported again in order to leave them to ever greater misfortunes.
Today, we women are not only demonstrating against our double exploitation, but also with our male comrades-in-arms against wage slavery, wage theft and inflation. Women who are single parents suffer particularly from inflation. And we women are also affected by the workers who are thrown onto the streets. Women must stand united with men against this on the red 1st of May. Let us show that we will not be divided!
The parties and governments that pursue anti-women policies in all countries of the world, without exception, must be called to account. With tax burdens and many other burdens of crisis "management", the last is squeezed out of us. As a result, we women and our children are the ones most affected by poverty.
Instead of reducing working hours, they are being brutally extended. The eight-hour working day has been a central struggle goal for us women since the very first 1 May in history. It was only achieved in Lenin's and Stalin's Soviet Union and in Enver Hoxha's socialist Albania. We have been fighting for the 35-hour week for over 50 years and our next goal is now the 30-hour week. In the long term, we see this as the next step on the road to world communism, which is impossible to realise without us women. Until then, we still have great struggles ahead of us, because the capitalists have never given us anything and will not give us anything in the future either.
And in this struggle we women in all countries must march together under the red flag of the Communist Women's International (Stalinist-Hoxhaists).
Let us demonstrate on this red May Day together with our male colleagues for the world socialist revolution under the leadership of the Comintern (SH)!
Forward with the red women's world front!
Communist Women's International (Stalinist-Hoxhaists).
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