Part 68- technology

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Meredith had been sat at her laptop for 3 hours now. It was a quite Saturday morning and Addison and Meredith where off work. Addison sat in the living room reading a book while Meredith sat in the kitchen on her laptop. She was finishing off some work. "Ahhh. This stupid computer." Meredith said. Addison looked up from her book to see a frustrated Meredith. "What up." She said as she walked over to her.
"Nothing. It just this stupid fucking computer doesn't understand anything." She hit the enter key on every syllable.
"Well what are you trying to do." Addison asked. Meredith didn't do well with change. She had recently bought a new laptop and since then she had been frustrated with it. Her old laptop was very old but at least she knew how it worked. Jo had tried to show her how to use it and Levi tried to help as well. But she just didn't get it.
"I just want to send an email to helm. She did her fist mini livers procedure solo today. I just wanted to congratulate her." Meredith said.

Addison started to press a few of the keys on the laptop and working a few seconds she had sent the email. The laptop made a binging noise to sue that the email had sent. "How the fuck." Meredith said.
"Well. It was really quite easy. You just had to press the button that said send." Addison said smugly and she walked back over to the couch to read her book.

Meredith's phone started to vibrate. It was helm. "Ummm. Dr. Grey I think you might have sent me the wrong thing. I'm not sure this email was meant for me." Helm said. Meredith was confused. She checked the email and she saw a dick pick. "Oh my god helm I'm so sorry. Just don't look at it I'm gonna try and delete it." Meredith hung up the phone. Addison's had heard the commotion and come over. She saw the duck pick in Meredith's laptop. She was confused. "Addie. I sent her a dick pick. I need you to delete it." Meredith said.
"Well I don't know how to do that. I just know how to send things I've Berber had to delete an email. Is there a button that says delete." She exclaimed.
"Well if there was a button that said delete I would have pressed it wouldn't I." Meredith said.
"Well I'm sorry I dunno. You didn't find the send button just keep looking. Wait a minute. I recognise that dick. Oh my god. Do not tell me that is Dereks dick."  Meredith looked up sheepishly. "Fuck." Addison whispered. "You need to call someone. Anyone. How about Levi. Do you know if he's working today."

Levi arrived at the house 20 minuets later. "Hey whats up. You said it was an emergency." Levi said.
"Schmitt. ya know how I'm your mentor and I've given you your whole career basically. Well I need a favour. And everything that happens in this room stays in this room ok." Meredith said.
"Dr. Grey. I'm gay. And ya know as a mento I think this is not something we should do together cos ya know—." 
"Oh shut up. I don't what to fuck you. I just need to you delete something for me. Now you can't laugh at it or comment on it in any way. Ok." Meredith said. She led him over to the lap top and sat him down at the table. Then she pulled up the email. Levi's eyes widened as he looked between the picture and Meredith. "Well can you delete it." Meredith said. Levi nodded then he clicked a few keys and the picture disappeared. "You sent that to helm." Levi said. "What did I say about this never leaving the room. We will never speak of this moment again. Do you understand." Levi nodded. Then he left.

"So did Levi do the thing." Addison asked.
"Yeah. He did it. But it was embarrassing. I'm just glad he didn't ask whose it was." Meredith said.
"Why did you have a picture of Derek on you lap top." Addison asked.
"I had the information transferred from my last one so I didn't loose any photos of the kids when they where younger. I guess it must have been transferred as well." Meredith said. Addison started to laugh. Then she started to cry with laughter. "Ohh oh. No don't I'm gonna pee. That's too funny." Addison said. Meredith was embarrassed and she took a big gulp of tequila.

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