Chapter 12

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Someone pleaseee leave feedback I need to know what are yalls thoughts abt this story. 


I stared at him through the one sided mirror, lost in my own head. The chatter of agents was just a distant murmur, a background noise that didn't quite overrun my thoughts. We all stood crowded in this small room. El Cazador sat there, seemingly calm, his demeanor unsettlingly composed for a man in his position.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself to face him again when suddenly, Ghost barged in. Before I could register what happened he grabbed my arm, his grip was firm, and he dragged me away with an urgency that took me by surprise. I resisted, trying to pull back.

"Ghost, what the fuck?" I half shouted, struggling to free myself from his grasp.

Ghost didn't waste any time. "Did you even plan on telling us?" he said angrily.

"What?" I said, lost and still in shock.

He looked around, checking if anybody is listening, "I've been going through the case files on El Cazador," he said, his voice low but intense. "And I found a file about your involvement in the undercover op. I saw the reports... he beat you, the kidnapping, and during one of the interviews he strangled you." 

My face lost color, I felt a chill run down my spine. The memories that haunted me, always lurking just beneath the surface, surged forward. The bruises, the fear, the helplessness, each moment of agony replayed in my mind.

"Ghost, that was a couple of years ago," I said, trying to steady my voice. "I'm fine. We need to know what he has to say, I already agreed to this."

He shook his head, his grip on my arm tightening slightly. "No, you're not. I can see it in your eyes. This isn't just another mission for you. It's personal."

Our faces were so close, I took a step back, forcing him to let go of my arm. "Maybe it is personal, but that doesn't change what I have to do. He requested to talk to me."

"There's no intel, he's trying to mess with your head. He's a manipulative bastard, and he knows how to push your buttons."

"Why the fuck are you angry about this?" I shot back, trying to avoid his statement.

Ghost's eyes narrowed, his frustration barely contained. "Because you're walking into a trap and you fucking know it. He's playing on your past, using it to get under your skin. All he wants is a way out. Even if he does have something, we can't afford to let your emotions cloud your judgment."

I crossed my arms, matching his intensity. "I'm not letting my emotions cloud anything. I know what I'm doing. We need the information he claims to have, and if talking to him is the way to get it, then so be it."

"You don't get it, do you? This isn't about the mission anymore. Remember what he's done to you, and I'm not about to let you walk back into that nightmare."

I stepped closer, refusing to back down. "And what choice do we have, Ghost? Just ignore him? Let him hold onto whatever intel he has because you're worried? We need that information, and you know it."

"Bloody hell you're not listening! He's dangerous. He'll twist your mind, make you doubt everything. You think you can handle it huh."

I shot back, my own anger flaring. "I've faced worse, I can handle this. You don't control me."

"It's not about controlling you. It's about knowing when to fight and when to step back. You think you're invincible, but you're not. None of us are. I'm trying to make sure you don't walk into a situation that's designed to exploit your weaknesses."

"I'm not saying I'm invincible," I retorted, "but I'm not going to let fear, or you dictate my actions. I'm doing this. End of discussion."

Ghost's eyes locked onto mine, his expression hardening. "I'm not trying to dominate your decisions. It's about understanding that sometimes, the smartest move is to abort and assess the situation. I'm trying to help you see that. I don't want to see you end up in a worse place because you're too determined to prove a point. There's a difference between bravery and recklessness."

"You think I don't know that?" I yelled, my voice echoing in the empty corridor. "Every day I walk this line, knowing one wrong move could be the end. But that's the job, Ghost. We take risks. We face danger. And sometimes, it's personal."

He took a step closer, hunched over, his face inches from mine. "This isn't just another risk. This is you walking back into the lion's den, alone. You think your tough act will hold up when he starts digging into your head?"

I could feel the tears welling up, but I blinked them away. "I'm not the same person I was then. I've learned, I've grown. I'm stronger now."

"Stronger doesn't mean invulnerable," he snapped. "It doesn't mean you're immune to his bullshit. You've got to be smart about this."

"I am being smart," I insisted. "I know what he's capable of. But I'm not going to let him win by running away. I'm facing him head on, and I'll get what we need."

Ghost's expression softened, but only slightly. "And what if he breaks you? What if he gets inside your head and you can't get him out?"

"Then I'll deal with it," I said,. "But I won't back down. Not now."

An agent walked out into the corridor where we were standing, looking around, he spots us and says. "Miss y/l, we need to start the interrogation," he said, his tone professional but impatient.

Before I could turn around Ghost shouts. "We'll come when we're ready."

The agent hesitated, clearly taken aback by Ghost's intensity, nodded quickly and retreated back into the room. Ghost turned his attention back to me, his expression still etched with concern. His eyes searched mine. "It's not just about facing him. It's about protecting yourself from the inside out. He'll exploit every crack in your armor if you let him. Theres no quarantee he even has anything, for all we know he can be just bored."

"And what if he does have something."

He sighed deeply. He stepped closer, towering over me as he took in a deep breath. He then gently but firmly grabbed my head with both hands, his fingers brushing trough my hair. His gaze was intense, trying to ground me. "Alright." he said. "Collect yourself." His hands slid down to my shoulders, and he gave a reassuring squeeze. "If anything, give us a signal and we'll get you out no questions asked. Don't go by their rules."

I nodded, confused by his sudden care but ready to face whatever El dipshit has planned.

With that, we walked back towards the interogation room, our resolve solidified. The agent glanced at us but said nothing, stepping aside to let us pass. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead.

As we reached the door to the interrogation room, Ghost gave me a final nod of encouragement. I opened the door and stepped inside.

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