Part 75- it needs to be fixed

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"Mer did you call that woman to fix the pipes that keep breaking. It needs to be fixed." Addison's asked. The pipes had broken every night for a week now and the kitchen was flooded 24/7. "Yeah I'll do it." Meredith replied. She went to call the women straight away."

It was about 4:30 pm and there was a knock on the door. "Oh that's probably the lady." Meredith said. She opened the door and a lady with bleached short hair, a tank top and multiple earrings stood in the doorway. "Ffffffucking hell." Meredith said. "Ma'am." The women replied. "Are you alright." She asked.
"Yes um come in." Meredith said. She was flustered and very red in the face. She had a major crush on this women. "Um this is um. My wife. No my girlfriend. Um yeah so. Um. Oh the pipe. Is um through here." Meredith said. She was really messing this up. "Are you ok Mer. You seem a bit, I dunno, just a bit weird." Addison said.
"I'm fine." Meredith said.

Mer had placed herself on the sofa in the perfect position to watch the plumber work. Addison noticed this. "Hey Mer." She said.  "You like the view." She nodded over to the plumber and then got up and went upstairs. *shit* Meredith thought.

The plumber had left and it was about 10pm. Addison heard a dripping noise coming from the kitchen. When she got there she sat down in front of the pipe to look at it. And this exact moment he pipe burst and a mixture of water and plastic pipe flew at her. "Aaghagahgah" she screamed. After a while she got it under control. If she called Meredith down then she would call the plumber back and Addison didn't want that so she tried to fix the pipe herself. Needless to say it didn't work out well and working a few minuets the water was flying all around again.

After about 15 minutes of hopelessly trying to fix the pipe Addison called Meredith. "Woah Addie your hand." Meredith said. Addison looked down to see blood. She hadn't noticed before but when she was fixing the pipe the sharp bits of plastic must had cut her. "I'll call the plumber." Meredith said.
"Call a different one." Addie said. Meredith had a questioning look. "Well the last one can't have been good if she didn't actually fix the pipe." Addison said although this wasn't the real reason. Meredith was sceptical but she called a different plumber.

Once the plumber had arrived Meredith and Addison had to take a trip to the er. Addison's hand was more badly cut than they thought and she had nearly sliced the top of her thumb clean off. When they where in the patient room Meredith looked down at Addison. "You didn't ask for a different plumber because the other one didn't actually fix the pipe did you." Meredith said. Addison blushed a little. "No." She admitted. "But you had a crush on her and I didn't like it." She said.
"Exactly I had a small crush on her. But I have a massive crush on you. I'll always love you the most. You are my Addison I'd never love anyone else. I've had my two great loves in life and I'm super lucky. You my girlfriend and I love you so much." Meredith said. She would never usually say all of her feelings but she felt bad because Addison had hurt her hand because she was trying to keep the hot plumber away. "yeah I mean I guess I love you too." Addison replied. And then Meredith hit her on the arm playfully. They both burst out laughing.

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