Love triangle

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" Hey Hic." My best friend Merida calls after me. " Hey mer." I say. " Hiccup." My girlfriend Astrid says. " Oh hey Astrid." I say. I catch Astrid and Merida glaring at one another. " Well I gotta bounce girls." I say. " Ok. By hiccup." Merida says. " Bye Merida." I say smiling at her. I pull out my phone and text my best friends.

Me- guys meet at my place.
Jack- k bro.
Elsa- see YA there.
Punzie- be over in five
Eugene- k

I put my phone up and drive to my house. My dad was on a business trip, so he was away for a few days. My black lab toothless greets me with some kisses. " Gah. Come on toothless you know that doesn't wash out." I say brushing the spit off of my clothes. The doorbell rings. I open the door and let my friends in. " What's going on." Elsa asks petting toothless. " It's Merida and Astrid." I say flopping down on my sofa. " Oh no. What happened this time." Punzie says sitting with Eugene on the sofa along with Jack and Elsa. " Well we were hanging out in the hall and then I caught them glaring at each other. What do you think." I say. " You idiot. They both love you so they're competing for you. Trust me I know. Before I met elsa, girls would always compete for me." Jack says. " But I've never had girls compete for me. Can you guys keep a secret." I ask. They nod. " Well Astrid is a great girl. But to be quite honest. It's Merida I want to be with." I say. Elsa and Punzie jump on the sofa and squeal. " I told you Punzie I told you he wanted mer." Elsa says pointing to Punzie. " Ha. You owe me $20." She says. " Wait you bet on this." I say as Punzie hands elsa $20. " Yeah." Elsa says sitting beside Jack. " You guys wanna sleep over." I ask. " Sure let us text our parents." Elsa says pulling out her phone. The rest of the night is dedicated to truth or dare, movies and junk food. We walk upstairs and pass out. The next morning, we all get up and ride to school. Something is going on at the archery field. " Uh oh. That's Merida's territory." I say as we run to the crowd. We make our way to the front of the crowd. What I see breaks me in half. Merida and Astrid are fighting. " I told you to stay away from hiccup." Astrid says pinning Merida's arms to the ground. " Last time I checked your name wasn't on his forehead you blonde maniac." Merida says kicking Astrid off of her. " He's my boyfriend. He chose me." Astrid says punching Merida in the face. " And you think that didn't break me. I love hiccup with all my heart. And I know you only love him because he's rich. hiccup deserves so much better than you." Merida says whipping the blood from her nose. Astrid looks at Merida. " How did you find out about that." She says. " I have my ways." Merida says throwing a punch at Astrid. She hits Astrid in the face. astrid gets up and is about to throw a punch at Merida, but I stand in front of Merida and take the punch. I end up with a bloodied nose. " Hiccup." Astrid says. " How could you Astrid." I say whipping the blood from my nose. " Hiccup I can ex..." I cut her off. I stand up. " First you attack my best friend, then I find out you only love me because of my money. That's it. We're done Astrid." I say grabbing Merida's arm. Astrid tries to stop me by putting an arm on my shoulder. I brush her hand of my shoulder and glare at her. Me, her and the gang walk to our tree. Elsa hands me her handkerchief. I clean Merida's nose and then my own. I take Merida's hands in my own. " I'm sorry hiccup." Merida says. " Don't worry. I was planning on breaking up with her anyway." I say. " Why." Merida asks. I smile. " Well let's just say someone else has my heart. Maybe you know her." I say. " That depends on what she looks like." She says. " Hmm. She has wild red hair, the most magnificent blue eyes, and a smile that will melt a snowman." I say. " Ooh I know her." Merida says throwing her arms around my neck. I kiss her. She kisses back. It was the perfect kiss. " Will you be my girl." I say. " Of corse." She says kissing me once more. In the distance, I hear Astrid cursing and threatening revenge on Merida. Merida's eyes glint with fear. " As long as I'm here, she won't lay a hand on you." I say kissing her cheek. She smiles and the gives Astrid the finger. " That's my girl." I say. And with that, us and our friends drive to my house and hang out. forgetting about school and Astrid. I look at Merida and my friends and think to myself how lucky I actually am.

Dedicated to princess-Merida.

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