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" Come on elsa and Jack." I say getting slightly annoyed. " Cool it redhead. We have all day to play." Jack says walking over with elsa. He smiled as elsa took his hand. I roll my eyes and walk with hiccup to the entrance of the carnival. Hiccup and I get a " do everything" bracelet. Jack and Elsa get the same. " Ok. Meet back here at 7:00." Jack says pulling elsa to a booth. " What would you like to do first mer." Hiccup asks. " Hm. Roller Coaster." I suggest. He offers me his arm. " Shall we." He says. " Your so corny. But we shall." I say taking his arm. We walk arm in arm to the roller coaster. The coaster was fast and I loved it. Hiccup, not so much. He was pale when we got off of the coaster. " How about we get you some water." I say. He nods and walks to a nearby table. I walk to a stand and order a cup of water. I bring it to hiccup. He gladly took it and drank every bit. that's when I see it. Hanging from a hook in a stand. The biggest teddy bear ever. " Come on. I'm gonna win you that bear." Hiccup says pulling me to the booth. It was a clown squirter game. " Awesome I'm great at these games." Hiccup says. He hands the attendant some money and sits down. " Go." The booth attendant says. Hiccup shoots 6 balloons. " You get a large prize." He says. " I'd like that bear please." Hiccup says pointing to the bear. The attendant grabs the bear and hands it to Hiccup. " Thanks." Hiccup says. " Have a great day." The attendant says. Hiccup hands me the bear. " Milady." He says. I blush and take the bear. " Thanks." I say. " Anytime." He says. " I think I'll name him fluffy." I say. Hiccup chuckles. I see hiccup looking at a stuffed black dragon with green eyes. " I think it's time I repay the favor. Come on." I say. The booth was an archery game. Perfect. I hand the person some money. " Go." She says. I pop over 15 balloons. She ushers to the hundreds of prizes. " I'd like that dragon if you please." I say. She hands me the dragon. " Thanks." I say. She waves. I hand the dragon to hiccup. " I think I'll name him toothless." He says. " Cute." I say pinching his cheek. He blushes making me giggle. " What now." I ask. hiccup smirks. " How bout the Ferris wheel." He says. " YAYYY." I say as he pulls me to the ride. We get into the cart and sit our stuffed animals beside us. We put our hands on the bar. Our hands are side by side and very close together. We smile at each other and interlock our fingers together. I lay my head on his shoulder as the ride begins. He kisses my cheek. I sit up and look to him. The Ferris wheel stops leaving us at the top. " Merida. I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend." He says taking my hand once again. My heart skips a beat. The love of my life asked me out. " Yes." I say kissing him. He laughs through the kiss before kissing me back. The Ferris wheel moves us to the bottom. Hiccup and I get off the ride and look for Jack and Elsa. Hiccup takes my hand. We find elsa and Jack eating ice cream and holding hands across the table. " Hey Jelsa." I say. They turn around. " Hey guys." Elsa says. She notices that me and hiccup were holding hands. she gasps. " Jack Jack. Mericcup is on." She says with a squeal. " Took you long enough hiccup." Jack says with a smirk. We both blush. " Mericcup is on." We here someone say. We look behind us to see anna and Kristoff. Anna squeals and pulls Kristoff towards us. She hugs me and hiccup. The rest of the afternoon is spent at my house. We play truth or dare, eat chocolate and the couples make out. All in all, it was a pretty good day.

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