The Real Thing

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Shia was jumping for joy. It was clear that she had some great news for Y/n.
"I-I did it! I got in!"
"Oh my gosh, that's great! See? You were literally crying yesterday and look at you! You did it!"
"Yes! Thanks, Y/n! Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."
"Yeah... I'm pretty nervous."
"We'll, if I got in, you most likely will then! You got this! Really, it's going to be fine!" Shia said while giving Y/n a big hug. Shia continued, "Now, go in! I'll talk to o you later! Let's meet outside the building and have lunch after this. Good luck!"
"Yes! See you later! Thank you!"

Y/n walks in and sees JYP and one other staff member in the room. She can't believe this is happening right now.

"Hello, Y/n! I remember you." JYP said.
She then bowed and said, "Yes, I'm Y/n! It's great to see you again."
"It's great to see you too! So, what are you going to be dancing for us today?" He asked.
"Wannabe by Itzy."
"Why did you choose that song and performance,
"Well, I think it's a mix of me and who I want to be. I-It's more my style of dancing but, also I wanted to incorporate why I wanted to live here in the first place. As you know, I am from Australia. I want to be putting myself in challenging positions and make a stronger version of myself. I just, want to be me

a-and give you authenticity." She said, trying not to tumble over her words.

Oh gosh, I hope that made sense to him. I hope I don't seem too nervous. Y/n thought.

"Wow. That's great. This must mean a lot to you."
"Yeah." She smiled.
"Okay, good luck!"

"Can you see her?" Minho asked.
"No, your big ass head is in the way!" Changbin said.
"Sorry that you're a shorty!" Hyunjin responded.
"Guys, be quiet! We aren't supposed to be here. We can't be caught." Chan said, trying to shush them.
They were all hiding in a closet next to the room. It had a mini window on the door and they all were trying to watch through it.
"We look like idiots." Felix started to chuckle.
"Yeah really, Chan you really make all of us do this for Y/n?" Hyunjin said.
Minho was then reminded that Y/n asked him out. It hurt him cause Chan is in love with her yet she's fancying over him.
Minho began to laugh so it seemed he wasn't all in his head with Felix, and Seungmin joined in too. They then were getting a little too out of hand to the point where Y/n, JYP and the staff member looked at the closet door because they heard a bang. They boys got so still and quiet that all you could hear was their breathing.
"Shush~!" Chan and Jisung said at the same time, after they looked away. They all tried their best to get comfortable yet be sure all of the members could see.
"C'mon Y/n, you can do this." Chan said.

"It's okay, Chan. She's deserves this. She's got this." Jeongin reassured.

Y/n got in her position and waited for a couple of seconds that felt like minutes for the music to start.

Don't overthink. You can't back down now. Just do it and be proud of yourself no matter what happens in the end.

She then heard the music and began to dance. All of a sudden she felt herself forget that she was in one of the biggest companies in the world and auditioning for a life changing opportunity. She always felt grateful for dancing. It got her to feel less stress although this is very important and nerve wracking.

She's almost done with the dance and she is at the part where the dance break begins. As she swayed her hips sharply back and forth, she pinned her eyes on JYP, giving him the look of confidence. He hopes that he feels her passion and power for dancing, but not too much to where it looks desperate.

I can't believe the song is almost over. This is so crazy. You're almost done, Y/n! Finish like your started, happy and passionate. She told herself in her head.

As she finished in her ending spot and pose, she began to hear clapping in front of her. JYP and the staff member both had smiles on their faces. She hopes that she gets the response that she wants.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n did so good! She's even better in person than in the videos!" Jeongin expressed while trying to stay quiet.
"Yeah, she's something else." Minho said.
"I'm so glad we told her about it auditions... well, Chan mostly." Jisung added.
"Yeah! She really has what it takes, I think!" Felix said.
"Guys, quiet. Let's hear what he thinks." Chan whispered.

"Well Y/n, usually I'd stop in between the audition and pass or decline the person in front of me auditioning..." JYP said. He worried Y/n cause she wasn't sure what he was going with bringing this up.
He continued, "...But, I just wanted to watch the whole thing because it was so fun and great!"
Y/n was beyond relieved. She put her hand on her chest and smiled so big that it hurt her face.
"Oh my gosh. T-Thank you so so much!" She bowed deeply.
"I see why Chan was so eager to tell me all about you." He chuckled.
"What?" Y/n said.

As soon as Chan heard that, his smile faded. Of course, the boys were teasing his ass but not too much cause they were trying to not make it obvious that they were in there.

Thank god we aren't out of here or else they would've teased me on that one. Either way, they should be thanking me. She's so special. Chan thought.

"Yeah, he has been talking about you ever since you got here. He's been telling me that I wouldn't regret meeting you and he was right. You passed!" JYP expressed.
Y/n put her hands over her face, covering her eyes because she began to cry a little bit.
"Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me. I'm so honored! I hope the rest of the day goes smoothly. Goodbye!" She bowed again and walked out.

Oh my god... I did it. I DID IT!

"Shia! Shia! Shia! We did it! We both are JYP dancers!" Y/n jumped to Shia.
Shia began to jump with her and then they hugged tightly. She said, "Congrats! I can't believe we both did it! I'm so happy! I still can't believe this!"

"Same! We are awesome!" Y/n cheered.
Shia chuckled and then suggested, "Now, let's go get ice cream to celebrate!"
"Yay! Yes!" Y/n chuckled back.

They then were walking around outside of the JYP building to find an ice cream shop around the area. As they were in line, they felt a tap on their shoulder. It was Chan with sunglasses, a mask, a hat, and a black coat on trying to I disguise himself.
"What are you-" Before Y/n could finish her sentence, Chan grabbed her wrist and pulled her to one of the benches right next to the street.
"Wait!" Shia followed.

This idiot. Y/n thought, annoyed.

After the three of them sat down, Y/n whispered, "What are you doing here? There's a bunch of people outside right now."
"I'm not an idiot." Chan replied.
"Oh, really?" Y/n said with sarcasm.
"Anyways, we all wanted to congratulate you so... is it okay if we join you guys too?"
Y/n immediately responded, "Chan, you can't-"
"Umm, duh! Where should we eat then?" Shia asked, before Y/n could finish her sentence.
"Are you sure? This was your plan. You really don't have to." Y/n reassured to Shia.
"It's okay! Why would it be a problem? They are your friends! That's what friends do."
Y/n felt bad because Chan kind of barged into Shia and her plans just now. Also, she knows Shia gets anxiety sometimes so she didn't want to overwhelm her with a lot of people hanging out together.
"Yeah, you're right." Y/n responded.
"Okay! I'm sorry for going about it like this but we couldn't wait! You guys did amazing! I can't for you guys to tell us all about! Anyways, I have all of the orders already." Chan said while passing the list to them. He then continued, "Just come to the same floor as last time. You know what I'm talking about, Y/n."
She did know what he was talking about. He was talking about the same room they all had ice cream when Y/n decided to audition.
"Sounds good!" Y/n said.

They then got back in line and ordered. As they were walking into the building with all of the ice cream she thought to herself, Let's hope that this time that we all have ice cream together that it will be normal. You know, Chan not bringing some of the members in the bathroom with him one at a time. I wonder what that was about.

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