Saturday, 11:42 PM

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"Oh my god, what happened?" Sky asked as she rushed over to Ty. She wanted to run her fingers over the cuts to see how bad they were, but she knew how much it would hurt Ty. "How do you get yourself into these things?"

"It's frickin' dark in here," Was Ty's response. "Plus, this place is probably going to fall apart any minute."

"That's a happy thought." Payton said as he gazed up at the ceiling like he imagined it was about to fall down on them.

"Anyway," Claire cleared her throat. "His back is pretty cut up. I don't think he'll need to go to the hospital, but he definitely will need to rest. And get some bandages on that."

"Yeah, and Stephanie is hurt and still lost." Skylar mentioned with a sigh. It almost seemed like everything that could go wrong has. They have no gas, Stephanie was drunk and missing, and now Ty was on the ground bleeding. "I don't want to jinx it, but how could this get any worse?"

Just as she said that, they all hear a noise coming from the kitchen area of the house. It was a quick, loud Slam! kind of noise. Everyone turned to the door leading to kitchen and listened.

"That freak is back!" Ty whisper-shouted.

"You guys saw him too?" Payton asked and Claire nodded. Before anyone could react, someone stepped into the room. Someone they recognized.

"Steph!" Skylar screamed as she ran towards her. "Where have you been? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," She responded. "Guys, we've got to get out of here!"

"We can't, remember?" Ty said grimly. "We've got no fuel."

"Oh, I've got some." Stephanie held up a gas can.

"What? Where did you get that? We've looked everywhere." Payton asked her.

"It's a long story, one that we don't have time for. We have to leave, now!" Skylar's never seen Stephanie this serious. Except for maybe when she talks about her mother. That's a complicated subject for her and Sky knows that. Sometimes it seemed like everyone has crappy families except for her and Payton.

"Ty, are you going to be okay?" Steph asked as he tried to get up. He winced and Sky wrapped her arm around him to help him up.

"Yeah, I can walk. Let's just please get the hell out of here." Ty muttered, and everyone nodded along.

"We have to be gone by midnight, alright?" Steph called so everyone could hear her as they all started heading back to the Jeep.

"What if we run into that...thing again?" Payton asked with a visible shudder.

"Oh, he won't be a problem." Stephanie said confidently, leading everyone towards the Jeep.

"How do you know?" Claire asked her, but Steph just sighed.

"It's a long and strange story, I'd feel better telling you it when we're safely on the way home." She checked her phone that Payton had given back to her. "Dammit! It's 11:52. We need to get out of here."

Everyone picked up the pace then and were silent until they reached the Jeep. But Skylar found herself glancing behind her every couple of minutes. She didn't really know what she expected to see. A monster? A man? A horrible black mass with tentacles for arms? She just had no idea, since she had yet to see this creature in better detail like everyone else had.

They put Ty in the back seat and Payton, who was sitting next to him, had the wonderful job of pulling out as many of the splinters that he could. Poor Ty just sat there and clenched his teeth. He really wasn't have a fun day. Claire sat next to them and helped Payton out while Steph filled up the gas tank.

"Sky, let's bounce." She said as she jumped in the passenger seat. "This place is giving me major creeps." Skylar nodded and started it up. Everyone was relieved to see that the Jeep did indeed start up. There was always a tiny fear that the gas wouldn't work for whatever reason.

Sky glanced at the clock and saw that it was 11:56 PM. She looked at Stephanie and saw fear in her eyes. She knew the reason why they couldn't be here for midnight, but she still hadn't explained. Not that Skylar was arguing with her. She didn't want to stay here any longer than they had to. With that thought in mind, Skylar took off towards the road.

Everyone had their eyes pressed to the windows, looking around for anything. Anything that might indicate danger or where that thing was. Or maybe they just wanted to have one last look at the place, since none of them wanted to ever go back there.

That's when trouble arrived. A huge, suffocating black mass crashed through the walls of the building next to the Jeep. It was the creature, it must've been. But it had giant spikes sticking out of its shoulders and it grew twice its size.

This was the first time Skylar had seen it and she was terrified. Everything about this creature seemed unnatural and messed up. How could something like this even...exist? It just didn't make sense. Was it an animal? A human? Some sort of insect? Sky just had no idea.

But thankfully she was already moving the Jeep because she floored the gas and took off, hoping to outrun this monster. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be that easy.

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